Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1155: Undead Blood Nightmare

Level 3 wizard!

Li Cha looked at the two people who were rushing towards him, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Finally something... well, a little challenging.

Then let me see how much I can do.

Li Cha's eyes were fixed, and he pushed the male wizard Barry in his hand to the side, so as not to be affected, and flipped his other hand, and put the short energy storage staff into the space iron ring.


Both hands were raised at the same time, and with a sudden grab from the air, two blood-red energy spears were generated, one on the left and one on the right.

Somewhat different from the dozens of long spears generated before, these two long spears are nearly two meters long, the arms are thick, and the blood on the surface is shining, like thunder flashing, exuding a solid and terrifying aura, and the surrounding air is full of it. one heavy.

This long spear has already reached the power of the fourth-ring spell.

Jeff and Hart, who came rushing, sensed the threat of the bloody energy spear, looked at each other, and parted from the left and the right with a tacit understanding, trying to attack in a roundabout way, and give themselves a chance to dodge.

When Li Cha saw it, he didn't care. With a wave of his hand, two blood-colored energy spears blasted out, attacking Jeff and Hart respectively.

Jeff and Hart jumped up almost as soon as Richard made a shot, and jumped into the air to dodge. Unexpectedly, just as the bloody energy spear missed from their feet, it was pulled out from a high height, stabbing in from the abdomen of the two of them, and coming out from the back.

"Bang bang!"

With two loud bangs, Jeff and Hart fell to the ground with serious injuries. Their skin was dyed a layer of blood red, and a large amount of blood energy gushed out to deprive them of their vitality.

"Ah! Ah!"

The two cried out in pain, their expressions contorted, trying to drive away the blood energy, but to no avail, their voices kept weakening, getting closer and closer to death.


Barry, who was pushed away by Li Cha, couldn't help swallowing his saliva after seeing it, and looked at Li Cha, his eyes became very fearful.

He is very clear about the strength of Jeff and Hart, which is a whole wizard level higher than him. In this way, Li Cha can still be killed face to face, I am afraid that Li Cha's strength is higher than the two of them by an entire wizard level.

Level 4 wizard...

Even a rare strongman among fourth-level wizards...

From this point of view, the deal he made with Li Cha was very lucrative.

Lend Li Cha the "Blood Code" in the Ancestral Spirit Society that he didn't master in the first place for a period of time, and he will be able to exchange for Li Cha to help him become the leader of the Ancestral Spirit Society again. The most important thing is that if he has difficulties in the future, he can ask Li Cha for help at any time. Why worry about whether the ancestral spirit will be strong?

Maybe his ability is indeed weaker than the damn Nuoan, but finding such a powerful helper as Li Cha, he will definitely do better than Nuoan.

This is luck!

Barry's eyes were bright as he thought, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes fell on the bodies of Jeff and Hart who were already dying.

I saw that the two people, who were about to lose their breath, swelled rapidly under their skin as if they were inflated. Sarcomas emerged from the surface of the body one by one, and their appearance became extremely hideous and evil, just like monsters in legends.

Along with the changes of the two, there are also fluctuations in the momentum and mana in the body.

A crazy and bloody momentum erupted from the bodies of the two of them, and the fluctuation of mana directly broke through the original level, and quickly approached the fourth-level wizard.


There were strange screams from the throats of the two, the skin was torn, and the sarcoid tumors were broken one by one, like a melting candle, flowing out a viscous, cloudy liquid.

However, in just a few seconds, the appearance of the two of them has changed drastically. Except for a face and general outline, they have almost nothing in common with humans.

The wound caused by the bloody energy spear,

Recovering quickly while wriggling, sharp claws spread out from the end of the fingers, stood up from the ground again, and approached.


Looking at these, Li Cha frowned, and could vaguely feel that an extremely unstable energy in Jeff and Hart was becoming more and more active, giving him a sense of danger.

It seems a bit similar to some variant of the blood energy extraordinary factor... Is it the effect of a special blood spell...

Li Cha kept a calm face, and his thoughts turned.

Barry was obviously not so calm. After seeing the changes in Jeff and Hart, he screamed and stared at Nuoan in the distance: "Nuo... Nuoan! actually allowed them to study " The forbidden technique in the Blood Code!"

"Forbidden technique?" Li Cha tilted his head slightly and questioned.

"It''s...the forbidden blood spell!" Barry was overly emotional and said incoherently, "In the "Blood Code", there are some spells that cannot be used, most of them are because they can't learn them, and there are a few A few were forbidden to learn because the cost was too high. Now the two of them are using the strongest forbidden technique 'Undead Blood Nightmare' in the records."

"'Undead Blood Nightmare'? That's a good name..." Li Cha whispered, and saw that Jeff and Hart, who had cast the spell, had come close.

He raised his eyebrows without fear, and with a wave of his hand, two larger blood-colored energy spears emerged, and then threw them out.


The blood-colored energy spear accurately penetrated the body, and under control, it exploded completely, releasing the blood-colored energy to the greatest extent, destroying the vitality of the two of them.

But... no use.

I saw that after Jeff and Hart were injured, their pace was slightly stagnant, and soon the whole body was wriggling, repairing the huge wound on the chest, and quickly suppressing the erosion of bloody energy. It seemed that with a few more blood-colored energy spears, the two of them would be able to hold on.

This is indeed a bit powerful, not to mention the cost, just this super repair ability, even if it is not one-tenth of Rommel's back then, it is still one-hundredth.

It is not too exaggerated to call it a forbidden technique.

The value of "Blood Code" is greater than imagined.

Li Cha was thinking about this, Barry lost his composure and yelled, looked at Jeff and Hart, stepped back again and again, and shouted to Li Cha: "Run! Take me out of here quickly! 'Undead Blood Nightmare' is impossible Killing, staying can only be exhausted. Damn Nuo'an, let his subordinates learn this kind of spell, we can't be his opponent. Let's run, hurry...Gah!"

Halfway through the speech, Barry's voice suddenly stopped and his eyes widened.

I saw Jeff and Hart, with the bodies of "Undead Blood Nightmare", recovering from the wounds of the blood-colored energy spears, charging again, and just about to perform a melee attack, a round hole suddenly appeared on their bodies. After taking a few steps, his feet all softened, and he fell to the ground with a "plop", and he was completely out of breath.


Barry had a dull expression on his face, and after a while, he looked at Li Cha beside him with some guesswork. At some point, Li Cha put on a dark gold metal glove and slowly put it down.

"I..." Barry felt his tongue become stiff and stuck in his mouth, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

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