Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1157 Unyielding

After asking the question, the next moment, Li Cha didn't wait for Nuoan's answer, but Barry's loud objection.

"I won't allow it! I won't allow it!" Barry almost jumped to his feet and shouted.

Li Cha turned his head slightly, glanced at Barry, and asked calmly, "Why don't you allow it?"

"Because we have reached a consensus before!" Barry said loudly, his whole face was wet with excitement, and he didn't know whether it was sweat or tears, "Being a man must be trustworthy, a man must be trustworthy! You are so strong, you can't just say you regret it, otherwise no one will believe you!"

Li Cha quietly looked at Barry for a few seconds, and said, "There is something, you may have misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? What?"

"That is... we haven't reached a consensus." Richard said, "I did put forward my conditions before, and you also raised yours.

My condition is to borrow the "Blood Code" for a period of time, and your condition is to help you kill your enemy Nuo'an, help you kill all of Nuo'an's subordinates, help you become the leader of the Ancestral Spirit Society, and in the future you meet If you encounter difficulties, I will do my best to help you.

Reasonable or unreasonable, let alone, at least in my opinion, your conditions are a bit inflated. Therefore, I did not promise you clearly at that time, but I was going to see the situation before I said it. If there is no choice, it is possible to cooperate with you.

But don't blame me if there are better options. After all, cooperation is a two-way street. You can call a high price, and I can change others. Right? "

After finishing speaking, Li Cha looked at Barry calmly.

Barry swallowed his saliva with a "gudong", then his feet went limp, and he sat down on the ground, his face pale.

It has to be said that what Li Cha said was a fatal blow to him.

Just now, he fantasized about trying Nuo'an, becoming the leader openly, and with the help of Richard, he would develop the Ancestral Spirit Society.

Who knew, in the blink of an eye, he lost his greatest strength and became a bargaining chip at the negotiating table of others.

At this time, he finally realized clearly how weak he was.

After all, he is just a second-level wizard, and now because of the potion, he can't play the strength of a second-level wizard at all, and he is only a little stronger than an ordinary person.

He cooperated and negotiated with Li Cha, and the only thing he relied on was the promise of the future.

But only if he successfully becomes the leader, will he have a future, and he will be able to hand over the promised "Blood Code" to Li Cha.

In comparison, Nuoan relied on more, and did not need to make unrealistic promises in the future that the "Blood Code" was in his hands, and he was capable and intelligent.

Barry was a little desperate, like a drowning man trying to grab straws in despair, he turned his head to look at Li Cha, opened his mouth and said, "I... I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have raised so many questions. Conditions, I'll change it, I'll change it right away.

I just ask you to kill the damn Nuoan and hand over the "Blood Code" to you immediately, and you don't need any other help, how about it? Really not, if you are in trouble, can I help you in turn, and in turn help you with all my strength? OK? "

What Barry said was extremely sincere, but Li Cha didn't give an answer immediately after hearing it. Instead, he thought for a while and asked, "That's all? Is this your biggest concession?"


"Okay then, let me think about it." Li Cha nodded his head lightly, then slowly turned his head and looked at Nuo'an.

"What's your attitude?" Li Cha asked, "Although your brother's condition is already very good compared to before, I still prefer to reach a cooperation with you."

"Really." Nuoan said, his tone was a little cold, his muscles twisted, he didn't know if he was laughing or thinking.

"How do I know that this is not your scam?" Nuoan asked, "You are just a stranger to me, and I don't know anything about your origin. Unless, you are willing to give all your unreserved Tell me, otherwise, I don't think it's necessary to talk about it."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Nuo An and said, "I'm afraid, my history is a bit complicated, and I can't finish it in a short time. Besides, if I tell you, you may not believe it."

"Then what do you mean, you want me to take all the risks?" Nuoan made a nasal voice, "Hmph, I'm not that trash of Barry, he has no choice but to cooperate with you and do whatever you want. But I'm better than him Much more, it is not necessary to cooperate with you, I have other options.

Your strength is indeed very strong, but whether you can kill me is still in doubt. The initiative to cooperate is not with you, but with me. Unless you can impress me, I am not willing to cooperate with you. "

When Li Cha heard this, his eyebrows moved.

The situation before us was clear: the advantage of cooperating with the poor Barry was that it was easy to control, but the disadvantage was that it was difficult to obtain other benefits besides "Blood Code". The advantage of cooperating with Nuoan with strong ability is that it has more prospects, but the disadvantage is that the more capable the person, the more arrogant and difficult to control.

But having said that, if possible, he still wants to try the latter.

After all, talent is a valuable resource. It's hard to find someone like the one in front of him who can research and improve spells by himself, and it's best to win him over.

"How about this?" Li Cha looked at Nuoan and said again, "I can exchange the research results with the research results. Didn't you complete a few forbidden spells, and I can exchange them with spells of the same level.

In addition, if you are interested, I can take you to my laboratory to let you know what I am doing. Believe me, there will definitely surprise you. If you are interested, you can even do some research with me, and I guarantee you will not regret it. "

After listening to Li Cha's words, Nuo'an was silent for a while, as if he was thinking seriously, and then suddenly sneered: "Oh, are you very confident, stranger! Let me guess, although you are now showing an attitude of communicating with me on an equal footing , but in his heart he is aloof, right?

Maybe, in your eyes, there is not much difference between me and my good-for-nothing Barry, except that I am a little smarter. It is this cleverness that makes you interested in me and makes you think that people like me are more suitable to be your subordinates and help you research things?

Ha, if you really have to think so, then I can only tell you that it is too much. In this world, no one can make me a subordinate, only I can make others a subordinate. "

After hearing this, Li Cha raised his eyebrows, shook his head lightly, looked at Nuo An and said, "I have to say, your pride is really annoying, just like me."

"Oh, maybe we are the same kind of people." Nuo'an said coldly, "Because of this, I hated you very much from the moment we met.

In this case, if you want me to succumb, you'd better stop talking nonsense and let me see your true abilities. After all, the only thing people like you and I succumb to is the unchangeable reality! "

After the words fell, Nuoan stepped on the ground suddenly, jumped up high, and quickly approached.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed for an instant, and his body instantly entered a fighting stance.

The battle is imminent.

Witnessing this scene, Barry was the most excited person in the field. Seeing that Nuo An did not reach a cooperation with Richard, he almost couldn't help shouting: "Okay!"

At the end of the shout, the sound broke.

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