Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1164: The chimney buried deep in the ground

Annie left the residence of the Ancestral Spirits Association very quickly, and the people of the Ancestral Spirits Association got busy according to what was said on the scroll.

This busy, is a month.


a month later.

A forest tens of miles away from the residence of the Ancestral Spirit Society, nearly 100 meters underground.

Here, a vast underground space was forcibly opened up with extraordinary power. Many wizard apprentices and wizards are busy, using earth magic to reinforce every corner of this space, so as to avoid collapse due to earthquakes or other reasons.


The sound of footsteps sounded, and Annie stepped forward, walked among them, looked around with serious and serious eyes, and once found something wrong, she immediately pointed it out unceremoniously.

Barry, the leader of the Ancestral Spirit Society, was by his side. When he heard the problem Anne pointed out, he quickly informed his subordinates and ordered them to rectify as soon as possible. His attitude was much lower than the first time they met.

It seems that Barry at this time is like a construction team of Party B, who is accompanying Annie, the owner of Party A, to inspect the construction site.

Actually, it's pretty much the same.

"The pillar just now was obviously too thin and did not meet the specifications. It must be thickened. Otherwise, if it cannot withstand the pressure on the top and collapses, at least a small part of this place will be destroyed." Annie said aloud as she walked.

"Okay, I'll make it bolder later and add an auxiliary column to prevent accidents." Barry quickly gave a rectification plan.

"En." Annie nodded in satisfaction, walked to the center of the underground space, and stopped.

Looking up, you can see that there is no roof and no soil above here. A few meters above the head, there is nothing but emptiness, everything has been hollowed out, showing a straight upward cylinder.

It looks a bit like a chimney.

However, normal chimneys stand on the ground, but this chimney is buried underground, and its volume is too large, which is very strange.

"How about it, Miss Anne, is the disposal here okay?" Barry glanced at Annie and said, "This is all dug out bit by bit according to the blueprint you sent later."

"Well, yes." Annie responded, "Very qualified."

"That's good." Barry breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of something, his eyes flickered and he asked, "By the way, Miss Annie, can I ask, Your Excellency Richard asked our ancestors to build such a weird place?" What exactly is the underground space for?

In this place, the warehouse is not like a warehouse, and the shelter is not like a shelter. It seems to be useless at all. In other words, it can't be the blueprint you gave before, is there something wrong? "

Annie raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard what she said, and looked at Barry with displeasure, and said in a cold voice, "Why do you care so much! Your Excellency Richard asked you to build it, and you can just build it seriously. This matter, at most I asked you to do your best, without any danger, aren't you happy?"

"No, I'm just curious." Barry said.

"Shut up your curiosity. You will know what you should know sooner or later. If you don't know, you won't tell you if you ask. If you are not convinced, you can ask Your Excellency Richard." Annie said very bluntly .

Barry's expression froze slightly, and then he squeezed out a smile: "Okay, okay, then I won't ask."

"That's the best. All right, let's check here today. Generally speaking, I am quite satisfied with you, and I hope you can keep it going." Annie waved her hand and said, "Not the first half is good, The second half cut corners."

"Absolutely not." Barry said seriously.

"I hope." Annie said, "I have other things to do, so I'm leaving first."

words fall,

Annie said hello, and left very simply as before.

Barry stayed where he was, watched Annie leave, shrugged uncontrollably, and then turned his head to look to the side.

In the corner, the skinny Moses came over, looked at Barry and asked aloud, "How is it? Did you find out anything?"

"No." Barrillo shook his head in disappointment and let out a breath, "The other party is very tight-lipped and didn't reveal anything."

"Is that so..." Moses nodded, thoughtfully, and said quietly for a moment, "Maybe...the girl who just left, she doesn't know why the one who asked us to build this place."

"She doesn't know? Really?" Barry was dubious.

The wisdom brought by the years was revealed in Moses' eyes, and he said slowly: "The girl just now is very young, arrogant, and has good strength. I said that I could beat you before, but it was a joke. But, she is strong, but The heart is still not mature enough.

If she really knew something, it was impossible not to reveal it at all. Even if she doesn't want to, she will show it indirectly when she speaks and does things. Now, she has no such expression at all, it can only be said that she doesn't know either.

From this aspect, two things can be seen: first, the girl who just left cannot be regarded as that person's absolute confidant. Second, the reason for the person who asked us to build this place is either not worth mentioning, or it is... more exaggerated than we thought, so it is kept secret. "

Barry nodded slightly, then raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Uncle Moses, do you think that the person who asked us to build this place was purely to test us? That is to say, he couldn't find anything for us to do. I don’t want us to be idle, so let us be busy. Otherwise, I really can’t think of what to do with such a big chimney underground.”

"Maybe, maybe not." Moses said slowly, but he was very open-minded, "It doesn't make any difference to us. We did it, and the man was satisfied, and that's good. It's better than letting us kill Who and what target to deal with is simple and safe.

If it really doesn't make any sense for the other party to build this thing, then that's fine, just build it slowly. From what the girl just left, it seems that this is not the only one. After the construction is completed, there will be several other places. In this way, in the next year or two, we don't have to worry about risky things being sent to us.

In addition, having said that, although we used nearly half of the manpower of the Ancestral Spirit Society to build this place, it was not free. A few days ago, didn't that girl bring several scrolls of blood spells, saying that she analyzed and improved them herself. "

"Yes, there are three in total." Barry nodded quickly.

"Have you had someone test it? How effective is it?" Moses asked with concern.

"It has been tested by people, and the effect is very good, no difference from normal spells." Barry said.

"That's good." Moses nodded, his eyes brightened, "If we can receive three new blood spells every month, then this deal will be beneficial to our ancestors.

So, try to maintain the current state as much as possible. Maybe it is really a good thing to have a relationship with that person this time. It is an opportunity for our Ancestral Spirit Society to restore its previous strength. "

Barry nods.

"Okay, go back, let them stay here and continue to work, you and I go back to the station to have a look, there are still a lot of things to deal with." Moses said, "It is not as simple as a word to restore strength, many places Busier than here."

"Yes, Uncle Moses." Barry responded, followed Moses and left the scene.


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