The hilly area next to the Rain Country.

The terrain here is flat and the air is humid. The highest point is only a hundred meters away from the lowest point.

Standing on a high place and looking out.

You can see countless ninjas running from two directions all over the mountains. One side is wearing a green ninja uniform with a red spiral pattern on the back.

The other side is wrapped in a white headscarf to block the wind and sand, wearing a yellow-brown uniform. The ninja rushing in the front is holding a huge fan in his hand.

It's like two torrents of different colors are sweeping towards each other.

Orochimaru stood on a hill, overlooking the entire battlefield and taking in all the views.

"Lord Orochimaru, the other side leads the ninjas as the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, assisting Chiyo."

"More than 3,000 ninjas are dispatched..."

The perception ninja with his eyes closed spoke boldly and passed on the information.

Orochimaru's eyes flashed.

The Fourth Kazekage!

The Kage assists Chiyo!

Almost all of the top combat forces of Sand Village appeared on the front battlefield. Except for the Jinchūriki, almost all of them have been used.

After knowing the threat of Hinata Satoru's bow and arrow ninjutsu, don't you plan to delay any longer?

Orochimaru smiled slightly.

Such a large-scale ninja dispatch could not be concealed at all, and he had no intention of using sneak attacks.

He took a deep breath, stood on the top of the hill, and roared hoarsely.

"Begin the war!"

The voice seemed to splash waves in the air and quickly spread throughout the battlefield. The blood of the Konoha ninjas instantly swelled and roared hoarsely.

The roars gathered, like countless ferocious beasts, echoing on the hills.

Luo Sha took a deep breath when he saw this scene.

No matter what, the momentum cannot be lost.

He shouted in a deep voice.

"Begin the war!"

The Sand Ninja troops seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and they also roared.

Two different colors of torrents gathered like this.

"Fire escape! Dragon Fire Technique!"

The Konoha ninjas at the front line suddenly lined up in a queue, quickly forming seals with their hands, and the fire attribute chakra surged.

Countless red fire snakes spewed out of their mouths, gathered together, and suddenly turned into a huge wall of fire, rushing towards the Sand Ninja troops.

The Sand Ninja side.

It seemed that they were well prepared.

The Sand Ninjas holding giant fans at the front almost flapped them at the same time and spoke boldly.

"Wind Style! Wind Killing Formation!"

Countless sharp wind blades swept out from their fan blades, gathered together, and formed a huge wind blade formation.

They met the fire wall in a mighty manner.


This scorching battle between wind and fire ended in a mutual destruction.

The fire wall and the wind formation were torn apart almost at the same time, turning into countless scattered flames, landing on the entire battlefield.

Seeing that the wind killing formation blocked the fire style attack of Konoha, Luo Sha breathed a sigh of relief.

Fire style restrains wind style.

Every time wind style is used to resist fire style, more ninjas than Konoha are required.

Fortunately, he made preparations in advance and placed the battlefield near the Rain Country, where the air is humid, which can weaken part of the power of fire style, making this advantage no longer obvious.

Facing the flames falling like meteors, the two torrents roared and collided heavily.


A Konoha ninja held a kunai and fought against the Sand Ninja anxiously, accompanied by the sound of metal contact and sparks flying.

He kicked the Sand Ninja away with one foot, and quickly threw out a kunai with the other hand and nailed it on his throat.

Before he began to be proud, his body shook suddenly, and a puppet pierced his chest with the tip of a knife from behind...

Hinata Satoru wandered in the middle of the battlefield, as if it was a no-man's land. Wherever he went, no one could get close to him.

The kunai that occasionally shot at him unexpectedly turned a corner and just shot at the unlucky Sand Ninja who was fighting next to him.

When two sides go to war, it is usually soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and kings against kings.

However, Hinata Satoru was free and started killing the soldiers.

But the killing power was extremely terrifying!

Hinata Satoru curled his lips helplessly.

At present, the top combat power of the Sand Ninja side has been dragged down, so he only needs to exert his suppression power against regular ninjas.

As long as he can kill more Sand Ninja, Konoha's chances of winning will be greater.

In addition, he secretly glanced at Uchiha Rin who was fighting not far away.

Although he had advised Rin in advance not to participate in the frontal battlefield, the other party did not listen at all, and instead felt impatient.

Helplessly, Hinata Satoru did not dare to go too far.

The battlefield is so cruel, what if a kunai flies over and hits the flowers and plants!

So I had to trouble the Sand Ninja brothers around me, please use your body to catch it, and contribute your own efforts to the thriving growth of the flowers of the motherland.

"This kid is weird!"

A Sand Ninja Jonin found Hinata Satoru and showed a solemn look on his face.

Although the Sand Village is a big magnet, and the leaders of these years are all magnets, their magnetism is aimed at sand iron or gold, and it is impossible to let the kunai rotate and jump so casually.

So he guessed that Hinata Satoru used a special secret technique.

After hesitating for a while, he did not choose to throw the kunai in his hand, but quietly went around to the back of Hinata Satoru, preparing to sneak attack after getting close.

Just when he walked to a distance of more than ten meters from Hinata Satoru, the tightly held kunai suddenly slipped out of his hand and directly inserted into his throat.

Gurgle Gurgle...

Blood-colored foam continued to emerge from his mouth, and there was a trace of shock and disbelief in his eyes.

He seemed to have discovered something, and he opened his mouth desperately, trying to pass on the information vaguely.

"It's magnetism..."

However, the kunai on his throat suddenly turned in a circle, his body twitched, and he fell straight back.

"You want to sneak attack me?"

Hinata Satoru curled his lips in disdain.

His white eyes had already been opened, and any movement around him could not be hidden from his observation.

As long as he wanted, he could use magnetic fluid to pinch dozens of flying swords at any time, cosplay Li Xiaoyao, and play a sword-riding killing.

However, that would inevitably attract the attention of several shadow-level strongmen in the Sand Village camp. At that time, it would not be so easy to sneak and bully the weak.

So now, it is better to use kunai and shuriken as low-profile flying swords, at least not to attract attention.

In this way, the Konoha ninjas who were fighting fiercely around suddenly made a strange discovery.

As they were fighting, the Sand Ninja suddenly disappeared.

Sometimes they were still fighting with the Sand Ninja one second, and the next second the opponent was lying down, with dense kunai and shuriken stuck in his back.

The Konoha ninja took a breath of cold air.

So terrifying!

What a strange ability!

Can you imagine it?

Eating a soldier pill and singing a song, and suddenly the head was gone.

Unlike the shock and confusion of the Sand Ninja, the Konoha ninja knew the information about Hinata Gosou's blood, and also knew that his magnetic escape could easily control shuriken and kunai.

But they never thought...

It would be so terrifying!

War weapons!

He could only recite this in his heart.

In the distance, Uchiha Rin glanced at the seemingly leisurely figure with a hint of helplessness.

She had long discovered that the Sand Ninjas rushing around were not very strong, just enough to warm her body up without too much pressure.

Once a powerful Sand Ninja approaches, he will suddenly fall down for no apparent reason, with a kunai stuck in the back of his head.

"You are really nosy."

She pouted proudly.

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