Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 979 What is your use?

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! After hearing what Annie said, Allen Pangpo smiled, shook his head and said: "Silly boy, your thoughts are too naive. You What do you think is the key to the magic knight? Is it the magic pattern? No, it's the wizard.

Magic Knight is meaningless without a wizard as a backup. After all, the reason why magic knights can use magic patterns is that they use life force to activate them. Therefore, after using the magic pattern, they must be healed by the wizard in order to recover their fighting power after a period of time, instead of dying from collapse.

Therefore, without a wizard, there would be no magic knight, and the magic knight simply cannot exist alone. Unless, we can develop a magic pattern that can be activated spontaneously without mana, life force or any other energy. But is such a magic pattern still a magic pattern? Is it possible for such a magic pattern to exist? "

At the end, Allen Pangpo smiled again and said: "So, silly boy, recognize the reality. Our Pangbo family has already lost, which is not surprising, because before our Pangbo family, the people who ruled the city of St. Louis The last wizarding family failed like this. The last wizarding family, the last wizarding family, also failed like this-history is always surprisingly similar, because the world has not really changed since then .”

"Actually, failure is not terrible, as long as there is still hope and inheritance." Allen Pangbo looked at Annie and said, "As a direct member of the Pangbo family, you are very talented as a wizard. At first, you will also surprise me eventually. So, go away.

And I will teach those enemies a good lesson and let them know the anger of the Pangbo family. If I am lucky enough not to die, I will go to you. It's okay if I die, because I'm really too old. I haven’t told anyone, but I can tell you now: even without this incident, because of the injuries I suffered in the past and the price I paid for going astray in studying spells, I wouldn’t be able to live for a few months. It's just a process. So, be it, let's go. "

After finishing speaking, Allen Pangpo waved to Anne, looked at the old servant Fitch, and asked aloud: "Fitch, do you still remember that I told you to ask the tailor to sew me a dress for special occasions?" serious clothes?"

"Remember, master." The old servant looked at Alan Pangpo and tremblingly said, "It has been sewn and kept in a box in my bedroom."

"Crew neck?"




"Gold cuffs?"


"Light gray texture?"


"A pattern of leaves?"


"Very good." Allen Pangpo nodded, and said softly, "Take me there, it's time to put it on, I don't know if it fits."

After finishing speaking, Allen Pangpo took out the "Book of the Void" and a letter written on a thick papyrus scroll from his pocket and handed them to Richard. Without saying anything, he led the old servant out.

Annie was a little excited and wanted to catch up, but was held back by Li Cha. She struggled a few times but did not break free. Knowing that she could not change anything, she stood there biting her lip.

After a few seconds of silence, Li Cha glanced slightly at Annie and said, "Are you crying?"

"I! No! Cry!" Annie answered every word with her eyes wide open.

"Okay then, let's go."

"Know! Know! Got it!" Annie gritted her teeth.


After more than half an hour.

The night continued, and the darkness enveloped the whole world like a thick black mist, making people breathless.

Suddenly, in the center of St. Louis City, an extremely bright ray of light lit up, tearing apart the darkness, vertically upward like a column, piercing the sky. This light lasted for three full seconds before slowly dissipating, and then a delayed roar spread.

The sound waves brought about by the roar spread to the surroundings in waves, reached the city wall, suddenly rose high, passed quickly, and spread to the wilderness outside the city.

A dozen miles outside the city,

Li Cha was walking forward with Annie, and when his footsteps stopped, the sound wave passed by his body and spread farther away.

Annie turned her head, looked at the location of St. Louis City, bit her lip hard, almost showing blood. His eyes widened to the maximum, with crystal light flickering in his eye sockets, and he said slowly, "Great...grandfather."

Li Cha also looked at the location of St. Louis City, looked at it for a few seconds, then slowly retracted, and said to Annie: "It should be almost over, let's continue walking."

Annie turned her head with red eyes, continued biting her lips, and asked, "Are you really going to take me out of here?"

"Otherwise?" Li Cha asked with raised eyebrows.

"I thought you would kill me." Annie said.

"Kill you? Reason?"

"Although it is true that you did not join forces with other forces to attack our Pangbo family, your behavior is still considered a half-enemy to our Pangbo family. You are not afraid, I will seek revenge from you in the future?"

"Don't be afraid." Li Cha said bluntly after listening to Annie, "You are too weak, even if your wizard talent is amazing, it is still too far behind to develop to the point where you threaten me. When it really comes to that time, I don't know what it is. After all these years, I'm not worried at all."

After hearing Li Cha's words, Annie bit her teeth deeper into her lips, her eyebrows furrowed, as if she was angry because of Li Cha's contempt, but also as if she was thinking about something.

A few seconds later, Annie suddenly said to Richard, "Why don't I follow you?"

"Huh?" Li Cha frowned slightly, not understanding, "What do you mean?"

"I know, you promised my great-grandfather before that you would take me out of the city of St. Louis and not be affected by the fighting. In fact, it is difficult to be affected by the fighting when you get here. What you promised has been completed. You and I, both It's free.

But now, I don't know where to go, and you are so powerful, maybe I can follow you and learn something from you. In this way, I can grow faster, rebuild the Pangbo family as soon as possible, and take revenge on the enemies of our Pangbo family as soon as possible. "

Annie spoke very seriously, but Li Cha frowned when he heard it.

In other words, just now I regarded myself as half an enemy, and now I want to learn from myself. Is this because I am preparing to learn the ultimate move, and find a chance to solve myself as a teacher? Although I am very confident in my own strength, I am not worried that this kind of thing will happen, but there is no need to bother about it.

There is already a dragon, a lich, and a long-lived tree in the Garden of Eden, and it would be too messy to add a black-bellied Gothic girl.

Shaking his head lightly, he already denied it in his heart, looked at Annie and asked, "You want to learn from me, and want me to be your teacher? But, what reason do you have for letting me do this? Or, what do you want me to do? What is the use?"

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