Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 966 The atmosphere is different

early morning.

Li Cha woke up, washed up briefly, and went out to wander around the living room. On the one hand, he was trying to get familiar with the layout of the Pangbo family's residence, so as not to get lost, and on the other hand, he was thinking about the problems encountered yesterday.

Through yesterday's out-of-body exploration, it can be confirmed that the "Book of the Void" needed for his mission is indeed in the underground secret room of the Pangbo family's manor, and is guarded by Alan Pangbo himself.

So, how to get it?

Sneak into the secret room secretly and steal it out?

This was obviously not a good choice. Last night when he went out of the body, Alan Pangpo had already noticed it. If he went in the flesh, there was a high chance that he would be discovered by the other party.

If not, maybe you can work around it and find a way to negotiate with the Pangbo family.

For example, when Anne leaves the city again, she directly kidnaps the other party, and then asks the Pangbo family to use the "Book of the Void" to replace them.

This method is feasible to a certain extent, but it also has some disadvantages.

For example, it is difficult to determine how the Pangbo family will respond, and let the Pangbo family understand his purpose. Once the negotiation is unsuccessful, it will be more difficult for him to obtain the "Book of the Void" by other means.

Or simply, use the simplest and most direct way - live grabbing?

If he wanted to fight, he wasn't afraid to face Aaron Pangbo, a third-level wizard, but there was a team of magic knights stationed next to the manor.

After all, he just wanted to get the "Book of the Void", and he didn't want to fight the entire Pangbo family alone.

To be honest, if the time was not too short, the Pang Bo family's trust could not be gained quickly. He would rather choose a milder method, slowly establish a good relationship with the Pangbo family, and obtain the "Book of the Void" through trading.

Li Cha kept thinking, and there was a burst of intensive footsteps beside him.


Turning his head to look, Li Cha saw a group of twenty soldiers in red armor running over. They were all fully armed with iron swords and crossbows on their backs, with stern expressions and a deadly aura.

A tall soldier in the lead ran to the vicinity of Li Cha, and waved his hands to command his subordinates as if he hadn't seen Li Cha.

"You, you, you three, go over there and be on guard." The tall soldier in the lead pointed to the front right.

"You, you, you, and you, the four of you go over there to guard." The tall soldier in the lead pointed to a corner in front left.

"You guys, go..."

Li Cha looked at the soldiers and recognized that they were all the guards of the Pangbo family. Some of them maintained order in the Pangbo family on weekdays, but there were not so many of them.

what is it today? What happened?

The doubts in Li Cha's heart didn't wait to be asked, after the tall soldier in charge finished explaining to his subordinates, he turned his head to look over, looked at him a few times, and said seriously, "Hey, you must be the attendant of some young lady or master, right?

Let me tell you, what we are doing now, you'd better not ask or inquire about it, it won't do you any good. Just do your thing well and keep your duty. "

Li Cha opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, he saw the tall soldier running to the side and leaving quickly, as if he was in a hurry to report the situation to someone.

Li Cha closed his mouth, raised his eyebrows, looked at the soldiers who were seriously guarding nearby, thought for a while and walked to the side.

After walking hundreds of meters and passing several courtyards, Li Cha saw that there were soldiers on guard, and more soldiers arrived, scattered into every corner of the Pangbo family. Unknowingly, the atmosphere in the Pangbo family's residence became a bit frozen. Listening carefully, there were almost no sounds coming out, as if they were being deliberately suppressed.

what happened?

Could it be that it was caused by his visit to the manor last night?

However, the reaction is too big, right? Besides, so many people don't go to guard the manor, what are they doing in this family residence? Could it be that he, who has been locked on the night talk manor last night, is in this family residence?

Not very realistic.

Or, is there some change in the situation in St. Louis City, which has aroused the vigilance of the Pangbo family?

It's possible.

After all, the afternoon when he first came to St. Louis, there was an assassination incident against the young lady of the Pangbo family. What Anne said in the restaurant yesterday also showed that there were many forces ready to move. However, relatively speaking, the performance of the Pangbo family was a little too extreme. After all, the Pangbo family should have been well aware of the situation in St. Louis City, and shouldn't react so suddenly.

The doubts in Li Cha's heart deepened, and he walked towards the gate of the resident, preparing to leave the resident to go to the intelligence organization under the command of the black-faced old man to find out the situation - he believed that the Pangbo family had such a sudden change, and the other party would definitely collect some information .

However, when he reached the gate, he was stopped.

Two red-armored soldiers stretched out their hands to block the front, and a square-faced red-armoured captain walked over and asked seriously, "Who are you?"

"Is there something wrong with the wizard apprentice who was just recruited yesterday?" Li Cha looked at the soldier captain and asked.

He saw the wrinkled expression of the captain of the red armored soldier, and after hearing his words, he calmly pressed one hand on the hilt of the long sword at his waist. Obviously, after the other party learned of his identity, instead of relaxing, they became more vigilant.

This is not normal.

"The wizard apprentice recruited yesterday? What's his name, and what exactly does he do?" the soldier captain asked in a deep voice.

"The name is Li Cha. What I do specifically is to protect Miss Anne. Of course, to be more specific, it is to serve as a waiter for Miss Anne." Li Cha gave the answer calmly.

The captain of the soldier looked to the side, and a short man with squinting eyes nodded at him and said, "Captain, the information matches."

"Huh—" the soldier captain breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't let go of his hand on the hilt of his sword. He continued to look over and asked, "Since you are a wizard apprentice protecting Miss Annie, why don't you guard Miss Annie?" Miss, but wandering around alone?"

"Miss Annie likes to sleep late, and won't get up until the afternoon. Naturally, I don't have to stay by her side now. That's why I have time to wander around. Why, it's not allowed? I remember that when I was recruiting people yesterday, I didn't tell me, Will freedom be restricted?" Li Cha looked at the soldier captain and asked, wanting to find out something.

However, the captain of the soldier was very strict, and said: "Your freedom is naturally not restricted, but the current situation is a bit special, so...forget it, you want to go out, right, well, then go out.

However, I advise you not to stay outside for too long and come back quickly. Missy of the province can't find you losing her temper when she wakes up. Although I haven't met Missy in person, I have heard about Missy's temper. "Speaking, the soldier captain stepped aside.

Li Cha stepped out and said to the soldier captain: "Thank you for reminding me, but don't worry, I'll take a stroll and I'll be back in a while."


Li Cha took a step towards the distance, and when he was far away, his expression became serious. At this time, the doubts in his heart were not relieved, but worsened. He was sure that something important must have happened in the past time, somewhere he didn't know.

Just, what will happen?


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