Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1071 There are 3 truths!

Li Cha didn't know what happened in the conference room after he left, nor did he know what kind of mood Omak felt because he was treated differently.

I don't know, and I don't want to know.

After he walked out of the business point, without any delay, he walked quickly back to his residence No. 1248, then followed the passage into the underground space, and then entered the Garden of Eden.

Time is urgent, there is no need to delay.

Entering the Garden of Eden, he quickly found Pandora, the Lich Old Man Fu, and the Eight-armed Skeleton Anan, explained the current situation concisely, activated a dragon, a Lich, and a Skeleton, and together with him he dealt with the destruction of the Garden of Eden by the magical electromagnetic pulse. bad situation.

The three cooperated very well after listening to the words, and immediately got busy.

Pandora's hands-on ability has been proven a long time ago. Now after studying mathematics for a long time, she has added a lot of wisdom, and her work efficiency can be described as amazing.

Although the Lich old man is lazy, he also knows the priorities, so he raises his spirits to cast spells to help, which is not much worse than Pandora.

But the eight-armed skeleton, I don't know if it fell into a weak state inexplicably, or what, it was clearly able to crush tin wood before, but now it is only playing the role of an ordinary magic puppet. What they do is just to move things and pass tools. If they are asked to do other things, they will immediately spread out all eight arms at the same time, as if to say: I am just a skeleton, don't make things difficult for me.

The paddling was frantic.

But considering the agreement reached during the communication with the other party, Li Cha couldn't force the other party, after all, the other party still helped to some extent.

In this way, after a lot of busy work, it took about twenty-four hours a day and a night, and the bad scene in the Garden of Eden was dealt with almost—restored to 50% of the original level—barely usable.

According to Richard's calculation, it takes twice as long to restore the Garden of Eden to 80% of its original size. As for the restoration to 100%, it may take more than a week, or even more than ten days. After all, some details are very important. time consuming.

And what he lacks most now is time. The time limit for the demolition of the residence mentioned by the male wizard Schuster in the conference room is like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, forcing him to move forward quickly. .

So, after dealing with the bad scene in the Garden of Eden, Pandora, the Lich Old Man, and the Eight-armed Skeleton each went to rest, but he didn't even drink his saliva and continued to work.

The first thing to do was to conduct a controllable nuclear test of a very small amount of uranium 235, which produced a magic electromagnetic pulse that was at least two orders of magnitude lower than before.

Under precautionary conditions, the spell electromagnetic pulse hardly damaged any of Eden's equipment, but it allowed him to confirm his previous guess - the spell electromagnetic pulse was indeed produced by uranium 235, not uranium 238.

As for the principle of it, it is not clear. He plans to study slowly after leaving Pompeii. What he needs to do now is to use the energy in the belly of Pompeii volcano to quickly complete the final process of nuclear weapon manufacturing and make real nuclear weapons. come out.

So let's get started.

Make, make, make!

Li Cha walked towards the underground laboratory in the dangerous goods function sector with a half-faster pace than usual.

Walking to the door, he stopped, took a deep breath, and forcibly controlled his agitated emotions to calm himself down.

The manufacture of nuclear weapons is a highly precise job. Because of the lack of a series of mechanical assistance, the stability of his personal operation now occupies an extremely important position. Therefore, you must be calm, especially at the last moment, when the time is urgent, the more calm you must be.

Otherwise, once any details are wrong, it will take several times or more than ten times the time to remedy it, and it will be overthrown and restarted if it is serious.


Thinking of this, Li Cha let out the air he had sucked in, and the expression on his face had become calm and indifferent.

Pursing his lips slightly, he stretched out his hand to open the door of the laboratory, and walked in, his pace had returned to his usual normal speed.


Ten minutes later.

Li Cha appeared in a room in the underground laboratory, completely immersed in his work.

The shell casings of nuclear weapons are placed on the operating table in front of it, and on the other side is a long movable cart. On the cart are placed one after another composite explosive blocks. In front of each explosive block, there is a small note that reads serial number.

In addition, there are several similar movable carts on the side, which are equipped with foam materials, straws, wires and other parts that need to be assembled.

"No. 9." Li Cha said to himself, glanced at the cart containing the compound explosive block, picked up the compound explosive block marked No. Install it carefully, and then install the rest of the parts in turn.

half an hour later.

"Number 21." Li Cha said.

after an hour.

"Number fifty-four."

An hour and a half later.



Three hours later.

On the operating table, Li Cha carefully combined several metal pieces, and then installed them into the nuclear bomb.


six hours later.

With the help of the energy supply system, Li Cha carefully assembled a flashlight-like device.


Twelve hours later.

Li Cha installed the flashlight-like device assembled earlier into the cartridge case, and added several other small parts.


Twenty-four hours later.

"Crystal Heart" weapon-grade purified uranium components are installed in the design position of the shell case.


Thirty-six hours later.

Richard checked whether each block of composite explosive met the design value, and began to install the detonation control system, so that the nuclear weapon could be detonated in a true sense.


Forty-eight hours later.

With the help of the winch, the shell casings divided into upper and lower parts are slowly aligned and closed, and the joints are welded and sealed. Afterwards, the air pump works to draw out the air inside and make it into a vacuum.


Fifty-two hours later.

Li Cha stood in the dangerous goods function sector and a room in the underground laboratory, looked at the creations quietly placed on the console, let out a long breath, and relaxed his whole body.

At this time, a little more than three days have passed since the previous magic electromagnetic pulse accident and the meeting to demolish the residence. Calculated according to local time, it is in the afternoon near dusk.

If the timing is accurate, it would be his eighteenth year in this world.

At 5:12 p.m. on September 24th of this year, the nuclear weapon was officially produced from his hands.

The birthday of his current body is June 7th, so it has been more than three months since this year's birthday. He didn't want to, and was too lazy to celebrate for himself, and it was naturally impossible for others to celebrate for him.

But it's not bad to think of this thing as a coming-of-age gift for my current body who is late... Li Cha looked at the things on the operating table, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he thought in a seldom happy mood.

Looking around, you can see three oval projectiles on the console, neatly arranged from left to right.

Yes, three missiles.

Three nuclear weapons.

He made a total of three implosion atomic bombs in one go.

According to his plan, three atomic bombs can basically meet his research needs, and one atomic bomb is prone to some excessive accidental deviations.

The three implosion-type atomic bombs are divided into two standard-level implosion-type atomic bombs and one enhanced-level implosion-type atomic bomb according to the amount of uranium 235 loaded inside.

He named them... "Truth Number One - Goodwill", "Truth Number Two - Friendship" and "Truth Number Three - Persuasion".



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