Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1135: Ominous Object

The pink liquid is Li Cha's newly improved healing liquid after he made a breakthrough in the study of the blood-colored seal. After some simple tests, he was able to confirm that improving the repairing liquid can speed up the recovery rate by 30%. As for the's hard to say, if you want to know, you need to taste it yourself.


Li Cha took a deep breath, opened the stopper of the glass tube, and drank the liquid inside.

The liquid entered the mouth, and all the familiar tastes came out: viscous bananas that were mashed, some expired fermented bean curd, concentrated bitter gourd juice, some rotten durian...

After these flavors have passed, an explosive version of the experience, like a strong wind on the finale stage, sweeps all the taste buds violently.

It was a strong spicy, as if pouring a whole bottle of chili sauce into the mouth, the inner wall of the mouth suddenly felt an overwhelming burning pain. Tongue froze, almost lost sensation, and it took a while to recover. Then this strong spicy feeling jumped over the throat, down the esophagus, and slid towards the stomach, and the whole body "boiled".

One second, two seconds, three seconds...


It took five or six seconds for Li Cha to let out a long breath, feeling his body gradually calm down.

The improved healing elixir is even better than he expected, and can speed up the recovery rate by more than 40%, but the corresponding taste is even worse.

If it goes on like this, continuing to take it orally, I'm afraid it's not a good way anymore, and intravenous injection can be properly considered.

With a wry smile, Li Cha took out another glass tube containing the medicine from the cupboard, frowned, drank the medicine, opened the door of the main laboratory, and walked out. Today is the day when the Antiquities Exchange Conference will be held again.

After walking out the door, Li Cha stepped out of the Garden of Eden, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Pandora followed with an empty wooden bucket.

Tilting his head slightly, Li Cha asked Pandora suspiciously: "Are you going up there again to water your staff vine?"

"En." Pandora nodded, giving a definite answer.

"Don't you think you've watered a little too much?" Li Cha reminded tactfully.

"No." Pandora shook her head and replied seriously, "According to the "Guide to Planting the Staff of Somme\

,"The water I poured is far from enough, and I need to continue to work hard. "

"Uh, okay..." Li Cha said, he had already sentenced the staff and vines to death in advance: It should not last for half a week, after all, they are staff vines, not hydroponic spider plants.

The Guide to Growing Somme Staff is so misleading that it could have been renamed The Hundred Ways to Kill Staff Vines. The author of this book is probably not a serious wizard who studies planting, but a businessman who sells the seeds of staff vines.

Sighing, Li Cha and Pandora left the Garden of Eden and walked onto the ground.

Afterwards, leaving Pandora in the courtyard to water the planted staff vines, Li Cha went out and got on the carriage to the theater.



The wheels of the carriage turned and soon arrived at the theater.

Li Cha walked into the hall on the third floor with ease, glanced at the group of Abel who had arrived earlier, found a seat and sat down, and began to watch the show on the theater stage.

Compared with the last time, this time's show is much more ordinary, and it no longer goes against the mainstream. It is a romantic drama called... Well, The Life of Elizabeth III.

The characters that appear on the stage are: Queen Elizabeth III herself, her first lover, her second lover, her third lover... the son of her first lover, the younger brother of her second lover, and the uncle of her third lover ...

The plot continued to advance, and after 20 minutes, a sad ending was shown: almost everyone died in a war, only Elizabeth III, and her third lover's uncle's daughter survived. There are hints in the play that this The little girl will become Elizabeth IV.

At the end of the show, all the actors bowed and retreated. Li Cha gently rubbed his eyes, waited quietly for the exchange meeting to start, and thought seriously: the next exchange meeting may come later, although it is not very polite, but at present Faro City The staged drama really doesn't match his aesthetics.

Thinking of this, Abel, who was dressed as an old gentleman, stood up, and the look behind the monocle eye quickly scanned the audience and announced, "Okay, let's start."

Richard noticed that the voice of Abel's announcement today was a bit low and serious compared to usual.


Li Cha raised his eyebrows and subconsciously guessed: Did something happen? Could it be that Abel was affected by the sad ending of the previous show?

Just wondering, he sensed that Abel was looking directly at him.

He blinked and asked, "Mr. Abel, what's the matter?"

"Wizard Richard, have you noticed that the number of people in today's exchange meeting is a bit small?" Abel asked.

Li Cha turned his head and quickly scanned everyone in the arena, and found that there were indeed not many people, only a dozen or so.

But this is also normal, because the Antiquities Exchange Association is a loose organization, and participation is not mandatory in the first place, and members are often absent due to trivial matters. Not even half of the people who usually attend the meeting, and occasionally two-thirds of the members attend, is considered a rare event.

After reading it, Li Cha looked at Abel and said, "Mr. Abel, the number of people today is indeed relatively small, but... Speaking of which, isn't this a normal phenomenon?"

"This is indeed a normal phenomenon." Abel didn't deny it. He held the civilized stick in his hand, let it go again, and said with a sigh, "However, have you noticed that the last time the wizard Lace traded with you, this Absent even once? You know, Wizard Reis, is very active in participating in the meeting, even if there is something delayed, he will say hello, but this time he didn't."

After hearing this, Li Cha frowned slightly, only to realize that Lace hadn't come.

In other words, if he still plans to have the opportunity this time, ask Leith if he has any insights on the bloody seal for sale, maybe it can help him research.

It is indeed a small regret that the other party did not come this time, but... why does Abel take it so seriously?

"Perhaps, Wizard Lace, some urgent matters have delayed you?" Li Cha looked at Abel and said.

"No." Abel shook his head and responded, "He is not delayed, but dead."

Li Cha raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and his brain turned quickly: Abel told the truth of this matter with his current attitude, could it be that he was doubting what he did to Lacey? Speaking of which, he paid a high price to buy Lacey's items. If there is any dissatisfaction, it is indeed possible to find Lacey in private and have a conflict.

So, Abel was testing him?

Or maybe he thought too much, and Abel was just telling a simple fact?

Li Cha pursed his lips, looked at Abel, and asked for confirmation, "Wizard Lace is really dead?"

"Yes." Abel nodded and sighed, "So, Wizard Richard, you must be careful."


"Because this fully proves that the Scarlet Seal you bought from Wizard Rath last week is just like the rumors, an ominous thing with a terrible curse."

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