Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 963 Verification clues

Li Cha and Brando waited for about an hour, and when they saw Anne walking out of the manor, it was already completely dark.

Anne walked out of the manor, holding a food box in her hand, without any expression on her face, stepped on the wooden bench that the groom put on the ground, and got into the carriage.

Li Cha, who had been waiting in the carriage for a long time, reached out and tried to pick up the food box in Annie's hand, so as to reduce Annie's burden. But Annie didn't appreciate it, she lifted the food box up, avoiding Li Cha's hand, and went straight into the carriage.

Li Cha's hand stopped in mid-air, and he slowly retracted it. Glancing at the food box that Annie was carrying, he found that the swing was a bit beyond his expectation—this meant that the food box was much lighter than before, and it was almost empty. In addition, he also heard a faint rolling sound of something in the food box, like a cylinder, which reminded him of a scroll.

He didn't say anything, and returned to the car silently, and sat down with Brando. At this moment, Annie gave an order to the groom: "Go home."

"Yes, miss." The groom responded, picked up the wooden bench on the ground, jumped into the carriage, pulled the reins and steered the carriage towards the city.


The carriage was moving forward on the undulating road, Brando rolled his eyes, trying to find a topic to improve Annie's favorability: "Well, Miss Anne, what did you do before, may I know?"

As a result, Annie answered coldly: "No, shut up!"

"Me." Brando's expression was dull, he didn't expect to get a bad start, he was quite shocked, he lowered his head and closed his mouth like a defeated rooster.

Li Cha looked at it, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he thought about it:

From Anne's performance, it can be seen that she attaches great importance to what she does in the manor, and she also pays great attention to confidentiality. Therefore, he and Brando will not be allowed to follow, will not explain the reason, and will not describe the content.

So what happened in the manor?

Annie went in with the food box. When she returned, the food box became lighter. No accident, she gave the food inside to someone.

To put it simply, what Annie came to the manor to do was to deliver food to someone.

Who could this person be?

According to the information provided by the black-faced old man Oscar and his intelligence agency, Annie, as the eldest daughter of the younger generation of the Pangbo family, has a strong talent for wizards, and has a high status in the Pangbo family.

The person who can let Annie deliver the food in person is definitely a person with higher status, and must be respected by Annie.

Such a person, at least Anne's parents are not suitable - due to childhood reasons, Anne's relationship with her parents is extremely bad.

Then push up, it is the generation of Annie's grandfather and great-grandfather.

This made him couldn't help but think of a person, a person who had a great influence on the Pangbo family and made the Pangbo family truly become the overlord of St. Louis City—the younger brother of the eighth generation head of the Pangbo family—Alan Pangpo .

The other party became a third-level wizard fifty years ago, helped the Pangbo family eliminate many powerful enemies, and then disappeared twenty years ago. It is rumored that he is trying to break into the realm of a fourth-level wizard, and his success or failure is unknown.

Could it be that the person Anne personally delivered the food to was Aaron Pangpo?

The other party is indeed qualified to ask Annie to deliver the meal. Perhaps because Annie is pleased with the delivery of the meal, the other party will give Annie some help, such as the suspected scroll in the food box.

Boldly guess, if the other party can give the scroll to Annie, will the other party have similar scrolls or books at hand?

Perhaps a large part of the precious scrolls and books of the Pangbo family are protected by the other side.

The other party has the strength of a third-level wizard, or even a fourth-level wizard, and there is an entire camp of magic knights next to him, so it can be said to be foolproof.

Then the "Book of the Void" he was looking for was found.

That's just speculation at the moment, but once confirmed, he's accomplished his main goal of coming to St. Louis.

Under Richard's deliberation, the groom drove the carriage back to St. Louis City, and returned to the residence of the Pangbo family.

"Squeak" sound,

The carriage stopped in a courtyard, and Annie got out of the carriage carrying the food box, looked at Richard and Brando who were following behind, and said, "I'm going to attend a banquet at home today, it's safe and I don't need your protection.

So you don't have to follow me, just go back and rest. The resting place is near the courtyard where I live, if you can't find it, ask my maid. I'll call you when I have something to do tomorrow. But it won't be too early, because I'm used to sleeping until the afternoon, that's all. "

Annie waved her hand, holding the food box in the other hand, she walked away without looking back.

Li Cha and Brando got off the carriage at the back, looked at each other, and searched in the direction of the courtyard where Annie lived.


About twenty minutes later.

Richard and Brando found a room to rest—as Annie said, it was near the courtyard where she lived, and the conditions were pretty good, one room for each person. There are all kinds of daily necessities inside, and many things are not cheap.

For example, the towels used for washing are made of wool.

Brando looked at it, and sighed a lot: "Hey, isn't it nice? Although it's a little worse than the one I lived in before, it's much better than I thought."

"Hey, how much do you think the Pangbo family needs to prepare such a house?" Brando stood at the door and asked Richard.

"I don't know." Li Cha shook his head calmly and replied, then turned and walked into the next room, closing the door with a "bang".

Brando: "..."

I couldn't help touching my face, and muttered in my heart: Hey, I asked you a question, I didn't really want you to tell me the answer, I just wanted to chat with you. Why do you answer so simply and walk away?

I look okay, not so annoying, right? In other words, we have to get along for at least three months, you won't treat me like a living dead all the time, then I will go crazy!

Li Cha in the room didn't know what Brando was thinking in his heart, but his thoughts were very clear: he was not prepared to stay here for three months and get a job in the Pangbo family. They only plan to find the "Book of the Void" within three days, complete the task and go to the branch of the Truth Society to exchange for the remaining "Book of the Void" from the supervisor Rommel, completely solve the energy problem, and successfully develop nuclear weapons.

And now three days, one day has passed, and he doesn't want to waste the rest of the time. Especially after getting clues that are suspected to be related to the "Book of the Void", I don't want to delay at all, and want to verify it as soon as possible.

"Shut up!"

After entering the room behind closed doors, Li Cha released a few warning spells with a wave of his hand.

Take a deep breath afterwards.


Empty your mind, lie quietly on the bed, and enter the deepest meditation.

Not long after, there was a familiar vibration in the body, and then the conscious body broke free from the physical body and rushed out of the room.

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