Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 108 Conflict and Indifference

With Pandora's three punches, the wall shook three times in a row. A large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the wall, and the skin of the wall peeled off.

Li Cha felt that the walls in the next room should look similar. As long as the people next door are not stupid, they should stop making noise.

But within a few seconds, Li Cha realized that he had made a mistake. The people in the next room were obviously not normal. They were either insane or drunk and confused.

In the face of Pandora's very convincing warning against the wall, he was quiet for less than ten seconds, and then shouted again, this time close to the wall and insulting. Because there is a wall blocking, and the other party can't speak clearly, you can't hear what the other party is scolding, but just by the tone, you can tell that it's not a good word.

Pandora opened her eyes to look at Richard, who was expressionless.

Pandora was welcome, and punched the wall again.

With a "crash", the punch directly pierced the wall and hit the person in the next room close to the wall.

Only to hear a scream of "oops", someone in the next room fell to the ground. But what followed was the sound of struggling to get up, and then the sound of footsteps rushing out of the door.

"Da da da……"

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The door was violently slammed, and Li Cha heard someone shouting with a big tongue outside the door: "What... who, get out of here!"

"Yes, give...get out of here!"

"How dare you hit... my brother!"

"How dare you hit... me!"

"I forgive... I can't help you!"

"Rao... I can't spare you!"

This time, Pandora was surprised, her eyes widened, and she was surprised by the courage of the person next door, which was more powerful than the skiniest wild boar in the forest.

Li Cha shook his head helplessly, knowing that the other party was 100% intoxicated. In this case, it is not surprising that he did something. As for the behavior of the other party, whether it is taught a lesson or not, it is meaningless, because the other party is not a fully competent person at all. Li Cha wanted to ignore it, but the door kept slamming and shouting, and he finally walked out.

With a squeak, the door was opened, and Li Cha saw two similarly-looking strong men standing outside the door. They looked like they were in their twenties. Their faces were flushed, and they were swaying. , and the tone is also very rushed.

"Boy, what...why are you hitting my brother, my brother's eyes are swollen!" one of them shouted.

Li Cha looked at the other, and saw the old Gao with swollen eyes. No accident, he was hit by the punch from Pandora just now. That is, Pandora's punch weakened a lot after penetrating the wall. Otherwise, the punch would not be as simple as hitting the swollen eye socket, and it might have directly smashed the head.

The person who was beaten didn't have the consciousness of surviving by luck, and just shouted: "Yes, I... my brother is right, you dared to hit me, and you even swelled my eyes. Then...then I can't spare you. You, you have to lose money to us!"

"Crack!" As the big brother, the strong man slapped his brother on the head, and said with some hatred for not being iron, "What money do you want! Give... the money given to us, don't we have to buy wine? Hard work! Just let him pay... just pay us the wine, we want the best wine, and drink enough!"

"No... not right." The younger brother defended, "We can't just drink, but... we also have to eat bread. So, we still have to ask for money."

"Fart! With wine, what kind of bread do you still eat? I don't want to eat that hard and sour brown bread, I just want to drink!"

The two brothers immediately quarreled over the issue of compensation, and the quarrel was so intense that they did not consider the feelings of the "compensator" next to Li Cha.

Li Cha couldn't help shaking his head, thinking about whether it would be better to call the innkeeper to deal with it, or it would be easier to just knock the two into a coma and throw them back to their room. Just then,

There were footsteps in the direction of the stairs.

Richard turned his head and saw that the mercenaries Denise and Mura came up.

The numbers were relative, Denise showed a very surprised expression, stopped directly in place, and looked at it with some complicated eyes.

Mulla looked at the contender's brother Mike, and stepped closer. After walking two steps, she found that Denise was not following, she turned her head to look behind her, saw Denise's expression, and then looked at Richard in confusion.

Eyes flickered, Mula realized something, glanced at Brother Mike again, and did not choose to go up, but stayed in place and watched the development of things with some caution. He didn't think Brother Mike would cause any trouble in his hands, but he had to make sure that Brother Mike didn't have any troubles before he took over. He didn't want to take over a bunch of dangers out of thin air.

At this time, the Mike brothers also noticed the appearance of Denise and Mura. After finding that there was an "audience", the two brothers were not going to continue arguing and let others see jokes. ask for money.

"You have to give us a lot of wine." The elder brother of Mike's brothers shouted to Richard.

"Of course, we have to give us a lot of money." The younger brother of Mike's brothers shouted to Richard.

"If you dare not give it, then we will beat you very hard." The two said at the same time.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes, but the next moment he turned his head to look inside the room. To be precise, he looked at the street outside through the window in the room.

"Huh?" Brother Mike was puzzled, and Denise was just as puzzled as Mura, not knowing what Richard was going to do.

The next moment was the sound of a group of people approaching, and it sounded clearly in the street outside.

"Da da, da da, da da..."

Hoofs, footsteps, shouts...

"That's it, it's here, Your Royal Highness, be careful..."

"It doesn't matter, stay out of the way. If your Royal Highness has something to do, don't come close..."

"Innkeeper, let me ask you if someone asked you to send a letter just now..."

"Which room is he on the second floor..."

"it is good……"

"Da da da……"

Numerous footsteps sounded from the stairs. Denise and Mura looked back and saw twenty or thirty heavily armed soldiers rushing up. They quickly stepped aside and stuck to the wall to get out of the way.

The soldiers who rushed up ignored the two of them and moved forward quickly, watching the rooms on both sides of the corridor vigilantly, to prevent people with short eyes from rushing out and harming His Royal Highness behind.

"Da da."

Gero walked up the stairs at the end, saw Li Cha at a glance, and quickly said, "Your Excellency Li Cha, you...really here."

"Uh." Li Cha replied lightly, slightly surprised by the super-fast arrival of Gero, but it did not exceed the expected range.

"Da da da", Groo approached quickly.

Numerous soldiers and guards marched forward in Gero, and rushed to the vicinity of Richard, and then squeezed the two drunk Mike brothers aside.

Brother Mike was angry, facing the numerous soldiers, and shouted: "What are you doing! Do you want... to find something? Do you owe a fight? We still want that kid to pay us money and wine, you give... give me Dodge?"

Numerous soldiers were stunned for a moment, a little shocked by the foolishness of the two. The next moment, without waiting for Gero to express any unhappiness, a soldier who was already excited slapped the two brothers and slapped the two brothers to the ground. tidy.

Prince Groo glanced at the two of them strangely, then turned to Li Cha and asked, "The two of them..."

"Uh, nothing, I don't know them, just let your soldiers handle it, let's go into the room and talk." Li Cha said.

"Uh, good." After listening to Li Cha's words, Gero didn't pay any more attention, and followed Li Cha into the room.

At the entrance of the stairs, Denise and Mura, who were attached to the wall, looked at each other.

Denise asked, "Uncle Mulla, are you sure you want to hire Brother Mike as a team member?"

"Uh, this question... let me think about it again." Mu La said, but walked downstairs without hesitation, "Although Brother Mike is very suitable, it is obviously not the one he got into just now. Ordinary people. Maybe that person doesn't care, but he can be connected with the prince of this emerald city, and he can be called 'Your Excellency'. If there is any unhappiness that day, you want to clean up Brother Mike and implicate us. .

If that's the case, you might as well go find someone else. There should be news about other mercenaries in the lame, you can follow me and ask. "

"Uh, okay..."


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