Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1105: The Dead Sea

a moment later...

The process of releasing the power of the Truth II atomic bomb reached the end, the impact force began to dissipate, and light and heat gradually melted into the surrounding air.

The intensity of the eruption of magma from Mount Vesuvida has also slowed down slightly. After the eruption of magma, more black smoke gushes out, as if it has reached the end of its full power, and it seems to be ready for a new wave. Powerful eruption to accumulate power.

At this moment, Richard maintained the "Achilles of Achilles" and returned to Pompeii -- or rather, the ruins of Pompeii -- against the magma and volcanic debris that continued to fall from the sky.

On the outskirts of the ruins of Pompeii, Li Cha stepped on the hot dark red ground, stopped, and looked around. Except for the roar of the volcano, the surroundings were quiet, surprisingly quiet.

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked down at the curse placed by Chekav on his left arm, and found that the wounds of the four small round holes had tended to heal, and those weird lines had all disappeared.

Obviously, the curse has been lifted, which can be reversed, and the person who cast the curse - Chekaf is dead - died with everyone in Pompeii.

However, he didn’t come back just for this matter—to inspect Pompey’s destruction, to confirm that the people of the Truth Society were not dead—he was not so narrow-minded, and the reason why he came back was more to collect data.

Yes, collect data.

The reason why he created the atomic bomb was not to destroy Pompey, or to fight.

The full name of the atomic bomb program is "Atomic Bomb Research and Manufacturing Program". Research precedes manufacturing, which shows that the reason why atomic bombs are made is for research.

What are you studying?

To study whether there is a difference between the microcosmic particles in the current world and the earth, and whether it can support his completed theory of explaining the extraordinary ability system in the current world.

This is the most important.

If he can complete the entire theory, he will have the ability to move the entire world, and then he will have a power more terrifying than the atomic bomb.

It is a pity that because of a series of events of the Truth Society, he was forced to drop two atomic bombs on Pompeii. You know, he only produced three atomic bombs in total, and now two of the three precious test items are lost. It is conceivable how difficult it is to complete the experiment according to the plan.

To solve this problem,

He had to return to Pompeii to collect data after the atomic bomb and make waste use it.

Fortunately, although the two atomic bombs in Pompeii were not detonated according to his original plan, some data cannot be lost. If you want to collect it, you can still collect it, but it is not as perfect as planned.

But at this time, there is no way to care about so much.

With a flip of his hand, Li Cha took out a lot of strangely shaped instruments from the space iron ring, including several crystal balls of different sizes, which were activated one after another, placed in suitable positions around them, and began to collect data.

Soon, the pointers on many instruments began to swing, and the crystal balls shone with colorful lights, all of which had strong reactions.

Li Cha's eyes swept over, quickly recorded the value of the instrument, then put away the instrument, walked closer to the crack of the crater, measured and collected data again.

Repeat the same operation.

Considering that the volcano is likely to erupt again, Richard was extremely efficient and got enough information in a short while.

Taking the last measurement and recording the data, Li Cha nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the crater fissure that was crazily emitting black smoke, put away all the instruments, turned around and was about to leave.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, his whole body suddenly shook, his muscles tensed, and his body froze.

He was obviously on top of a volcano, and the surrounding temperature was frighteningly high, but at this moment Li Cha felt a faint coldness emanating from the soles of his feet and pervading his whole body.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned his gaze to a place tens of meters away.

At that position, on a half-melted stone that was as tall as a person, a figure appeared, as if he had been standing there for a long time - as for when and how the other party appeared, he was completely unaware.

This is already very scary, indicating that the strength of the comer is far above him.

Li Cha clenched his hand slightly.

The visitor looked to be in his forties or fifties. He was wearing a heavy white robe. The style was different from that of the Southern Freedom Federation and the Soma League. . He wore a wide square turban on his head, part of which hung down, covering most of his face and deceiving his true face—as far as he knew, this seemed to be a typical dress in some parts of the Sika Kingdom.

Li Cha immediately became alert.

The opponent is the Kingdom of Sika - once the number one kingdom on the mainland, now the second kingdom after the Somen Alliance!

And the headquarters of the Truth Society seems to be in the Kingdom of Sika.

Yes, the headquarters of the Truth Society is in the Kingdom of Sika. Although this is not clearly recorded in the information of the branch, he can deduce it based on the mutual confirmation of some information.

So, the other party is someone from the headquarters of the Truth Society?

The other party is...

Li Cha narrowed his eyes to look at the person who came, and felt a little pressure to breathe. He raised his eyebrows and saw the person who came slowly raised his hand, the palm protruding from the long sleeve, revealing the slender and rough fingers. Among them, there is a ring on the index finger.

The ring looks very ordinary in shape, but it is inlaid with a delicate diamond. The surface of the diamond reflects colorful luster - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

Colorful diamond ring.

Colorful Ring!

The highest-level member of the Truth Society, an existence that Rommel could not fight against, and one of the managers of the entire organization-the supervisor!


Li Cha exhaled heavily, feeling a very depressive feeling, so depressing that he was about to suffocate.

At this time, the visitor looked over, and a pair of yellow eyes were exposed under the hood. He scanned the surrounding environment first, and then locked his gaze on him. A hoarse voice came out, which sounded a bit like a dying person wailing, but he was not rude, and introduced himself: "Hello, stranger, my name is Dead Sea.

Because I have some connection with some people here, I noticed that there was a change here, and I happened to be nearby, so I came to have a look. From the way you look, it seems that you came here before me and know more about this place than I do. So... can you please tell me what happened here before? What happened to make it into this bad state? "


Li Cha stared at the man who claimed to be Dead Sea, hesitating.

The other party asks a question, so how to answer the other party is better?

Be honest and tell the other party: nothing, just a spy in your organization—me, because I prevented me from leaving, so I blew up this place with an atomic bomb, and killed everyone by the way?

If he said that, he dared to bet a high-level crystal coin, and the other party would definitely kill him.

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