Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1162: Bound by imagination

"Okay, that's it."

Li Cha spoke out, and with a wave of his hand, a strong wind was generated, blowing towards Nuo'an's melted blood-red liquid. The liquid was blown away, exposing many items that did not belong to Noan's body, such as tattered clothes, rings, pendants, and of course a book "Blood Code".

With another wave of his hand, Li Cha took the "Blood Code" directly in front of him with the help of the strong wind, carefully cleaned it up, and put it away.

Turning his head to look at Barry, he said, "The things I promised you to help you kill Noan are done now, and I'm going to leave with this book. As for the rest, those things you promised me The conditions, should not be forgotten, will be fulfilled, right?"

"This..." Barry hesitated, wanting not to admit it, but facing Li Cha's serious gaze, he didn't have the guts, nodded his head lightly, and said with a smile, "Of course...of course I won't forget it, I will definitely Honor it, and obey all your demands."

"That's good." Li Cha nodded, and walked outside, "Speaking of which, I don't have much time to personally manage your Ancestral Spirit Association. At most, I will send someone over in a few days to help me entrust you with some things , when the time comes, you just cooperate."

"Yes." Barry nodded repeatedly, and followed Richard out of the basement to the hall on the ground floor.

"Okay, let's stop here." Li Cha stopped in the hall and said, "What exactly will your ancestors do, and someone will tell you in a few days."


"Yeah." Richard said, "Then I'll leave first, can you handle the rest? Or, do you still need my help?"

Barry understood that Richard was referring to the rest of Noan's subordinates.

After thinking for a while, he said: "No need, you have already killed Nuoan and his most powerful and loyal subordinates, and the rest are not a threat. Although I am not capable enough, I still have some prestige after all. Coupled with the support of some elderly people in the meeting, it can be handled well.”

"That's good." Li Cha said, without any further words, he stepped on his foot, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and flew out of the hall, leaving the residence of the Ancestral Spirit Association.

Barry stood where he was, looking at the door all the time. After Li Cha left for more than ten seconds, he let out a long breath and relaxed.

"Huh, this matter is finally over. Damn Nuoan, finally got retribution, deserve it!" Barry yelled, and after a pause, his face was a bit worried, and he murmured, "However, let the ancestors meet It's not easy to follow the arrangements of outsiders.

Although I don't have any objections, it's hard for others... After all, I'm not as unreasonable as Nuo'an, so it's hard for others to listen to me. Speaking of it, this is also a betrayal of the Ancestral Spirit Association. If Uncle Moses and the others object, it will be really difficult.

Fortunately, there are still a few days left, maybe we can find a good way to convince everyone..."

Barry frowned and stepped out, realizing for the first time that being the leader is not as easy as he imagined.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the stone building, he ran into a person.

A thin old man was watching him outside, as if he was waiting for him to come out. The wrinkles on his face were deeply sunken into the flesh, and his eyes were extremely bright. It was Moses, the oldest and most qualified director of the Ancestral Spirit Association.


When Barry saw the other party, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, feeling inexplicably guilty.

The old man Moses didn't seem to notice Barry's strangeness, but asked seriously: "Is everything inside over?"

"Well, it's all over." Barry nodded.

"How is Nuoan?"

"Noan is dead."

"Where's the body?"

"There is no body, and it was directly used by that strange potion,

Dissolved. "Barry answered honestly.

Moses was slightly surprised: "Is that so, well, it seems that the helper you invited is really good."

After a change of tone, Moses looked at Barry and asked earnestly, "By the way, the price is not cheap for you to invite him?"

"Uh, he asked to borrow the "Blood Code" for a while, and if there is something to do in the future, I will help him..." Barry said cautiously, while he was talking, he secretly observed Moses' expression.

Moses looked at Barry seriously, and asked, "No more? Everyone heard this in the square before, and that's not what I asked. What I asked was, inside, you didn't agree to the new conditions." ?”

"This!" Barry's heart trembled, and he almost jumped out excitedly. He was about to blurt out the truth, but he tried to swallow it when he reached his mouth, and turned his eyes to try to change the subject.


Moses made a nasal sound, as if he could see through Barry's mind, and said seriously: "Why, Barry, I have watched you grow up since I was a child. Don't I know what is going on in your heart? Could it be that you are still planning to lie to me?"

"I..." Barry's face brightened, he hesitated for a few seconds, his expression sank, he let out a breath, and confessed, "That guy is really too much, and he has always wanted to cooperate with Nuoan. There is no way , I had to give in a bit more, so..."

After a few minutes, Moses heard all that Barry had to say.

Barry looked at Moses nervously, fearing that Moses would get angry, but who knew that Moses was much calmer.

"Actually, it's nothing. Isn't it just following the other party's arrangement?" Moses said slowly, "Actually, this is a little better than the worst outcome I thought."

"Really?" Barry was stunned and asked in doubt, "Uncle Moses, what is the worst outcome you think? Could it be that the other party went too far?"

"Why not? You should know more about that person's strength than I do. It's so easy to kill Nuo'an, but it's actually not too difficult to destroy our entire Ancestral Spirit Society.

Therefore, he can forcibly ask for the wealth accumulated by our ancestors for hundreds of years, except for the "Blood Code", the rest of the spell scrolls and precious materials. Even, he can forcibly select our people, follow him to leave, and become a real subordinate instead of a verbal subordinate now. "

After hearing what Moses said, Barry's eyes lit up, only to realize that he was actually bound by his own imagination. In the basement before, he thought he had already given the biggest concession to Richard, but he didn't expect that he was far from reaching the limit, and he could sell the ancestor spirit society even more ruthlessly.

"So, Uncle Moses, I've actually done a good job?" Barry looked at Moses and asked.

"Slap!" Moses slapped Barry hard on the head, and said angrily, "What a ghost! Anyway, you have betrayed the interests of the Ancestral Spirit Association, that is, Noan is dead. Otherwise, based on this, he can execute you ten times, and no one can save you."


Barry's neck couldn't help shrinking.

"Okay, okay." Moses waved his hand again, "Since the matter is like this, I'm afraid it's useless. Fortunately, after Nuoan's death, we old guys can barely control the situation and ensure that you, the leader, will do well. As for For the rest, take your time. Maybe, if it’s dealt with, it’s a bad thing to miss. The most important thing is to see what the person who will be sent in a few days is like.”

"Yeah." Barry nodded, and couldn't help but wonder who Li Cha would send here.


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