After seeing Aburame Shiwei coming over, Hinata Satoru heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Might Dai and the others with a smile:"Senior Dai, since my teacher has agreed, then you can join my team."

Might Dai looked at Tanouchi Ryosuke hesitantly, who was about to cry but had no tears, wishing he could shove his head into his stomach.

Why are you looking at me? Go if they want you to go. If Aburame Shiwei misses me, she will find a chance to do me on the way, right?

Seeing that Tanouchi Ryosuke didn't object, Might Dai suddenly felt a lump in his throat, and tears welled up in his eyes in an instant. He couldn't help but step forward and hugged Hinata Satoru all of a sudden.

"Wuwuwu, thank you so much... My youthful blood is starting to burn again!"

Hinata Satoru subconsciously shrank back to prevent Might Guy from throwing his tears onto his clothes.

This scene was also seen by Hongdou and Uchiha Rin who were walking behind.

"Satoru...when did you become so loving?"

Uchiha Rin showed a complicated expression:"It seems that I have underestimated this guy. In addition to his huge appetite and laziness, this guy is also quite sunny."

His body was forcibly held by Might Dai's big hands, and Hinata Satoru felt that he was almost out of breath.

"Dai...Senior Dai, please be gentle."

""Oh, I'm so sorry, Wu."

Might Dai hurriedly let go of Hinata Wu and took a step back with an apologetic look on his face. Hinata

Wu breathed a sigh of relief and was about to speak when he saw Might Dai and Kai suddenly hugging each other, kneeling on the ground, and crying loudly.

"Kai, did you hear that? Someone actually took the initiative to invite us to join the team!"

"Yes, father, I am so touched!"

"This is youth! Kai, let the eternal fire of youth burn again!"

"Yes! Father!"


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Uchiha Rin helplessly covered his face with his hands and sighed,"I take back what I said just now. It won't be a problem if Wu lets these two freaks join the team."

"Probably not.……"Hongdou smiled awkwardly,"Although Kai's personality is a little strange, he is still very reliable at critical moments."

At this time, the leader of the caravan, Taro Iyama, stammered,"Um... can we set off now?"

In fact, he was already very impatient just now, but when he saw how Ryosuke treated the new Aburame Shiwei, he was suddenly shocked.

This ninja named Aburame Shiwei actually made Ryosuke respect him so much, and even a little afraid of him, so his strength and status must be very high, right?

He must not be offended!

So, he forced the entire caravan to watch the bloody performance of Dai and Kai.

""Yeah." Seeing everyone around him looking at him, Aburame Zhiwei nodded.


In the Fire Country Forest, a large caravan was traveling on a road opened in the forest.

Inside this caravan, two completely different situations suddenly appeared.

"Come, Master Zhiwei, this is a watermelon produced in the Land of Grass. It is very sweet. Please try it."

"Master Zhiwei, this is the specialty of the Iron Country, braised beef, it is very delicious"

"Master Zhiwei, this is……"

A group of people in the caravan surrounded Aburame Shiwei and offered her all kinds of delicacies. On the other side of the caravan, the situation was quite the opposite.

Taking a bite of the dry food in his hand, Jianren looked at the beautiful scene beside Aburame Shiwei and his eyes almost turned green.

"These bastards from the caravan were trying to please us in every way possible before that small team arrived, but now they've all run over!"

""Kento, keep your voice down." Ryosuke shuddered and immediately scolded in a low voice,"If Aburame Shiwei hears us, we're doomed." Hearing this, Kento shrank his neck and said,"Sir Ryosuke, is that Aburame Shiwei really that scary? You're also a jonin, how could you be so afraid of him?"

"It's not fear." Ryosuke looked around and whispered,"This is respect, respect for the strong. You are a Chunin and don't understand. Aburame Shiwei is very famous in the Jonin circle."

"It is said that he was in the Anbu before and carried out missions that were life-threatening. He earned the title of an almighty ninja and always acted alone. No ninja could survive in his hands."

"I really didn't expect him to lead the team, otherwise I would never have offended him. It would have been the most terrifying memory in my life if he had been thinking about me!"

After hearing Ryosuke's introduction to Aburame Shiwei, Kento shuddered and swallowed his saliva.

On the other side, Aburame Shiwei frowned impatiently and ignored the group of flattering caravan members around him.

"Siguoyi, no wonder even Ryosuke Jonin respects him so much, it seems that this kind of thing is not in the eyes of Master Zhiwei at all"

"That’s right, Lord Zhiwei is too aloof. Is this a common trait of strong people?"

"Master Zhiwei's lofty aura makes us admire him endlessly."


The caravan members immediately turned into flatterers, surrounding Aburame Shiwei and flattering her, almost making Hinata Satoru vomit.

Have you ever thought about the possibility that Shiwei teacher ignored you because he was socially anxious?

Hinata Satoru knew very well that the seemingly aloof and invincible Aburame Shiwei actually suffered from severe social anxiety and would get numb when there were too many people around.

He knew very well that the inner thoughts of Aburame Shiwei must be: Why are you all surrounding me? Do I have pockmarks on my face? Don’t look at me, don’t look at me...

I hate it, get out of here!

Hinata Satoru took a deep breath, and a gleam of brilliance burst out of his eyes.

So let me, a good student who respects teachers and elders, save the teacher from the sea of suffering!

If I don’t go to hell, who will?

Hinata Satoru instantly turned into a social awesome person, rushed forward, and snatched the watermelon handed over by the caravan members.

"Wow, is this the legendary giant watermelon produced in the Land of Grass? It really has a lot of water!"

"Hey, the specialty of the Iron Country, braised beef, is so fragrant. Is it okay for me to try it?"

"And this, take it!"

Caravan members:???

When they reacted, they looked at Hinata Satoru who was eating the watermelon crazily, and a trace of anger appeared on their faces, but Aburame Shiwei didn't say anything, so they didn't say anything.

"Hey, Rin, Red Bean, and Senior Dai, you guys should try some too. Eating more watermelon is a wonderful thing!"

Hinata Satoru's mouth was full of watermelon pulp, and he waved to the people behind him.

Uchiha Rin and Red Bean were stunned and opened their mouths wide.

"Wu... this is really unexpected"

"I hope those people in the caravan won't get angry. The mission has just begun. If we cause trouble, it will be troublesome." Uchiha Rin helplessly held his forehead.

Unlike Hongdou and Uchiha Rin, Might Dai and Kai were not shy at all. They immediately rushed to Hinata Satoru's side, holding a piece of watermelon and started to eat it.


"I am so touched that Wu actually shared such a precious delicacy with us. The fire of youth in my body is burning again!"

Throwing away the watermelon rind in their hands, Dai and Kai hugged each other and cried bitterly.

When the people in Liangjie's team saw this scene, their eyelids twitched and they felt that the dry food in their hands was no longer fragrant.

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