Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1117 The Road to the Future!

Most people know about alchemy.

The most fundamental content of alchemy is to find a way to turn lead into gold. Since ancient times, countless people have been obsessed with it, both in the east and in the west.

Why did people at that time want to refine lead into gold?

The reason is very simple, lead is very cheap, gold is very expensive, and lead and gold are similar in nature in many respects, the only obvious difference is the color - lead is blue-gray, gold is yellow.

Some people think, if they find a way to add the attribute of "yellow color" to lead, will the lead turn into gold, and will they be able to make a fortune?

So how to add "yellow color"?

The color of brass is relatively close, try adding some copper.

The color of sulfur is relatively close, try soaking it in sulfur water.


In this way, countless people have been searching hard, and have studied for hundreds or thousands of years without success.

Why didn't it work?

Because the researchers do not know at all that the reason why lead is lead and gold is gold is rooted in their different atomic constitutions. Unless the atomic structure of lead is fundamentally changed, lead will never become gold.

The direction is wrong, the harder you work, the farther you will be from success.

Because I don’t know the most basic composition of atoms, even if alchemy developed from simple alchemy to trying to make panacea, philosophic stones, and artificial humans, it seems amazing, but there is no result, just in situ spin around.

With the development of time, the basis of chemistry began to be studied. First, Dalton proposed the atomic theory, then Mendeleev established the periodic table of elements, and finally alchemy evolved into modern chemistry, which began to develop at a high speed.

In development, the whole world is changed because of chemistry.

From the plastic products used in daily life to the alloy materials needed for space satellites, it affects everyone in an all-round way.

In particular, the development of the synthetic ammonia chemical industry has brought about the mass production of chemical fertilizers, which has increased food production several times. As a result, a large number of people can be supported, a large number of labor forces can be liberated, and more and more resources can be invested in science, which has no short-term benefits.

It can be said that the advancement of the earth is due to modern chemistry.

The current world, by comparison, is a bit too backward.

Originated from extraordinary power, they are still wandering in the field of primitive chemistry such as "alchemy", and have not touched the door of "modern chemistry" at all, so even if they have extraordinary power, most of them are doing useless work.

From this point of view, the first law of transcendence is extremely important, like a key that opens the door to a whole new world.

With the first law of transcendence, the current world can find the correct way to open it.

Looking at the current state of the world, it is a joke for a powerful wizard to travel long distances and travel in a carriage like ordinary people. Find a way to use extraordinary materials to manufacture the legendary airship and floating city, won't it?

A wizard still needs to eat food like ordinary people to satisfy energy consumption. Wouldn't it be more convenient to find a way to produce extraordinary food, and even install an energy furnace on the wizard's body?

The labor force is extremely scarce, and the productivity is extremely backward. Most of the population is engaged in agriculture, and they can barely support a handful of nobles and wizards by working all year round. Would it be more beneficial to the development of the world to find a way to develop an extraordinary power source and use magic to operate a large number of magic puppets to replace manpower?

There is also combat. No matter how powerful a wizard is, until now, conflicts have been resolved in the form of individual fighting, with at most a few spells and props to assist. Find a way to use spells as the basis to create wizard guns. Once a bullet is fired, it is a spell release. If a magazine is fired, the spells recorded in the entire wizard book can be released. Will it make things easier?

In Li Cha's view, the world can only be regarded as truly advanced if the basic necessities of life are developed.

Of course, the idea is good, but the difficulty is a bit big.

To really achieve this is equivalent to combining technology with Transcendence to create a complete Transcendence modern chemical industry.

Li Cha pursed his lips lightly.

To be honest, he didn't think about doing it on his own.

Although he is very confident in himself, he is still not so confident.

Modern chemistry on earth is achieved through the joint efforts of countless scientists, researchers, and professionals in the industry. No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for one person to replace all of them.

If you want to change the world completely, you need to mobilize the power of the masses in the end, and you need a huge organization and a great country to achieve it.

This is not in a hurry, and he is not in a hurry to do it.

His purpose is to find out the truth of the world, not to benefit the whole world, so before changing the world, he can do one thing that he can accomplish first, and that is to complete the foundation work of "Extraordinary Modern Chemistry".

To put it simply, it is to clarify as much as possible, the types, properties and many other attributes of all extraordinary factors.

Figuring out these things is like laying a solid foundation, and only then can the edifice of "Extraordinary Modern Chemistry" rise from the ground in a short period of time.

In other words, what he wants to do is to become the Mendeleev of the current world.

The introduction of the first law of extraordinaryness is the key to the gate of the new world, and what he has to do is to thoroughly grasp this key and the ability to completely change the entire world.

When he completes this foundation-laying work, then the highest level of knowledge in the entire world will be in his hands.

Knowledge is power, and he will be the strongest man then.

To give an example, in a sense, everything has shortcomings. Solid objects, at low temperatures, will shatter like glass. The grease with strong adhesion can be easily removed by cleaning with organic solvents.

As long as the response is reasonable, nothing is invincible.

These are all the knowledge he knew on earth. What he doesn't know is a series of knowledge related to the current world and the extraordinary, so fighting some people from the Truth will always be frustrated.

And if he waited until he had clarified and deduced all his extraordinary knowledge, it would be different, and all battles would become as simple as doing multiple-choice questions.

There are enemies with extremely strong bodies, like Rommel, well, pull out the molecular cracking magic cannon.

There are enemies with extremely fast speeds, like the colored rings before, well, load the magic nuclear power tracking shells into it.

There are enemies fleeing, well, turn on the prophecy spell scanning radar...

Respond with knowledge and pinpoint the shortcomings, and you can kill with one blow.

As long as it is in the category of knowledge, everything can be dealt with. If you can't handle it, it means that it is beyond the scope of knowledge and you need to continue learning.

Omniscient is omnipotent, learning to the end is invincible.


Li Cha took a deep breath, his thoughts became clearer and clearer.

He is very clear that it is not easy to really accomplish these things.

Mendeleev on earth was able to create the periodic table of chemical elements. It was not the efforts of one person. Many of them were sorted out and summarized the previous data and knowledge.

And for him, if he wants to create the periodic table of extraordinary factors, he can't do it alone. He also needs to learn from the data and knowledge of the predecessors. To be precise, it is a lot of spells.

Each spell is equivalent to a transcendental factor reaction equation. If you master enough spells, you can calculate the nature of a transcendental factor. Especially those with great power and ancient inheritance are very important for analyzing the nature of extraordinary factors.

All in all, all in all, what he will do next is to try to collect spells from all over the world for research.

Every successfully collected spell will make him stronger, will become a force for him to move the world in the future, and will make him one step closer to his ultimate goal - to understand the truth of the world.

The road ahead has been clearly shown in front of him.

This road is the result of nearly a year of hard work to create nuclear weapons and collect data at a huge cost.

As for how this road will go and how it will go, just wait for him to walk around and see.

"Go and see for yourself..."

Li Cha murmured, walked slowly to the window of the hotel room, looked at the night outside, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if seeing an incomparably bright light in the dense darkness.


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