Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1159 You are very good

Seeing Nuoan pick up the "Blood Code" from the stone platform, Barry couldn't help complaining in a low voice:

"When the ceremony is usually held, the "Blood Code" is placed on the altar. I didn't expect him to leave it like this all the time without putting it away. He is really not a qualified leader... If I were to do it, I must be better than him ..."

Nuoan didn't know if he heard this, picked up the "Blood Code", looked up, scanned Li Cha and Barry, and said coldly: "You two really want to get the "Blood Code", right?

Speaking of which, the value of this "Blood Code" to me is not very great, after all, I have memorized most of the knowledge in it. But even so, I still don't want to give it to you. "

After finishing the words, Nuoan made chest expansion movements one by one, and his chest cavity suddenly swelled up.

With a "stab" sound, the jacket was broken, and Nuo'an's chest was split open like a monster's mouth. The ribs were the teeth of this mouth, and the internal organs were the mouth wall of this mouth.

Afterwards, Nuo'an stuffed the blood code more than 20 centimeters into the chest cavity, closed the ribs, and swallowed it into the "mouth".

Li Cha looked at it, and his eyebrows raised involuntarily.

Barry, who had no knowledge, was really taken aback by Nuoan's weird changes.

Put a whole book in the body, think about it, the body of an abnormal person is not a storage cabinet.

"What kind of spell are you doing?" Barry called out to Noan and asked.

"This...of course it is a spell I researched and created myself, idiot!" Nuo'an scolded Barry unceremoniously, "Jeff and Hart both mastered the most powerful forbidden spell in the "Blood Code". You don't think I'm at their level, do you? Then you underestimate me!

Hmph, in fact, I have researched a lot of spells, which may not be easy to accept, but the effect is excellent, stronger than many spells in the blood code. I think it is enough to deal with you and the helpers you invited! "


Almost shouting the last three words, Nuoan stomped on his feet, and with a "crash", a corner of the stone platform was shattered.

After Nuoan stretched out his hand, the air surged, and a heavy black jar flew out of the broken stones of the stone platform and landed on his hand.

Nuoan opened the lid of the jar, poured a large jar of black liquid into his mouth, and drank half of it in a few seconds.

The remaining half was not wasted. He raised it to the top of his head, poured it all down, and drenched his whole body.

It can be seen that the black liquid seems to be alive, like a living black earthworm, constantly twisting and drilling towards Nuoan's body.

The muscles on Nuoan's face began to twist, and his body began to swell.

The most obvious changes were the few sarcoids on his shoulders and back that split open, and octopus-like tentacles stretched out one by one, swinging around, whipping the surrounding ground, making a crisp sound.

Barry stared at him with wide eyes, as if he had never known Nuoan before, showing a frightened and flustered expression.

Nuoan sneered: "Haha, why, are you afraid? I knew it, you were afraid. People like you are not qualified to be a leader at all, only I am qualified to be a leader! You and the helpers you brought, together Go to hell, I will lead the ancestors to grow stronger!"

Nuoan shouted and jumped down from the stone platform, keeping his body inflated, swinging the tentacles on his shoulders and back, approaching Richard and Barry. The surface of the tentacles gradually brightened, as if a powerful attack was brewing.

Li Cha's eyes narrowed, and with a wave of his hand, the two "Level 4 Blood Spears" were ready, locked onto Nuo'an, and quickly released them.


The "Blood Spear" composed of high condensed energy pulled the afterimage and hit Nuo'an,

Explode violently.

Nuoan let out a muffled snort, but it was obvious that there was nothing serious, the wound recovered quickly, and as he continued to approach, the light on the tentacles became more intense.

"It's just this kind of mosquito bite attack, which doesn't pose any threat to me. If you have the ability, you'd better use the move that killed Jeff and Hart before, otherwise you will only suffer, stranger!" Nuo Ann shouted.

After hearing this, Li Cha frowned first, then slowly opened his brows the next moment, nodded and said: "If you really want it, then I... can satisfy you."

After saying that, he raised his hand, and the "world-destroying glove" on his right hand pointed directly at Nuo'an.

With a thought, free energy elements gushed out, activating the spell chip. Mieshi's glove trembled slightly, and an energy that could destroy everything rushed out from the index finger, carrying the power of fate, and hit Nuo'an hard.

Nuoan was still approaching at high speed, but suddenly his body shook, he looked down at the wound on his left rib, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground with a "bang", the light on the tentacles went out all at once, and in his eyes The light also quickly dissipated.

"Your attack actually... makes it impossible for me to repair... this is impossible... this..." Nuo'an said weakly and surprised, his eyes were a little regretful, and his life force was rapidly draining. In just a few seconds, his body stopped moving, and then he twitched suddenly, and his whole body became icy cold.


Barry looked at it, wondering and wondering.

Li Cha walked forward with a blank face, stretched out his body close to Nuoan, trying to find out the "Blood Code" that was swallowed by the other party.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The tentacle, which was already stiff, jumped up and rolled towards Li Cha. The surface shone with a light that was more dazzling than the sun, as if it was burning, and then melted like a candle under high temperature, turning into liquid and dripping on Li Cha's body.


As soon as a drop of liquid touched Li Cha, a large puff of white smoke rose from the surface of Li Cha's skin, corroded into a terrible pit, the surroundings turned black, carbonized rapidly, and lost its activity.

In the next moment, more liquid came into contact with Li Cha, and Li Cha's arm and half of his shoulder disappeared immediately.

"You don't really think I'm dead, do you? If you really think that way, you will be the only one who dies!"

When the voice sounded, Nuoan stood up suddenly. Before he could react, he gave Li Cha a "passionate" hug with his arms and tentacles, wrapped Li Cha in his arms, and tried to use acid to kill Li Cha. Corroded into slag.

Obviously, his previous death was just a simple and practical trap.

But... having said that, not all traps are successful, even if they are practical.

Just when Nuo An tried his best to cast a spell to kill Li Cha, his eyes flickered, as if he sensed something was wrong, he opened his hand suddenly, and saw that his chest was empty.


What about people?

Nuoan was stunned, he knew that his spell could melt a person quickly, but definitely not so fast and completely.

So where did people go?

The answer came quickly.

Next to it, more than ten meters away, a translucent figure appeared, and then the color continued to darken, finally forming Li Cha.

Nuoan looked at the newly appeared Li Cha, and after a moment of surprise, he realized that his plan should have been seen through by Li Cha, so it didn't take effect, and his eyes couldn't help being a little cloudy.

Li Cha looked at Nuo'an, and his expression was full of admiration, as if he suddenly found a diamond from a pile of sand, his eyes were bright and he said slowly: "You are very good.

Not only can he survive the attack of 'Finger of Death', but he can also set up traps, plus he can study blood spells by himself, which is really good. "


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