Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1166 How do I lose?

Around the same time, a small town in the Soma Alliance.

In an underground casino in the middle of the small town, amidst the noise of yelling and the sound of dice and playing cards, many red-eyed gamblers are staring at the gambling equipment on the table in front of them, making big bets Or bad bets.

Among them, the gambling game played on a black generous table in the innermost part of the casino is the most attractive. In the center of the table were piled high chips, which were frighteningly large, and the onlookers dared not breathe, nervously waiting for the result to be revealed.

However, compared to the gambling game, the two people who participated in the gambling game were more attractive.

It can be seen that one of them is a tall man with strong muscles, a shallow scar on his face, and wearing tight clothes, which is a standard mercenary's attire. People like them are accustomed to licking blood on the tip of a knife every day, which has created their adventurous and gambling nature, and they are frequent visitors in casinos.

It is precisely because of this that the onlookers are not surprised.

What really attracted the onlookers was the figure sitting opposite the mercenary. It was an extremely beautiful woman, or a girl.

The figure looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, and there were no blemishes on the white cheeks, like perfect white jade, and the eyes were carved like precious stones, which made people deeply fascinated at a glance.

Looking around, the other party doesn't look like a mortal beauty at all, but more like an elf who came out of a legend.

The origin of the other party is extremely mysterious. For the onlookers, the only thing they know is the other party's name, which is Bibi.

Well, Bibi, a very weird name.

According to some rumors, Bibi suddenly appeared in this city about a few months ago, and she was so beautiful that one could almost hallucinate. However, compared with beauty, Bibi's mind is very simple, innocent and almost like a child.

Faced with such an existence, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of people with malicious intentions.

It's a little frightening that no matter who puts the malicious intentions in their hearts into action, they will disappear completely after one night.

Even a wizard made a move, but it didn't change the result.

After several attempts, the people in the small town finally realized Bibi's terror, gradually suppressed all kinds of malicious thoughts, and kept Bibi at a respectful distance.

Bibi didn't have any big reaction, she lived in the small town in her own way, and her daily life was rich and colorful.


This is rich and colorful, but in the eyes of others, it is extremely weird.

For example, Bibi seems to have never been in contact with the lives of normal people at all, and any ordinary thing can generate strong curiosity.

She can spend a day with a hen just to see how the hen lays eggs.

Sometimes, she would enter the tavern again, neither eating nor drinking, just watching the diners next to her eat, always seeing the other diners into anger, losing her temper, and finally fled in a panic.

Sometimes, she would quietly sneak into a certain room in the hotel, quietly watching how the passers-by slept, and would not leave swaggeringly until the passers-by woke up in a daze after dawn.

Really weird.

However, although Bibi's behavior was weird, apart from leaving a psychological shadow on a few people and a few hens, she did not cause other serious injuries. Considering that she couldn't be beaten again and again, the people in the small town gradually ignored her.

In this way, Bibi lived in the small town for a long time, and then by an accident, she entered the casino and fell in love with the "fun" game of gambling.

At the beginning, Bibi's gambling skills were extremely poor, she couldn't even recognize the cards, and she almost gave money to those who gambled with her.

However, she was not angry, and left after losing all her money. After one night passed, she did not know where to get a new large sum of money, and continued to gamble with others.

Slowly, day by day, Bibi's gambling skills continued to improve, surprisingly fast. Today, she has become the most skilled gambler in the casino, except for a few who are not afraid of death, few dare to bet against her.

And the one who is betting against her now is obviously one of the few people who are not afraid of death. The other party is called Yuka, the head of a mercenary group, and a legendary existence who dominates the casino. When Bibi first tried gambling, Yuka enthusiastically taught Bibi the skills with a playful attitude.

Afterwards, he won all of Bibi's money in a single game of poker, and left in a happy mood. He took his companions from the mercenary regiment to the field to perform a difficult mission.

Unexpectedly, Yuka was surprised to find that Bibi had replaced his previous name and became a new legend in the casino when he returned from his mission after more than 20 days.

Naturally, Yuka would not be happy, so he took out all the commissions he got from performing the mission, and bet against Bibi, trying to regain his glory.

must be taken back

The gamble on the table has now entered the most exciting moment.

Yuka glanced at the cards in his hand, looked at Bibi, and said in a voice, "Bibi, let me tell you, if you are sensible, you should give up early. Otherwise, if you continue to gamble, you will definitely lose."

After hearing Yuka's words, Bibi glared with disdain.

At this time, Bibi's image has changed a lot from when she first came to the small town. Most of the innocence on the face has dissipated, and there is a little more cunning and playfulness. He was wearing a weird costume that he didn't know where he got it. The style was weird, like a few pieces of brightly colored cloth put together. The collar and sleeves are greasy and shiny because they have not been washed for a long time.

The hair was also messy because it hadn't been taken care of for a long time, and it was piled up on the head like a bird's nest. It looked very sloppy, similar to most "stinky men" in the casino.

The only difference is Bibi's cheeks and eyes.

Her cheeks were as clean as white jade, without any oil stains. One can't help but wonder if this face is so smooth that oil stains will slide straight down.

The eyes are shining so brightly that people dare not look at each other.


Bibi scratched her hair with her hands, and found out the leftover beans that she didn't know someday. They were a little hard, and she stuffed them into her mouth nonchalantly, crunching and swallowing them.


Then Bibi slapped her face on the table, looked at Yuka and said, "What are you talking about? Whether you win or lose, you won't know until you show your cards."


Bibi pushed all the remaining chips around her, looked at Yuka and said, "I'm all in, so you just say whether to follow or not"


Yuka changed color a little bit. I didn't expect Bibi to change so much after not seeing her for more than 20 days. After hesitating for two seconds, he gritted his teeth, and with a "crash", he also bet all the chips around him, and said ruthlessly, "I followed, I must see your cards, I don't believe that you can really beat me. I have already played in the casino. For five years, no one can really beat me"

"Stop talking nonsense." Bibi said nonchalantly, "According to the usual practice, you show your cards first."

"Yes" Yuka said in a deep voice, and with a "snap", he revealed all the cards in his hand and threw them heavily on the table so that everyone could see them clearly.

"Three knights, two queens, and one king." Yuka yelled loudly. This was the second highest card in the Blood Dynasty game he played. He was confident about this, and looked at Bibi and said, "Unless You have six princesses, otherwise it would be impossible to win against me."

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