Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1061: Crystal Heart

In the furnace, the light released by the metal powder in the mold was very bright, but it did not melt.

Whether it is metal rhenium or metal tungsten, they are extremely heat-resistant and have a high melting point-this is one of the main reasons why they are used to cast the internal components of nuclear bombs. Therefore, simple heating cannot make them quickly transform into shapes, and the rest must be done. Just do it.



With a sound, Li Cha pulled down a joystick outside the furnace.


A slight roar sounded, and the air pump started to work, injecting inert gas argon into the sealed furnace to increase the pressure.

Finally, under the dual effects of high temperature and high pressure, metal tungsten and metal rhenium gradually melted, and successfully sintered into a rhenium-tungsten alloy metal block.


Li Cha worked in front of the furnace for a long time, and obtained hundreds of sintered rhenium-tungsten alloy components.

These components are very rough, and then they need to be further processed to reduce the tolerance number to meet the numerical requirements of the nuclear weapon design drawing.

But in any case, the second process of nuclear weapon production is considered complete.

Then there is the third process.

Li Cha moved his body and left the furnace.


The third process is carried out in the highest-level laboratory in the Garden of Eden, which is the underground laboratory of the dangerous goods function sector.

The thing to do this time is to process metal beryllium.

Metal beryllium is considered a non-toxic element, but beryllium powder reacts with air and is easily converted into beryllium oxide. Once the human body absorbs beryllium oxide, it will be converted into beryllium hydroxide through a reaction in the body, and then cause beryllium poisoning pneumonia, which is fatal enough.

For this reason, Li Cha put on a full set of protective clothing. On the one hand, it is for absolute safety, and on the other hand, it is also for the practice of the next process.

In the underground laboratory of the highest level in the Garden of Eden, a processing table has been set up in a room,

It is not much different from the processing table in the No. 1 research room of the machining sector. They are all wide and heavy, stable and precise, with level gauges and screw jacks all available, and more mechanical arms are installed, and space iron rings for cutting are installed at the ends of the mechanical arms—the reality has proved that this is Best blade ever.

Inside the three-proof mask, Li Cha took a deep breath of the air from the oxygen tank, walked to the operating table, grabbed the mechanical arm and started working.

The free energy elements in the body gushed out, penetrated the protective clothing and acted on the space iron ring, activated the "absolute cutting of space scissors" and "absolute processing of space precision" functions of the iron ring, and approached the metal beryllium on the operating table.

"Squeak, squeak..."

An extremely subtle sound sounded, and the shape of the beryllium metal was constantly changing, moving closer to the shape on the blueprint.


After another long period of time, the processing of metal beryllium in the third process is also completed, and the fourth process is officially ushered in.

This is the most important process in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, and it is the core.

What needs to be done in this process is to process the nuclear material—that is, to process the metal uranium 235.

The specific content is to cast metal uranium 235 into a metal block, and then cut it into the required shape—that is, the combination of the second process and the third process—this is why the first two steps are carried out, The reason for this step is to ensure that the already low accident rate is reduced again after "practice".


It is also the highest-level underground laboratory in the Garden of Eden.

in another room.

Wearing protective clothing, Li Cha took the weapon-grade metal uranium out of the heavy lead box, put it into a ceramic crucible, and sent it to an electric melting furnace set up here.

Pull down the joystick, and the air pump starts to work. First, the oxygen in the furnace is evacuated, and then an excess amount of inert gas argon is injected. While avoiding oxidation reactions, the inside of the furnace is placed in a high-pressure environment, which is conducive to melting.

After finishing this step, Li Cha solemnly pressed the button.


The current is turned on, the furnace is running, and the internal temperature rises rapidly, melting the weapon-grade metal uranium, and then pouring it into a mold to cast it into the desired shape.

After completing this step, the reshaped metal uranium was placed on the processing platform in the previous room. Li Cha operated the sword-controlling iron ring at the end of the mechanical arm, cutting the metal uranium as if cutting metal beryllium.

"Squeak, squeak..."

The space iron ring smoothly slid across the surface of the metal uranium, and the uneven ups and downs instantly became smooth and reflected in the mirror, and the degree of detail has exceeded the limit of what the human naked eye can distinguish.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Li Cha continued to process, and the surface of metal uranium became brighter and brighter. It looked like a mirror full of dust was wiped with a wet rag—as if metal uranium was originally like this, and now it is just letting it Restored to their original.

In the silent processing room, the mechanical arm is constantly moving, and a huge and bright component is slowly forming, showing an amazing beauty.

Finally, the component is complete.

It looks a bit weird in shape, like a glass water cup, the mouth of the bottle is first extremely curved toward the outside, and then extends toward the bottom of the cup—at a certain angle, it looks like an exaggerated vase.

But in fact, it is neither a water glass nor a vase. There is a huge round hole at the bottom of it, which makes it unable to hold anything.

It is the internal component of a nuclear weapon—the most important and core nuclear material component.

Its appearance is as smooth as glass and as bright as a mirror, each surface reflecting the light of the room's lighting. It looks radiant and flowing, more exquisite than diamonds and crystals, like a wonderful work of art.

It is, in fact, a work of art—a product of the art of technology, the art of industry, and the art of destruction.

This is a "Crystal Heart", a seed that destroys the world.

Breathing in the protective clothing, Li Cha carefully picked up the processed metal uranium component, watched it with his eyes, and showed a knowing smile after watching it for a long time.

The long-term hard work has finally paid off, and finally saw the dawn of success.

It's not easy, it's not easy.

But, worth it.

worth it.

It took Li Cha more than ten seconds to quietly enjoy the satisfaction of a successful job, and then slowly put away the metallic uranium components and walked out of the room.


Now the fourth and most important process of nuclear weapon manufacturing has been completed, but this does not mean that nuclear weapons have been produced.

On the contrary, there are still many cumbersome processes before nuclear weapons are actually produced.

Although these processes are not as important as the metal uranium components of the "Crystal Heart", they still affect the effectiveness of nuclear weapons.

The principle of nuclear weapons is very simple, but it is actually a highly sophisticated industrial product when it is actually produced. This leads to problems in any of its details, which will greatly reduce the power of the explosion, and even prevent the explosion from happening.

To put it simply, nuclear weapons have not yet been successfully manufactured, and we need to continue to work hard.

Then keep trying.



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