Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 992 Finishing work


The field outside the city of Deland.

A gray light streaked across the sky, then fell quickly and landed on the ground.


With a sound, the dust rose slowly, and a figure stood up in the dust, it was Li Cha.

Smelling the earthy smell of dust in the air, Li Cha frowned slightly, and pressed down with his hand, controlling the air pressure around his body to rise sharply, pressing the rising dust back to the ground, until his vision was cleared.

After doing this, he looked up and looked forward, and locked a piece of open space that was not surprising.

There is the entrance of the Truth Society's Delan branch base, and he is already very familiar with it because he has been here many times.

He stepped forward, reached out to open it, stepped on the steps, and walked down.

Walking through the long corridor, he appeared in front of the door of a room, knocked on the door without hesitation - this was the office of Kanon, the steward.

"Bang bang bang!"


Soon, there was a response from the door.

With a "squeak", Li Cha pushed the door and walked in, and saw Canon, the manager, who was sitting in the back of the office. In addition, there was a big white rabbit squatting in a corner of the other party's desk, eating something "clack-crack" in its mouth, which looked a bit like the one that Rommel had embraced before.

Kanon looked up, his eyes fluctuated, and he asked in a little surprise: "Wizard Richard? Why did you come to the branch suddenly? What's the matter? Do you want to confirm the return of the "Book of the Void" before? Wizard Joseph has already returned it for you, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

"Steward, I am not here this time because of this matter." Li Cha shook his head lightly and said, "But speaking of it, it is also related to this matter."

"Even? What's going on?" Canon asked.

"There are three volumes of "Book of the Void", do you know, Manager?" Li Cha asked, looking directly into Kanon's eyes, trying to see something from his expression.

Then what he saw was the other party's deep doubts.

Canon frowned and gradually frowned, and asked aloud: "There are three books of "Book of the Void"? How is it possible, there are only two books in total, and this is the one you brought back from St. Louis. Otherwise, there will only be one book. Ben was right."

Li Cha pursed his lips, knowing that there should be no breakthrough from Canon, he simply said: "Well, let's take it as two books of "Book of the Void". The main purpose of my visit this time is actually to see Director Rommel Yes, I wonder when he will come to the branch?"

"Director Rommel—" Canon hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "A few days ago, the supervisor just completed a very important matter in the organization, and he has been dealing with some finishing work recently, so it may not be possible in a short time. Will come to the branch. You really want to see him, you need to be patient."

"Finishing work? What is it?" Li Cha asked.

Canon smiled, but didn't answer.

Li Cha knew that the other party told him in a sideways way, and it was best for him not to know these things.


Li Cha took a deep breath, thought for a while and said, "Then if I want to see Director Rommel now, is it possible? Where can I find him?"

After listening to the words, Kanon showed a thoughtful expression, blinked his eyes and asked aloud: "Wizard Richard, can I ask, what is it that makes you so anxious to find Director Rommel? It won't be your research." Let's go, I advise you not to be too anxious, it's better to calm down. Some things can't be rushed."

Don't be in a hurry, when the contract period of the ancient tree species of tin wood is up, I'm afraid that the energy to gather enough energy for nuclear weapon research and manufacturing plans will be far away. This plan has already invested so much time and energy, but because of the last obstacle, it has been postponed indefinitely? Absolutely not.

Li Cha thought to himself, looked at Kanon, spread his hands and said: "I'm not too anxious, I just think that if some things can be solved, it's better to solve them as soon as possible, I don't like procrastination.

For example, when borrowing materials from an organization, according to regulations, the original copy can be borrowed for a maximum of one month. In fact, every time I return at least a week in advance,

You should be aware of this, Canon Steward? "

"This..." Canon opened his mouth after hearing this, unable to refute, because what Li Cha said was indeed true.

Pushing aside the materials to be processed, Canon looked at Li Cha with a serious expression: "So, Wizard Li Cha, you must meet Director Rommel?"

"If possible, I hope to see Director Rommel tonight." Richard said.

"Tonight..." Canon froze for a moment, "If you really want to see Director Rommel tonight, then you can only go to the scene where he handles the finishing work."

"Pompeii?" Richard asked.

"No no." Canon shook his head vigorously, "The most important thing about Pompeo has been completed, and the finishing work that Director Rommel is doing now, specifically speaking, is to go to some previously marked places to deal with some dirt and obstacles. Therefore, Not in Pompeii, but elsewhere."

"Where?" Li Cha asked.

Canon took a map from the table and pointed to a point on it for Li Cha to see: "Based on the time calculation, if the finishing work of Rommel's affairs is progressing smoothly, he should be here now."

Li Cha walked near the table, glanced at the place Kanon pointed at, and said, "Blue Lake Mountain?"

"Well." Kanon nodded, "This place is not too far from the branch, only a few tens of miles away. If you have the strength, you can get there in a short time."

Li Cha nodded, already thinking in his heart, should he act immediately.

Suddenly thought of something, looked at Canon and asked, "I'm going there now, what if I happen to miss it with Steward Rommel?"

"Then you can only use the crystal ball to contact me. I can tell you the rest of the locations where Rommel is in charge of finishing work. Let you try your luck, but don't expect too much."

"Okay." Li Cha nodded in agreement, "Then I will trouble you, Kanon is in charge."

After speaking, Li Cha withdrew from the door and walked out.

With a "squeak", the door was closed.

Kanon looked at the closed door, couldn't help but shook his head, pulled out a carrot from his sleeve like a magic trick, and stretched it out to the big white rabbit squatting in the corner of the desk.

The big white rabbit jumped over quickly, took a bite, and gnawed non-stop.

Kanon stared at the white rabbit, heaved a sigh of relief, and said pointingly: "You should still persist, I knew that what I was worried about before was correct, it is difficult for a person like you to give up easily. I know, this time Director Rommel can convince you, I hope."

On the ground outside the base, Li Cha didn't know what Canon said, but just recalled the location he had seen on the map before, determined the direction, stepped on the sky, and flew towards the northeast.

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