Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1096 Touching Death

Pompeii Town, underground of residence No. 1248, near the end of the corridor.


Rommel poked a scarlet mask in front of him with his hand. Seeing that the mask burst like a bubble, he blinked slightly.

what? Warning spell? But it's a bit too simple, there is no concealment, it is too easy to be targeted and dodged... Rommel thought in his heart, but didn't care. He didn't stop under his feet, and continued to move forward, at an extremely fast speed, and he was only a few meters away with one step.


As soon as the footsteps fell, there was a "bang" sound behind him, and a section of seven or eight-meter-long corridor collapsed without warning, blocking the way.

Rommel looked back and realized something.

Hmm... If I guess correctly, there is a second hidden warning spell inside the warning spell just now. Regardless of whether the first vigilance spell will be triggered or not, the second vigilance spell will be activated immediately if an intruder is detected. Once activated, the passage collapses, burying the intruder here. This is a bit interesting, a bit in line with Wizard Richard's style, but...

However, the shortcomings are also obvious... Rommel shook his head lightly, and made an evaluation in his heart... This kind of combination of warning spells and traps can deal with some weaker people, but it is almost impossible to deal with him. .

Like him, he was completely unafraid of the various unknown settings in the tunnel, and proceeded extremely fast, so he directly avoided the ambush of the collapse of the tunnel-although the trap was activated, it was useless.

The only impact might be that the way he came from was blocked, but with his strength, if he really wanted to leave, it would only take a few seconds at most to get through, so this impact can be almost ignored.

Then again, the trap may be a bit rudimentary, but setting a trap can prove from the side that something is protected and does not want outsiders to find out.

Maybe it's the evidence.

What exactly is it?

Rommel turned his head, looked deeper into the corridor, and saw that it seemed to have come to an end, and an underground space appeared not far ahead.

The underground space is very small, only a few meters long and wide, and no more than three meters high, like a small secret room.

The four walls of the "secret room" have obviously been remodeled, and have been specially strengthened with earth magic.

Guaranteed not to be easily broken.

It's hard to imagine that going so far underground is to build such a small secret room.

What secret is hidden?

Rommel looked into the secret room and saw that there seemed to be a box in the middle.


Taking a step, he walked towards the secret room.


Pompeii Town, Ground Square.

"kill him!"

Chekav screamed, giving instructions to many wizards.

In his opinion, since Li Cha wanted to die with all his heart, he had no other good way, just to fulfill Li Cha.

When the wizards inside and outside the square heard Chekav's words, they didn't hesitate, and they shot one after another. Dazzling rays of light burst out and flew towards Richard.

Acid bombs, energy balls, lightning, ice guns, wind blades, stone cones...

Many attacks are like energy storms, facing Li Cha as a hood.

Li Cha quickly propped up the "Emsley Shield", but almost instantly, the shield shattered - although the shield's defense is strong, but there are too many attacks after all, none of the wizards who made the shots were weak, and every attack was not tolerated. Underestimated, let alone added together.

Li Cha was not surprised by this. He had already thought of this situation. After the shield was broken, he quickly propped up the second shield and delayed for a very short time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he took out something from the space iron ring .


The second shield was also broken, and many spells passed through the fragments of the shield and hit the "Achilles Armor" on the surface of the body. The thing that was taken out - the gloves of the world.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

More and more spells hit the "Achilles Armor", dense cracks began to appear on the surface of the "Achilles Armor", and it was about to shatter in the next moment.

At this moment, Li Cha stepped on his feet and rushed towards the top of a stone building in the southwest corner of the square against the storm-like attack. There is no other reason, just because it is the tallest place, where the most wizards gather—at least a dozen third-level wizards stand together, and there are more than a dozen second-level wizards guarding them.

Seeing Li Cha approaching, the wizard at the top of the stone building was a little surprised. Obviously, if Li Cha wanted to break out, it would be the most unwise to choose this direction. However, they didn't hesitate, they shot quickly, and began to release attack spells on Li Cha.

And just before the spell was released, they saw Li Cha suddenly raised his right hand, a metal glove on his right hand shook, and then an irresistible blast of penetrating energy blasted out.


A large cloud of blood mist exploded on the roof of the building. Counting to the count, the figures swayed and fell down with a "plop" - because the standing was too dense and the attack was too fast, before they could react, five wizards in the field were penetrated , kill.

Facing Li Cha's weird attack, the remaining wizards were shocked and cast their shields to try to defend. Li Cha's glove shook again, and an irresistible penetrating energy blasted out.


The blood mist burst out again, and the number of wizards on the roof was reduced by three.

"Puff puff!"

Next, the metal glove in Li Cha's hand blasted out energy again and again, wiping out most of the wizards on the top floor. All the third-level wizards were killed, only a few second-level wizards survived by chance, and the few who survived Without the confidence to fight at all, he fled quickly.


With a sound, Li Cha landed on the top of the already empty stone building, looking down at the people around him.

He saw a wizard in the square take out a crystal ball, quickly input mana, and transmit a signal. Soon, many wizards from all over the town of Pompeii rushed to support, forming a larger and denser encirclement on the outer periphery to prevent him from breaking out.

Chekav also took action. Although he was surprised by his sudden burst of strength, he did not forget his duties. He efficiently directed the wizards inside and outside the square to adjust their positions. Instead of rushing to attack, he was accumulating strength and preparing more powerful spells.

In this way, once the preparations are completed and released collectively, the power will fly amazingly, making it difficult to resist.

At the same time, he felt that the sequelae of using the "Gloves of Miserable World" many times began to erupt, and the source of law consumed a large amount of free energy elements in a short period of time, making his body feel extremely weak and trembling uncontrollably.

Sweat seeped from under the skin, and he gasped with his mouth open.

The consumption of Mie Shi's gloves is still too much. If there is not enough energy supply, it will be difficult to carry out a protracted battle... But on the other hand, it is also good, it can quickly clear the source of law and ensure safety... Li Cha couldn't bear it. Can't stop thinking, without panic, panting while watching the actions of many truth wizards, and continued to count down silently in my heart.

"Six, five, four..."


Pompeii Town, underground of residence No. 1248, at the end of the corridor.

Rommel walked to the secret room at the end of the corridor, and saw a huge metal iron box standing here.

Two lines of small characters are engraved on the surface of the iron box:

It is polite to knock on the door first when visiting others;

Rummaging things without permission is at your own risk.

Rommel raised his eyebrows with a strange expression: What is this? warn? Celebrity quotes? It may also be the decoration that comes with the iron box?

Without thinking too much, he reached out and opened the box.

Then he saw a strange metal object in the box, nearly one meter long, shaped like a huge egg, and looked very heavy.

"What is this?" Rommel was puzzled, and the contents of the box were completely beyond his expectations. Originally, he thought that what could be hidden here, even if it wasn't any evidence of Li Cha's crime, should be some rare things.

But the things in front of me are completely different.

what exactly is it?

Rommel frowned, reached out to touch it cautiously, and studied it carefully. Then he sensed an extremely slight sound coming from the inside of the metal object, as if counting. After about a second, he heard: "Tap, tap, tap... tap!"



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