After yesterday's battle in the Nanhe River, Hinata Satoru had accumulated some metal ores.

Ideals are full, but reality is skinny.

Originally, he still had a glimmer of hope that he could pan for gold sand.

As a result, when he walked to the shore from the river with difficulty, his thighs and toes were densely covered with strange things.

There were rusty kunai and shurikens, tangled steel wires, shapeless pots and pans...

What he didn't expect was that there were even women's underwear? ? ?

Because of the metal steel ring, it stuck to his butt like a slug.

Which Uchiha's masterpiece is this?

The location where he panned for gold was in the lower reaches of the Nanhe River, and the middle and upper reaches were in the Uchiha clan. These strange things were undoubtedly from the Uchiha clan.

However, in addition to these things, Hinata Satoru also obtained some fairly pure metal ores.

Some materials seemed to be quite good.

After accumulating some, he planned to go to the ninja tool shop in the village to inquire about the recycling price.

As far as he knew, the daily metal consumption of ninja tool shops was quite high. If there was a ninja tool shop willing to recycle it, even at a low price, it would at least be a source of income for him.

His next training plan.

It would be quite expensive!

After a tour of Konoha Village, Hinata Satoru locked onto a ninja tool shop.

Unlike other ninja tool shops, this shop had a metal smelting furnace next to it, indicating that this shop had a high possibility of recycling metal ore.

The owner was a middle-aged man with his shoulders exposed and a lot of muscles.

Hinata Satoru took a breath and went up to him with gritted teeth.

"Hello, I have some metal ores, I wonder if you guys will accept them?"

Hinata Satoru handed the metal ores in his bag to the man.

The man frowned slightly, and instinctively wanted to send Hinata Satoru away, but when he saw the back shell of the ore in the bag, he was slightly stunned, and took it and observed it carefully. The smallest metal ore in the bag was only the size of a fingernail, and the largest was the size of a fist, reflecting a slight luster. Hinata

Satoru waited for the man's response nervously.

He didn't know the value of these ores, but since they could be easily attracted by his electromagnetic force, the purity seemed to be very high, and the ninja tool shop might not refuse to recycle them.

Sure enough, after a careful inspection, the man nodded and said,

"These ores are of high purity and relatively easy to refine. If there is a large quantity, I can accept some."

Hinata Satoru breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did you get these ores?"

The man stared at him suspiciously.

"I picked it up by the river. I usually collect some stones by the river. I have accumulated some over time."

Hinata Satoru answered calmly.

He had prepared the words long ago.

"I see!"

The man nodded.

Although he was not a ninja, he still recognized Hinata Satoru's Byakugan.

Is he from the Hyuga clan?

Although he looked very young, he was a wealthy family after all. Maybe his parents were also powerful ninjas.

Although the amount of these ores was small, the purity was good. It would be no problem to recycle them for the sake of face.

Of course, he would never have thought that Hinata Satoru was an orphan whose parents had both died.

"I'll give you 300 taels for these ores! If you pick up more ores later, you can also come and recycle them."

""Thank you, uncle!"

Hinata Satoru replied with a smile.

300 taels is not low, after all, his monthly living expenses are only 1,500 taels.

Rounding it off, the monthly income is over 10,000 taels!

Can you imagine!

He is less than 7 years old


It was still the same big river.

Hinata Satoru rolled up his trouser legs to the bottom, and was earnestly fishing for ore.

There were two piles of things on the shore, one was ore, and the other was also ore.

The only difference was that the smaller pile was the ore that Hinata Satoru had carefully selected and had recycling value.

The larger pile was full of strange things, rusty pots and pans, iron wires and the like. Even if there were ore, they were waste that the ninja tool shop would not accept.

On the fire next to it, the metal skewers with grilled fish were turning by themselves, and the tempting aroma kept emanating.

"Let's eat!"

After collecting this piece of river area,

Hinata Satoru stretched his body, walked to the grilled fish and ate it happily.

When you are working as a laborer, put an end to 996!

"It's time to develop new abilities!"

After eating and drinking, Hinata Satoru pondered.

He took out a coin from his pocket and threw it high up.

As the coin fell, the world around him seemed to go into slow motion.

Hinata Satoru's fingertips flashed with electric light, and he lightly bent his fingers and flicked them.


The coin burst with an arc of electricity and instantly hit a fish swimming in the river.

The water splashed, and the fish floated to the surface with its belly turned upside down.

Misaka Mikoto's famous skill: the Railgun!

If you don't COS Misaka Mikoto's skills after awakening the electromagnetic force, you will be sorry for the two-dimensional drama you watched in your previous life.

But as it stands now, the LV1 Railgun... can only be used to catch fish.

Hinata Satoru sighed.

He didn't know whether his level of electromagnetic force was the same as Misaka Mikoto's level of electromagnetic force in Academy City. Same.

But LV1 wants to develop a super-electromagnetic gun. It's not that it's impossible, but the power is quite touching.

These days, Hinata Satoru has been thinking about how to develop an electromagnetic gun.

His current Byakugan has a range of one kilometer, and creatures within one kilometer basically cannot escape his insight.

If it is combined with an electromagnetic gun for long-range attack...

My lord, times have changed? ? ?

It can't be done with bare hands, only with the help of tools.

He first conceived a gun-like weapon, using high-precision iron pipes and bullets to form a weapon similar to the electromagnetic sniper rifle in his previous life.

But soon, he gave up this idea.

First, in order to make such a high-precision weapon, ordinary ninja tool shops are simply not capable of doing it. Even if they can, the price is not something he can afford now.

Second, out of Considering the power, it is probably not realistic to achieve his ideal power with the electromagnetic force strength of LV1.

When his electromagnetic force level is improved, this method may be the optimal solution.

His second idea is a weapon similar to a crossbow.

The narrow metal track in the middle is used to apply electromagnetic propulsion, and the special metal crossbow arrows fired are long and flat in shape, which can maximize the acceleration of the magnetic field.

In addition, the elastic potential energy of the bow itself can also be superimposed with the electromagnetic energy to achieve maximum lethality!

Hinata Satoru's eyes lit up.

For his current level of electromagnetic force, the second method is undoubtedly the optimal solution. The first method will be used when the electromagnetic force level is improved in the future.

The second method can be used now!

Now that we have long-range attack methods, we can also use short-range attack methods. We need to develop it. Soft fist is the most famous attacking method of Hyuga.

Hyuga Satoru said that even dogs wouldn't learn it!

He came to a big tree with a thick embrace, lowered his center of gravity, and took a soft fist stance.

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath, his eyes were bright, and on the palm of his right hand, a light blue light film gradually lit up.

When it accumulates to a certain level.


Hyuga Satoru suddenly hit out!

There was only a dull bang, and the trunk of the big tree with a thick embrace, the light blue light film burst out along the palm, and the bark splashed.

The leaves of the big tree behind, in the rapidly spreading blue light film, the branches shook, and the leaves were scattered all over the ground.

If the Hyuga clan leader was here, his eyelids would definitely jump and he would exclaim: Is this a fucking soft fist?

Hyuga Satoru looked at his palm, the red palm was trembling slightly

"Just as I expected, when the magnetic flux is compressed to a certain degree and then exploded, this high-intensity electromagnetic pulse will be formed."

Electromagnetic pulse weapon!

That is EMP, which has appeared in many science fiction movies, and the principle is not complicated.

It uses a fast-spreading strong alternating magnetic field to hit the nitrogen in the air, splitting the oxygen atoms into ions, and then using the principle of electromagnetic induction to instantly generate high-voltage current in the circuit, instantly breaking through the circuit.

The palm that Hinata Satoru hit was wrapped in a strong high-voltage current and had a very strong repulsive force.

This is also the reason why the leaves behind fell to the ground.

"Let's call this move the Magnetic Palm! It's pretty powerful. If I have enough chakra, I can turn every one of the 64 soft fists into a Magnetic Palm!……"

Hinata Satoru frowned slightly, looking at his slightly trembling palms

"The force is mutual. This move requires a high level of physical strength. With my current physical fitness, I am afraid I can't even complete the eighteen palms, let alone the sixty-four palms."

"It seems that I need to improve my physical fitness. In addition to fishing and mining, I can also use the prisoner fitness training in my previous life."

He was a social animal in his previous life and had no time to exercise, so he bought a set of prisoner fitness books and accumulated a lot of theoretical knowledge.

After thinking about the direction, Hinata Satoru stretched and felt very refreshed.

"That's a happy decision. I'll mine and save money to develop the electromagnetic cannon, and I'll do some prisoner fitness to practice the magnetic palm!"

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