Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1091: Letters Flying Far Away

Garden of Eden.

Li Cha walked in without any fuss, and immediately summoned Pandora, Lich Old Man Ah Fu, and Eight-armed Skeleton Anan, explained the latest situation and some of his plans, and arranged for the three to prepare for the crisis.

Ten minutes later, the meeting ended.

The old Lich hurried to his warehouse room, preparing to modify the magic puppet urgently. Before leaving, he took a hard look at the eight-armed skeleton, Anan, who had grown several times, his eyes seemed to be on fire, as if to say: I haven’t forgotten what happened before, and when the situation is resolved this time, we must Have a good "talk". Don't...don't think I'm afraid of you, I...I'm not afraid of you!

Anan, the eight-armed skeleton, looked indifferent, ignoring the eyes of the old man Lich, shrugging his shoulders, not knowing whether he understood the content of the meeting, and walked into the distance. Walking to the door of the storage room, he sat down with a "boom", and began to remove the bones from his body one by one. While digging out, while thinking about splicing, a strange-looking utensil slowly took shape under his hands.

The old lich and the eight-armed skeleton left, but Pandora still stood where she was.

Li Cha glanced at it, and saw Pandora's eyes flickering over. There was some eagerness in her eyes, but her expression was hesitant to speak.

Without asking, Li Cha already understood what Pandora was thinking, and said aloud: "Don't worry, I said that if you have a chance to make a move, you must have a chance to make a move, and I won't lie to you. But there is one thing that must be made clear, to make a move You must listen to the command when you are in trouble, and when I ask you to stop, you will stop immediately."

"Okay." Pandora nodded in satisfaction, turned around and was about to leave.

Li Cha thought of something, and called out: "Wait a minute?"

"Huh?" Pandora turned her head, showing doubts.

"this is for you."

Li Cha made a sound, threw a space iron ring at Pandora, and said: "Although I know that your strength is not weak, but the situation this time is not ordinary after all, it is better to take some precautions. You should know how to open this ring." , there are some spell props I have tested in it, and they have written their respective uses and usage methods, you can choose some that can be used and wear them on your body. The rest, give it to Mr. A Fu and Anan."

"Really?" Pandora took the ring and asked in surprise.

"Otherwise?" Li Cha asked back.


I see. "Pandora responded, clutching the ring tightly, and happily ran to the room, not at all looking like she was about to deal with a crisis, but more like preparing to go shopping.

Li Cha looked at it, shook his head lightly, and walked into the main laboratory.


Entering the main laboratory, sitting down in front of the circular experiment table, Li Cha took out star pattern paper and starry sky ink, thought for a moment, and began to write a letter—to the black-faced old man Oscar.


"Mr Oscar:

Hello...the last time I went to Soma Alliance Rice City, thank you for the help of your staff...

The proposal you made to me through the "spider web" about "obtaining the addresses of all branches of the Southern Freedom Federation of the Truth Society" is of great importance, and I have not really grasped such crucial information, so I have not given you an answer...

However, after thinking about it and making some efforts during this time, I can finally answer you—I am willing to provide you with the branch address of the Truth Society.

The addresses of a small part of them are relatively accurate after I have repeatedly confirmed them, and I can inform them later in this contact. As for the other part of the address, I still need some time to continue to confirm, and I will inform you in a few days.

As for what you said, after providing this information, you are willing to agree to my three requests unconditionally. If possible, I hope to be flexible to meet some of my urgent needs now... Yes, it is more urgent, mainly in terms of time...

I now need a more powerful wizard to rush to my location before dawn tomorrow and help me fight against the Truth Society—in a sense, this is also something that is beneficial to you—of course, if doing so will affect your understanding of the truth Will the strategy, said another.

In any case, every wizard who arrives in time can offset one of your promised demands. Of course, the strength of the wizard must be really strong, based on the strength of the personal guards around you when I met you last time, it is even better if it exceeds. If it is weaker than that guard, there is no need to send it, because it will be very dangerous. And if you can't arrive before dawn tomorrow, don't come—even if you are only a short distance away from your destination, you must return, otherwise there will be greater danger.

In addition to the above things, there are some trivial matters, I hope your underground organization in the Southern Freedom Federation can help. I was going to handle these things myself, but because of emergencies and safety reasons, it is better for your people to do it for you, specifically...

Below are the addresses of the branches of the Society of Truth in the Southern Free Confederation that I have identified so far - the first being the Grand Teresa...  


Li Cha kept writing, and he had to pause for a while every time he wrote a paragraph. On the one hand, he was waiting for the handwriting to disappear and be transmitted, and on the other hand, he was thinking and deliberating. Oscar at the other end of the star pattern paper is, after all, a person with great power, even surpassing Rommel in a certain sense. Under the current special circumstances, you must be cautious when talking with the other party and conducting transactions.

So Li Cha kept writing while remaining cautious.



Compared with Li Cha, Pandora is another expression.

Ten minutes ago, grabbing the space iron ring given by Li Cha, Pandora ran to the study, excited as if she had won a lottery—more precisely, the excitement and anticipation that she knew she had won, but didn’t know exactly what she had won. coexistence of mood.

He quickly ran back to the room, picked up the golden retriever dog sleeping on his stomach in the corner, and stuffed it directly into a shelf on one side of the bookshelf, regardless of the golden retriever rhubarb dog's bewildered expression.

Then pushed the desk to the corner, put away all the scattered things in the room, and vacated the floor of the entire room.

Taking a deep breath, Pandora's face tensed up, showing a rare serious expression. Grab the space iron ring with one hand and shake it vigorously. With a "crash", a large pile of boxes fell out of the air and scattered all over the ground.

Walking to the nearest box, bending down, and reaching out to open it, Pandora saw a crystal necklace inside, and there was a note written by Li Cha in the box, giving a brief and concise explanation of the crystal necklace.

Number: ER-138

Appearance: Necklace

Type: Defensive spell props

Explanation: After being activated with energy, a water shield can be born, which can effectively reduce fire attacks, specifically...

Open one more, and inside is a bracelet.

Number: ER-110

Appearance: bracelet

Type: Defensive spell props

Explanation: After being activated with the ability, it can absorb the surrounding soil and solidify into a solid stone shield with a thickness of 20 cm, which can effectively defend against purely physical attacks, but...

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