Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1082 I Come From Heaven

In the underground hall, the figure of Chekav on the crystal ball continued to fade and had almost completely disappeared.

But just before disappearing completely, Chekaf thought of something, and shouted loudly: "Master Gray Mist, wait a moment!"

"Huh?" Hui Wu raised his head, frowning slightly.

Golov, who was manipulating the crystal ball, stopped and turned his head to look at Gray Mist, looking for instructions, and then saw Gray Mist nodded to him.

"Yes." Golov replied, with a clear understanding in his heart, he pressed his meatloaf-like palm on the crystal ball, injected mana, and Chekav's figure, which had almost disappeared, quickly returned to normal.

Gray Mist looked at Chekhav who had "reappeared", and asked aloud: "Why, Chekhav, have you decided how to resurrect? Are you resurrecting at the headquarters, or waiting to be resurrected in Pompeii? Anyway, 'Dead Sea 'Over there, don't think about it for now."

"No, my lord, neither." Chekav shook his head, "I choose the fourth resurrection method besides the headquarters, Pompey's resurrection, and the help of Lord 'Dead Sea'."

"The fourth type?" Gray Mist was slightly puzzled, "What?"

"Resurrect directly in the kingdom of heaven, and then descend to the real world." Chekav said seriously.

"This..." Hui Wu was stunned for a moment, then frowned deeply, and said after a while, "This is indeed a good method, which can meet all your needs. However, it is not easy to implement, Otherwise, many members of the organization have already used this method, otherwise I would not have mentioned it just now.

For the resurrection of the kingdom of heaven and its coming, the first thing that is required is a certain time. Only at a certain time can the kingdom of heaven open the door of descent and allow you to descend. If the time is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain. As for the specific time when it will come, this is the top secret of the kingdom of heaven, even I don't know, and the angels are probably the same. Only the silver priests and the true gods can master it.

Next is the review of the resurrection. Your resurrection in heaven is different from your resurrection in the real world. If you are resurrected there, you will be considered a citizen of the kingdom of heaven, and your body will be that of the chosen ones—extraordinarily powerful, but it is difficult to pass the corresponding review, after all, this is a huge investment of resources. And you don't have too many gods, even if you had it before, it was consumed in the process of restoring your soul. Unless you are really valued by the true god, it is impossible to achieve it.


Gray Mist talked for a long time, then took a deep breath and looked at Chekav and said, "In short, this choice is very difficult to succeed, do you really want to give it a try?"

"I want to try.

"Chekav said firmly, "Whether it is the arrival time, the resurrection review, or other things, leave it to fate and the true god to decide. The only thing I need now is your support, Mr. Gray Mist. Only when the adults give me the right of resurrection can I apply in the Kingdom of Heaven—after all, my status is still too low. "

"Okay." Gray Mist said, raised his hand, and aimed at the image of Chekav in the crystal ball.


A colored ray of light flew out from the seven-colored ring carried by the gray mist and flew towards the image.

The next moment, the image brightened.


Pompeii town.

Li Cha saw that the small light spot in the sky was getting closer and closer to the ground. Under the effect of gravity acceleration, the falling speed was getting faster and faster, and the volume gradually became larger. He could vaguely see that it was a water drop-shaped creation.

The front of the creation rubbed against the air violently, and the finely divided powder was stripped off, then oxidized and burned, and a long tail of flame was drawn out at the tail, like a meteor.

At this moment, the speed of creation has obviously exceeded the speed of sound by several times. In other words, the falling speed is faster than the propagation of sound, so there is no roar at all, and it is completely silent.

Getting closer, getting closer.

The speed of the strange creation is extremely fast. Before Li Cha took a few steps, the creation has reached a distance of only a few thousand meters from the ground. Many wizards on the street noticed this situation. Some pointed and discussed with their companions, and some changed their expressions and ran into the business point quickly.


At this moment, the water-drop-shaped creation, which was thousands of meters away from the ground, shook suddenly, and the surface flashed red, orange, and yellow colors. A large number of stone-like debris and fragments on the surface peeled off and burned under the impact, and then The speed of the entire creation dropped suddenly, as if falling into a viscous liquid, or opening an invisible parachute.


After slowing down, the drop-shaped creation is still very fast, but it is lower than the speed of sound. This also caused a thunderous sound to spread quickly, resounding throughout the town of Pompeii.

In an instant, the entire town of Pompeii seemed to be on the verge of a formidable enemy, and many wizards appeared, looking vigilantly at the drop-shaped creation that suddenly appeared.

Rommel on the second floor of the business point also heard it. Before the wizard who entered the business point had time to report to him, he had turned into a golden light and landed on the square, looking up at the drop-shaped creation. Raising his hand, he stopped the aggressive actions of many wizards, indicating that the drop-shaped creation was not harmful, but the expression on his face was not very good-looking, very dignified.

After a while, the water drop-shaped creation reached the air only a few hundred meters above the ground, allowing everyone to see its shape clearly.

From the looks of it, the entire creation is about three meters long and one meter wide. Due to the high-speed fall, many of the front parts of the "water droplets" were burned in the air. At this time, it looks like a "silkworm chrysalis", or Say like an "egg".


The creation was shocked again, and this time the surface flashed blue, blue, and purple light, and the speed dropped sharply again, by more than half.

But even so, the creation hit the square of Pompeii town at a speed of nearly 100 meters per second, like a runaway locomotive.


Even at the moment of impact, the creation had an obvious rebounding movement, and still hit a crater with a depth of one meter. The powerful impact spread, and the dense rubble collapsed. The surrounding wizards quickly used their shields to resist.

Li Cha also used his shield to resist. While resisting, he looked around from the corner of his eyes, looking for an opportunity to leave here - at this time, more and more wizards heard the movement and surrounded the square. It was almost impenetrable, and it was quite difficult for him to pretend to be normal and leave retrogradely.

But if you want to push through the crowd and leave by force, you will be easily suspected.

what to do?

Li Cha thought quickly, he didn't want to join in the fun at all, and explored and investigated what the fallen creations were, he just wanted to avoid any unexpected complications at the last moment.

However, the creation did not give him this opportunity at all, and there was movement almost in the next moment.


The top of the creation cracked like an eggshell, and a large stream of black smoke and the burnt smell of burning protein came out from inside.

"Cough cough cough!"

There was a coughing sound, and a man whose body was almost completely burnt climbed out of the "eggshell" and fell to the ground with a "bang".

Everyone looked at them with different expressions, and after waiting for a few seconds, the person who seemed to be on the verge of death slowly stood up, grabbed his burnt skin with both hands and pulled it violently, from head to toe, it seemed to take off a layer All the clothes were torn off and thrown on the ground, exposing the blurred flesh and blood under the skin.

The fuzzy flesh and blood squirmed and grew rapidly, but after a few breaths, new skin and hair grew, returning to normal.

The other party raised his head and looked at the crowd, revealing an extremely ordinary face. Looking around, his eyes quickly locked on one person—Rommel.

The man lowered his head slightly, as a salute, and said: "Hello Director Rommel, I'm sorry to bother you in this way, but the situation is indeed a bit urgent, and my luck seems to be as good as being watched by the true god, so Allowing me to come to Pompeii by descending directly from the kingdom of heaven. Uh, I almost forgot, let me introduce myself, I am the inspector who died in front of you—Chekav.”

Rommel raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes slightly. After a second, he returned to normal and nodded calmly: "Inspector Chekav, I am very glad that you have returned from resurrection and came to Pompeii. For you before I’m sorry, but I’ve already explained the details to the headquarters. I’m a little curious, what are you planning to do when you come to Pompey in such a hurry, are you trying to overturn my report and investigate another cause of your death?”

"Ha, I dare not, the reason why I came to Pompey in such a hurry was just to confirm one thing." Chekav said.

"What?" Rommel asked.

"Please wait a moment, Director Rommel." Chekav smiled apologetically, "Please allow me to first understand where the target I am looking for is now."

After saying that, Chekav raised one arm, the palm of his hand was split open, and a white light shot straight into the sky.

The white light flew up to a height of 100 meters, and with a sound of "pop", one was divided into eight, like eight white light arrows, pointing in eight directions: east, south, west, north, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. fly away.

The white light arrow was extremely fast, and disappeared into the sky in just an instant.

But at the next moment, the whistling sound of "咻" sounded, and the eight arrows flew back at the same time.


Chekaf's eyes widened, a little surprised, apparently not expecting this situation, and then he saw eight white arrows flying straight to an inconspicuous figure on the edge of the square, hitting the energy shield propped up by the other party, They all collapsed.

Chekaf blinked, looked at the figure, and looked at Li Cha who was frowning slightly. After being obviously taken aback, he smiled.

"Wizard Richard? Well, it's nice to see you again!"

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