Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1120: Ignite the Gunpowder

"Where did this ore come from?!" A few seconds later, Annie turned to look at the white-haired old man, and asked in a quick tone, "How much is the quantity? What's the price? I want it all!"

"Oh, yes." The white-haired old man didn't show any excitement when he heard Annie's words, as if there was no commission for the consignment. As before, he glanced at Annie indifferently, and said slowly: "I have to think about this, I'm getting older, and my memory is a bit bad, I remember it seems to be"

Halfway through the speech, the white-haired old man kept dragging out his tone, then... nothing and then...

Annie waited for a full half a minute, and found that there was no follow-up, and felt a wave of anger spreading from her lower abdomen uncontrollably. With one hand raised, he was about to drag the white-haired old man out from behind the counter and interrogate him violently.

At this moment, she noticed that the white-haired old man suddenly looked towards the door.

Um? What?

Curious, she followed the old man's gaze and looked towards the door, only to see a young woman about her age walk in, with shoulder-length hair.

Her gaze and the other's gaze naturally touched each other.

"You..." Annie opened her mouth, wanting to ask.

As a result, at this moment, there was a "bang".

Outside the city of Newburgh, from an unknown place, there was a huge explosion, and the crumbling wooden frame in the shop suddenly made a "creaking" sound that was difficult to support.


Annie was taken aback.

She was also taken aback when she saw the young woman who walked in, apparently as unaware of what happened as she was.

On the contrary, the white-haired old man behind the counter was the first to realize the truth, and he quickly ran out from behind the counter, yelling.

"It's war! The wizard has cast a spell! Run! Run!"


Some chaotic sounds came from the street outside and the entire city of Newburgh.

Annie's body tightened, and out of a stress response, mana fluctuations in her body began to emerge. Then she noticed that the young woman at the door also showed a vigilant look,

There are also mana fluctuations in the body.

The two looked at each other, both showing expressions of "you are the same as me", and then looked out of the city together.

"What happened?" Annie whispered.

After a while, she heard the woman at the door reply, "I don't know."



On the field more than ten miles outside Newburgh.


With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, a figure fell from the sky.

The figure that fell was an army wizard of the Soma Alliance, with the cultivation base of a first-level wizard peak, and logically speaking, his status was not low at all, but he was extremely embarrassed at this time.

I saw that the clothes on his chest had been burned by the flames, exposing his scorched and blackened chest, and most of his hair had been burned by the flames. He was lying on the ground like a beggar, blood was flowing from his body, his eyes were closed tightly, and it was very painful. Obviously seriously injured.

"Wizard Chester, Master Chester!" Two figures of young men quickly ran close, one shouted, while the other pressed down on the injured wizard's chest with a faint green light in his hands. They are two apprentice wizards accompanying the army, and their task is to assist the wizard in fighting. Now seeing that the object of assistance has been severely injured, they are a little panicked and trying to treat them.

The sorcerer called Chester was not in extremely bad physical condition. Under the weak treatment, he faintly woke up.

Opening his eyes, Chester saw the nervous expressions of the two wizard apprentices close at hand. Going a little further away, he saw a wizard from the Kingdom of Sika wearing a blue-gray robe, flying towards the distance.

Just now, it was the opponent who attacked and seriously injured him, and now it is the magic knight who is preparing to raid a scouting post of the Soma Alliance.

Yes, the other party is raiding the detection post.

Chester's eyes widened, and with the help of far-superior eyesight, he could clearly see the billowing flames from Wizard Sika's hands and spread them to the ground. Below are several magical knights from the Soma Alliance who had just become conscious. Before they had time to attack, they were engulfed in flames the next moment.

After the wizards of Sika King's army killed several magic knights, they didn't stop, and flew to another detection post not far away, trying to repeat the same trick.

Chester felt his body heat up.

He is very clear that there are three Soma Alliance scout outposts in the vicinity, and they jointly guard a garrison stronghold, thus forming a relatively forward line of defense on the border, which can occupy a certain advantage in some cases.

But now, the Kingdom of Sika is clearly preparing to destroy this section of the line of defense including the reconnaissance outposts and garrison strongholds.

Behind Wizard Sika, on the horizon in the distance, there is the sound of "rumbling" horseshoes, which are the cavalry preparing to support Wizard Sika.

Damn it, this is the Sika who started the war on his own initiative!

Chester felt that the blood in his whole body was about to boil, and he couldn't help wanting to work hard so that the Sika people could learn the lesson they deserved, but the intense pain in his chest and back reminded him that it was impossible to complete this task before In the sneak attack, he had already suffered irreversible injuries, and he was no match for the wizards of King Sika's team at all, not to mention the large number of cavalry who followed.

"What to do, Wizard Chester?"

"What to do, Lord Chester?"

The two wizard apprentices, with pale faces, kept asking, trembling voices, which sounded like mosquitoes to his ears.

"Shut up!" Chester yelled, struggling to stand up, looking at Wizard Sika who had already destroyed the second scouting post and flew towards the last scouting post.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the injury forcibly, he ordered to the two wizard apprentices: "Calm down!"

"The situation is obvious now. It is the Kingdom of Sika who is provoking, and they must not be allowed to succeed."

"Now, I will pass the information to the military. However, it is difficult for them to get detailed information, so I give you two a task, which is to bypass the garrison stronghold, rush to the military camp separately, and tell the military what you saw Everything you have arrived at. I hope the garrison stronghold can persist until you return with support."

"What about you, my lord?" asked the two wizard apprentices aloud.

"What about me..." Chester's expression was slightly solemn, "Of course I tried my best to hold back that damned Sika wizard, otherwise how could the garrison hold on, and how could the two of you leave safely."

After saying that, Chester took out a crystal ball from his waist, and quickly injected mana into it to activate it.

After a while, the vague information agreed in advance was transmitted, and Chester crushed the crystal ball with a "crash". Then he stepped on his feet, bent his body, coughed in a low voice and rushed towards the army wizard of the Kingdom of Sika, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Go!" Chester made the last sound.

The two wizard apprentices shook their bodies and looked at each other without hesitation, one left and one right, and quickly ran towards the depths of their own defense line.


As they ran, the sky above them roared.

The two wizards began a fierce battle.


In the distance, the dense sound of horseshoes approaching on the horizon.

"Shut up!"

In the garrison stronghold, the soldiers who reacted began to shoot large machine crossbows one after another, trying to help their wizards, but it was of no use.

Farther away, whether it is the Soma Alliance or the Sika Kingdom, there have been a series of chain changes in the barracks of both sides.

An increasingly fierce battle is about to break out.

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