"Uncle, how much is this pile of ore for recycling?"

In front of the ninja tool shop, Hinata Satoru pointed at the ore in his sack.

"The goods this time are of good quality and in large quantity. I can give you 5,000 taels."

After checking it once, the man reported a number that made Hinata Satoru's heart beat.

5,000 taels!

This price is definitely not low. He is getting closer to being able to customize the electromagnetic cannon!

Because of the experience last night, Hinata Satoru decided to sell the stockpiled ore first and stabilize it for the next few days.

He didn't know how Uchiha Rin would view what happened last night.

Low EQ statement: He ran to the vicinity of the Uchiha clan's territory last night and beat them up.

High EQ statement: At sunset, on the beautiful banks of the Nanhe River, he had an elegant and polite competition with Uchiha Rin.

Although the final result was that the other person became a drowned chicken!

As for the worst result, Hinata Satoru has also considered it.

It's nothing more than that he came to school the next day, and the class was full of stories about him and Uchiha Rin fighting for three hundred rounds next to the grove. Hinata

Satoru's eyes flickered.

It is obviously unrealistic to keep the ability of electromagnetic force hidden. He must be prepared to deal with it in advance, especially to deal with the main family

""Little boy, what are you thinking about?"

The man from the ninja tool shop handed Hinata Satoru a stack of banknotes, and when he saw Hinata Satoru in deep thought, he smiled and asked:

"I think the uncle is a really good person. I have asked in other places, and they only give me 4,000 taels at most."

Hinata Satoru raised his head, and his pair of pure white eyes showed an innocent smile.


The man scratched his head.

"How about you work with me as a blacksmith in the future? I think you are quite talented, I will pay you a salary!"

A line of black lines appeared on Hinata Satoru's forehead.

""Hahaha... Just a joke! Just a joke!"

The man laughed awkwardly.


How could I say such a stupid thing?

With eyes like this, it can be seen that she is a member of that wealthy family. With such a noble status, how could she work for him just because she is short of money?

Even if it is mining.

It should be because she wants to train herself, right?


Hinata Satoru arrived at the class, but the discussion he expected did not happen.

The class was strangely quiet, everyone was doing their own things, no one noticed him.

He looked at Uchiha Rin's seat, but the other party did not seem to have any intention of looking for him, and buried his head as if preparing something.

Hinata Satoru breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in his seat.

"Wu, why do you look so depressed again?

Hongdou blinked at him.

"Because I practice diligently every night."


Hongdou looked at him with a lewd expression.

Hinata Satoru was too lazy to pay attention to her. What he had to consider now was to give a perfect explanation for his ability.

"Oh, Wu! Are you ready for the actual combat test later?" Hongdou suddenly asked

"Practical test?" Hinata Satoru looked at her in astonishment.

"No way! The first semester is almost over, don’t you know that?"

Hongdou looked at him in shock, her mouth wide open enough to fit an orange.

Oh my god!

My last-place classmate slept for the entire semester and didn’t even know that the final exam was coming???

"If you hadn't told me, I really wouldn't have known that it's already the time for the final exams? I guess I can't slack off like this anymore."

Hinata Satoru suddenly realized.

No wonder the class was unexpectedly quiet when he came in today?

It turned out that the final exams were coming up and everyone was cramming!

"You still know you are slacking off?"Hongdou rolled his eyes at him.

This slacking off is not the same as that slacking off.

But Hinata Satoru was too lazy to explain.

Hongdou sighed and kept talking about something.

"You're probably going to be very embarrassed now. Many people hope that bad luck will come to you, a member of the Hyuga clan!"

"Do you know that many people in the class are laughing at you for being lazy, sleeping in class every day, and being the last one like Obito?……"

Red Bean kept complaining.

Hinata Satoru was silent, his eyes flickered, and I don't know what he was thinking...

Soon, the head teacher Fujino Daikichi came to the class. After explaining the relevant matters, he organized the students to go to the playground to start the practical assessment.

He proudly scanned the students on the playground, as if he was looking at a crop of green leeks.

Under his teaching, many students have made great progress, and they all have a bright future!

But when his eyes swept over two people, his face became weird and helpless.

One is Uchiha Obito. This guy is definitely a weirdo of Uchiha. Fortunately, there is Uchiha Rin in the class to save his face, otherwise I am afraid that the students' impression of Uchiha will change.

Another one is Hinata Satoru...

Although Obito is a little stupid, at least he is not lazy, but he is very energetic in class!

But Hinata Satoru... is too lazy!

He sleeps in class and pees after class!

He will slack off all day long!

I have never seen him listen to the class seriously!

Look at Hyuga Iroha, they are both Hyuga, why is there such a big difference?

No Daikichi was in a headache, there were so many weirdos in this family?

An Uchiha? A Hyuga?

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