Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1147: Test Medicine

Barry is not stupid, he knows very well that you can't eat something that is unclear, otherwise you can't tell what the consequences will be if you eat it. Therefore, he only looked for one medicine, which was the "nutrient solution" that Li Cha had given him before.

He remembered clearly that it was a light blue, slightly viscous liquid.

"This is not, this is not, this is not..." Barry said to himself, quickly walked through one cabinet after another, and finally stopped in front of the fourth cabinet, and saw the exact same picture as he remembered. liquid.

"Blue, slightly viscous, exactly the same as the one I drank before. The only difference is... the symbol on it..." Barry took out the selected potion from the cupboard, and compared it with the empty potion tube before , found that the square symbol on the surface label of the glass tube is not exactly the same.

He couldn't tell the specific difference, but one of them had a more complicated square symbol, and the other had a simpler square symbol, which could still be clearly seen.

"Is this a thing at all?"

"Does it look the same on the outside, but the effect is very different?"

"Or, it is indeed exactly the same, the square symbol on the glass tube is just a number?"

Barry kept thinking, and tried to convince himself after a while: "Two different potions, the chances of them looking exactly the same... should be very small, right? So, there is no accident, this must be the same potion. Yes, it is the same potion .”

Gathering up his courage, Barry carefully opened the stopper of the glass bottle tube, turned his head to see if there was no one, and then sent it into his mouth. Prepare to take a sip first, taste the taste before talking.

Seeing that the liquid in the glass tube was about to be poured into his mouth, he suddenly stopped and changed his mind.

Holding the glass tube, his eyes rolled a few times in their sockets, Barry turned around, walked slowly to the door, opened the door a crack, and carefully glanced outside.

Ten seconds later, his eyes lit up, and he saw the target he was looking for, a golden-haired rhubarb dog.

He was very sure now that the Golden Retriever and Rhubarb was just an ordinary dog, and there was no danger to him, and it could be used to test the effect of the medicine in the glass tube.

Be careful, he quickly waved to the golden retriever dog outside the door.

When the golden retriever dog saw it, he ran over unsuspectingly with his tongue out.

"Very good, very good, here, I'll give you something good to taste." Barry said, opened the door, poured a little of the light blue potion in the glass tube into his palm, and stretched it out in front of the golden-haired rhubarb dog.

The golden-haired rhubarb dog sniffed it with its nose, and didn't feel anything wrong, so it quickly licked it into its mouth.

After licking, he looked up and looked at Barry eagerly, as if to say: Is there any more?

Barry waited patiently for a few minutes. Seeing that the golden retriever and rhubarb dog hadn't behaved strangely, he reached out and stroked the dog's head, smiling, and said, "Don't worry, I'll give it to you. Judging by your appearance, there shouldn't be any problem with this thing. Then when I finish drinking this bottle, I will take out the few bottles inside and share it with you, okay?"

After finishing speaking, Barry boldly sent the potion in the glass tube to his mouth.


As a result, the glass tube reached its mouth, and the golden-haired rhubarb dog suddenly let out a scream, jumped and ran to the side, quickly ran to the wall, raised one leg, and started to release water.


"Wow, wow..."

"Wow, wow, wow..."

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds!

Soon, a full half a minute passed, and the golden retriever rhubarb dog hadn't finished releasing the water. His body began to tremble slightly, and he kept barking, as if he was feeling unwell.

Then forty seconds, fifty seconds, sixty seconds...

The golden retriever and rhubarb dog was still running water, standing on the ground with three legs, obviously a little unsteady, so weak, the wailing sound became louder, and it looked at Barry, full of hatred.

Barry's body stiffened for a moment, as if he had been scalded, and he quickly took away the glass tube that had been brought to his mouth.

After looking around for a week, it was confirmed that except for the victim dog, the Golden Retriever and Rhubarb, there was no one else who witnessed his "crime".

At this moment, a voice sounded, Pandora came out from the corner, looked at the golden retriever dog strangely, and asked, "Little Bell, what's wrong with you?"

After that, following the somewhat hateful eyes of the golden retriever and rhubarb dog, he saw Barry at the door, the glass tube in Barry's hand, and the label on the glass tube.

"What... are you doing with the 'extreme diuretic'?" Pandora asked aloud, frowning slightly.

Barry gulped down a mouthful of saliva, feeling a vague murderous aura surrounding him.

"Don't tell me, you gave Little Bell to drink."

"A little, just...a little."

"A little bit!" Pandora raised her eyebrows, and said in a cold voice, "Did you know that there used to be a guy named Gutas, who disturbed my sleep just a little bit and then...he died."


Barry swallowed again, and found that his whole body was hardened, and the previous conversation with Richard flashed inexplicably in his mind.

"If you don't live to tomorrow and you're only forty-nine, you don't have to worry about this (tomorrow's birthday celebration)."

"It's almost tomorrow, I won't be so unlucky, will I?"

"As long as you want it, nothing is impossible."

Barry felt his throat dry, and looked at Pandora in panic: "Don't...don't...don't...ah!"


Beyond the Garden of Eden.

Richard has been in the courtyard on the ground for several hours. Here, he couldn't hear Barry's screams, but he heard the sound of a carriage approaching from outside the street.


The carriage was getting closer and closer, and then stopped steadily.


Someone jumped out of the carriage and quickly approached the courtyard gate.

"Tuk tuk!"

Then there was a knock on the courtyard door.

Li Cha in the courtyard room raised his eyelids slightly after hearing the voice, stepped out, walked to the courtyard door, opened the door with a "squeak", and saw a 14-year-old boy standing outside the door.

The young man was wearing a gray dress, bowed quickly and saluted, "It's Your Excellency Richard, my master is here and brought you the information you want."

After hearing this, Li Cha looked past the boy and looked at a carriage parked on the street in front of the door.

It can be seen that it is an ordinary carriage, but it is a circle larger than the normal specification, because it can satisfy the extremely luxurious and comfortable interior decoration. The man driving the carriage was extremely extraordinary. He was more than 1.8 meters tall. He was powerful and he looked not to be trifled with. He was even fiercer than the guards. If you sense it carefully, you can also find that there are not weak mana fluctuations in the opponent's body. The opponent is obviously a wizard.

They even asked a wizard to drive a carriage and act as a groom. Those who didn't know it thought what kind of big man would be riding the carriage.

Li Cha knew very well that the person in the carriage was not a big shot at all, but just a playboy who ran away from home.

Blinking his eyes, he stepped forward and walked to the front of the carriage. Li Cha reached out and knocked on the wall of the carriage.

"Bang bang!"

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