Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1070 Discrimination

The stone building in area 12 is going to be demolished?

His residence No. 1248 to be demolished?

There is actually no big problem with the demolition, but what follows may cause a big problem.

In order to steal the energy in the belly of the volcano, there is an underground space hidden under his residence. Once the residence is demolished, the underground space may be exposed. After careful investigation, his details may not be hidden.

what to do?

Escape decisively and run away before being exposed?

However, the current nuclear weapon manufacturing is at a critical moment, the self-produced energy of the Garden of Eden is insufficient, and the tin wood cannot absorb energy for a short time, so the energy from the belly of the volcano is needed to fill the energy gap.

In other words, he needs the environment of Pompeii Town to complete the final process of nuclear weapon manufacturing.

Therefore, this approach is not very desirable.

However, if it is forcibly stopped, it will be difficult to succeed. Now that the new energy system has been passed, it is impossible to change the plan because of him alone-his status has not yet reached this level.

How to deal with it?

Is it necessary to rush back, close the exit of the passage, regardless of the changes outside, and try our best to save time and complete the manufacture of nuclear weapons?

I'm afraid that as soon as he manufactured the nuclear weapon, his residence was torn down, and then during the construction and excavation process, the closed passage was also discovered. So, with the joy of success, when he was about to leave secretly with his nuclear weapon in his arms, he happened to bump into many wizards of the Truth Society who surrounded him.

And after that?

Detonate nuclear weapons on the spot, and die together, to an extremely dramatic and extreme ending?

This is not in line with his wishes.

For him, the most important thing is to walk step by step according to the predetermined path, find out the truth of the world, and answer his doubts. In order to achieve his goal, he can take risks, but most of them will be "wretched development", and most of his life is destined to be occupied by boring research work.

This is different from the pursuit of many people, and it is also different from the experience of the protagonist in the adventure story of the knight.

But in logic,

This is the most reasonable.

He resists thrilling and dramatic experiences, and doesn't want things going out of control. He has always been trying to avoid similar situations, unless he really can't escape and is forced to face them.

The previous fight against Rommel is an example.

Now, he doesn't want to repeat it.

He didn't want grand scenes, he didn't want bloody battles, he just wanted a cold experiment table and boring experimental digital records.

All the excitement, and no good. Only boring and boring can bring him closer to success.


In the conference room, the 40-year-old male wizard was still talking about the construction plan of the new energy system, and Richard raised his hand.

Rommel, who was sitting at one end of the rectangular table in the conference room, raised his eyebrows. First, he reached out his hand to stop the male wizard who was speaking, then looked at Li Cha, and asked aloud, "Wizard Li Cha, do you have any questions to ask? Is there something unreasonable in the design of the new energy system?"

"No." Li Cha shook his head and said seriously, "Actually, I just want to ask about some arrangements for the demolition of the residence in Pompeii Town.

My residence is in District No. 12. If District No. 12 is completely demolished, I will definitely be affected. After all, I have lived there for a long time. I want to ask, how is the organization going to deal with this kind of thing? "

Rommel thought for a while, and said: "Don't worry about this, the stone buildings in Pompeii Town are still relatively sufficient. Even after deducting the damaged stone buildings, after demolishing the residences of some people including you, Wizard Richard, Alternative accommodation is also available.”

"However, there are a lot of things in my residence. It takes time to transfer them. Especially some fragile experimental instruments and some experimental materials that are stored in harsh conditions need to be processed in advance." Said At this point, Li Cha made a request, "It may be a bit abrupt, but I still hope that my residence can be demolished in a later order, preferably after four days, so that I can have more time to do it. this matter."

After hearing this, Rommel did not answer directly, but looked at the male wizard who had spoken before, and asked aloud, "Wizard Schuster, do you think it can be solved?"

The male wizard named Schuster heard the hidden meaning in Rommel's words: whether it can be solved or not is a matter of ability. Whether you "feel" it can be solved is a matter of attitude.

Do you still need to think about it? Naturally, it can be solved.

After all, it wasn't a big deal in the first place.

The male wizard's expression turned positive, and he realized Richard's position in Rommel's heart. He smiled at Richard and said, "If Wizard Richard really has such a need, then you don't have to worry too much. I can do it." Adjust the order of demolition—after all, there is no difference between demolition earlier and later. I can demolish the buildings near your residence in the afternoon five days later.”

"In this case, Wizard Richard, you have no problem, right?" Rommel asked.

"No more." Richard thanked, "There is Director Lauren Rommel, and Wizard Schuster."

"It's nothing." Huster responded, "I just did what I was supposed to do."

Rommel smiled and said: "Wizard Richard, according to your contribution to the organization, you deserve the organization to make such a small adjustment for you, and I believe that you will make greater contributions to the organization in the future. "

"I'm working hard." Richard said.

"That's good." Rommel thought of something, "Well, I remember that you have always valued time, since you have given your own opinion on the construction of the new energy system, if you have nothing else to say, I will allow you Leave the meeting early and do what you want to do. This way, you will have more time.”

Li Cha was a little surprised when he heard this, but he was not polite. Standing up from his seat, he nodded to Rommel to express his gratitude: "Director Rommel. I will leave first."


Li Cha turned around, walked towards the meeting room, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Watching Li Cha leave, everyone looked away, ready to continue the meeting, when suddenly another young wizard in his thirties raised his hand.

"Wizard Omark, what's your problem?" Rommel asked aloud.

"Well, Director Rommel, my residence is in the tenth area, which happens to be within the scope of demolition. I would like to ask, can I treat my residence in the same way as Wizard Richard before, and put it in a lower order , so that I have more time to transfer things in the residence?"

Rommel blinked his eyes, looked at the male wizard named Schuster, and asked aloud: "Master Schuster, if you meet Wizard Omak's requirements, is it possible to affect the previous plan?"

This is too obvious.

At least for Schuster, it was too obvious. Although it is a question, Rommel has actually given the answer.

Huster twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a bit of embarrassment, looked at Omak and said, "Wizard Omak, I really want to agree to your request as I answered Wizard Richard, but the area where you live is No. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to delay the focus of the construction. I will try my best to adjust, but if it doesn't work, you don't mind."

"This..." Omak looked at Schuster and wanted to fight for it again, but heard Rommel next to him say, "Okay, wizard Omak sit down, cherish everyone's time, let's continue the meeting."

"Uh, it's..." Omak thought he was unlucky, and sat down disappointed. I don't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that he was treated differently.

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