Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1123: Soul Spell

Time passed by every minute and every second.

After more than half an hour, the ground of the village calmed down.

The black-armored soldiers who had entered the underground passage behind the burly man came out one by one at this time, and carried out the corpses one after another, laying them flat on the small square in the center of the village, arranged in a neat row.

The air above fluctuated slightly, and the wizards who flew high into the night and merged into the night appeared one after another, fell to the ground, walked to the corpse, and carefully checked one by one to confirm whether the corpse was completely dead.

A corpse in the corner had its head chopped off, and the wizard was still worried. A thin translucent wind blade emerged from the fingertips, cutting open the opponent's entire chest like a blade, exposing the heart. After poking hard at the shriveled heart in the shape of a coconut, he nodded to his companion, expressing that he was definitely dead.

"Tap! Tap! Tap!"

Heavy footsteps sounded, and the last person underground also came out of the passage. It was the burly man who entered first. At this time, he was covered in blood, and there were a lot of pieces of meat hanging on the surface of the armor, which looked a little hideous.

Looking through the gap left by the mask, the burly man quickly swept across the field, his eyes falling on the corpses in the field.

Stepping closer, he turned his head and asked aloud to the wizard who came down to examine the corpse, "Is it all here?"

"Yes, my lord, they are all here." The wizard replied respectfully.

"Did anyone run away?" The burly man asked again.

"No." The wizard shook his head, "There were indeed two people who tried to break out of the siege before, but we shot them down. This time we attacked them suddenly, and they didn't expect it at all. We were prepared to attack them, but we were not prepared, with such a large force advantage , and if you are an adult, they have no chance of resisting."

"That's good." The burly man nodded and let out a sigh of relief, "Then, let's prepare for the clean-up ceremony, and it's over."

"Understood, proceed immediately."


The burly man responded, turned his head to look at the many black-armored soldiers lined up beside him, and waved an order: "Irrelevant personnel withdraw from the village, the wizard prepares for the ceremony."

"Yes." Many black-armored soldiers responded in unison, without any fuss, they all turned around and headed towards the outsider of the village.

Not long after, the black-armored soldiers entered the forest,

The figure disappeared, leaving only dozens of wizards and burly men in the entire village.

The burly man walked towards the outside of the square of the small village, stopped at the periphery, and looked at the wizard. At this time, the wizard began to move closer to the corpses lined up on the ground of the square, and an incomprehensible spell came out of his mouth.


With the sound of the incantation, the surrounding air became thicker a little bit, and the already dense night became darker, and it was almost impossible to see your fingers.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the crystal cones that had been stabbed into the ground outside the village by the wizard before flew out whizzingly, flying towards the center of the village with light.

During the flight, the crystal cone deformed, as if it had been scorched by high temperature, and gradually melted like glass, and was pulled out into long and thin crystal threads not much thicker than a hair.

The filaments multiply and weave into each other, making ropes that end in triangular prongs that move through the air like a swordfish.

Tens of seconds later, there were nearly a hundred "swimming" crystal slender ropes above the village, moving faster and faster like strange creatures that hunted mosquitoes and flies. Immediately after, there was a faint wailing sound in the air, as if a transparent creature was pierced by a crystal rope-they were souls one by one.

"Shut up!"

The crystal rope continued to accelerate, and the howling sound in the air became louder and louder, until it was almost audible at last.

Dozens of wizards had indifferent expressions on this, stood where they were, and continued to chant long incantations.


The tone of voice was originally low and solemn, but it gradually became soft and soothing, and it sounded like a lullaby to lull a baby to sleep, making people want to close their eyes uncontrollably.

Soul Spell: Evening Requiem!

Slowly, slowly, the wailing of the souls in the air began to decay, and finally disappeared completely, as if they were all asleep.

Dozens of wizards stopped chanting spells, looked at each other, and exchanged a look.




There was a short pause of three seconds, and after three seconds, dozens of wizards unanimously chanted new spells loudly.

This time the mantra was high-pitched and chilling, like an awl, it pierced into the eardrum of a person so hard that it bleeds directly.

"Kerut... Toka!"

"Aha... Umuya!"

Accompanied by the sound of the incantation, the entire space vibrated violently, and the crystal rope, which was originally crystal clear, was suddenly stained with a layer of dangerous blood red. An electric arc that is more than ten centimeters long appeared at both ends of the crystal rope, and quickly passed to the middle, making a "crackling" sound.


Following the exit of the last syllable, there was a "boom", and the arcs of all the crystal ropes exploded in the air, and the whole village seemed to be covered by a huge bloody grid, and it was like a distorted human face protruding down.

That face was weird and gloomy, like a devil from hell.

Soul Spell · Soul Blast!


With a bang, all the crystal ropes were finally shattered, followed by many souls strung together by the crystal ropes.

Dead clean.


Dozens of wizards breathed a long sigh of relief after doing this, their faces were a little pale. It was obvious that releasing two large spells in a row had consumed them a lot.

One of the wizards walked towards the burly man outside the square, reporting the situation, and the rest of the wizards were not idle, their eyes lit up, and they quickly scanned the surroundings to make sure there were no fish that slipped through the net.

The sorcerer who reported walked up to the burly man and said, "My lord, the ceremony is complete. It is confirmed that the enemies here have lost the possibility of resurrection, so no information will be sent out. We are still in the dark."

"Very good." The burly man nodded and said, "Check the scene again, and leave with the team after making sure it is correct."

"Yes." The wizard turned and returned to the square.

As soon as the wizard left, the burly man turned his head to look to the left.


From that direction, a communication soldier in blue light armor ran quickly, ran close, and said a few words to the burly man: "My lord, news just came from the north, saying it is..."

More than a minute later, after listening to the communication soldier's words, the burly man pondered for a while, and confirmed with a buzzing voice: "Is that what the superiors said? Speed ​​up the progress without affecting the plan?"


"In this case, it will involve... a lot of changes. Today we only planned to clear this one target. If we speed up the progress..." The burly and strong man pondered, and asked the communication soldier after a few seconds, "Where is the closest target from here?" A target, where is it?"

"Farrow," the comm soldier replied.

"Huh? Farrow?" The burly man didn't hear clearly, and asked with some doubts, "Isn't Farrow in Soma? I remember it's not very far from Nandu Xia."

"No, no." The communications soldier shook his head quickly, explaining with a more emphatic tone, "My lord, it's not Farrow, it's Farrow."

While talking, the communication soldier took out a sheepskin map and pointed it out to the burly man: "Your Excellency, look, this is the place. It has a very similar name to our Farrow, but it is in a place in the Southern Freedom Federation." Near the commercial city. If we start fast, we should be there before dawn."

"Is that so?" The burly man responded, thought for a few seconds, and issued an order, "Alright then, inform the team and set off for Faro immediately!"

"Yes." The communication soldier hammered his left chest with his right fist, gave a military salute, turned and left.

Not long after, many soldiers in the forest wiped away their own traces and walked quickly towards Faro in the night.


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