Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1168: The Blood of the Advanced God

Faro City, the courtyard where Richard lived.

The underground space of the room, inside the Garden of Eden.

Entering the main laboratory in the Garden of Eden, you can see that on the table and on the ground here, there are densely packed papers with blood spells written on them, all of which are copied from the blood book.

In addition to these papers, there are more calculation manuscript papers, the number of which is hundreds or thousands. On these draft papers, each blood spell was transformed into a math problem. Through each test, the corresponding elements were obtained, the corresponding values ​​were clarified, and finally combined together to form a concise and rigorous mathematical model of spells.

This mathematical model of spells is obviously difficult for other people to understand. But for his analysts, it's like peeling off the spell layer by layer like an onion, so that the innermost core fundamental principles can be revealed.

After understanding these principles and the principles of hundreds of blood spells in the Blood Code, one can find out the similar and interlinked parts among them. Then, according to these parts, carefully design the corresponding experiments, and finally get close to the most basic source of blood magic, the supernatural factor of blood energy.

Through a lot of hard work, the mysterious supernatural factor of blood energy has been unveiled, gradually recognized, gradually analyzed, gradually mastered, and most gradually utilized.

Obviously, this is a dry and difficult path, but it can lead to the ultimate of supernatural power.

In addition, the most important thing is that it has been verified to be feasible and is constantly being pushed forward.


Not far from the main laboratory, in the dangerous goods sector, the highest-spec underground laboratory in the Garden of Eden.

In a huge room, a careful preparation experiment is going on.

Dozens of red, gray, white, and blue materials were poured into seven beakers, and then different solvents were added to react.

Some precipitate, some bubble, some heat up and boil, and some are extremely calm

Afterwards, the mixtures in the seven beakers were put into different instruments and processed differently.

Shaking, filtering, extraction, distillation, centrifugation, heating, titration

After the treatment, the new products produced are sequentially added to a set of large-scale experimental instruments to start the complicated preparation process.

The products of these reactions,

First, he followed the instrument in a specific direction, reacted with various solutions along the way, and then crashed into a large mass of bright red energy suspended in the middle of the container and controlled by extraordinary power.

After passing through the dark red energy with difficulty, the product of the reaction did not stop, and continued to crash into the dark yellow energy and emerald green energy controlled by extraordinary power

The final reaction product passed through all the energy like a checkpoint, the surface was stained with a strange color, and entered a huge retort.

The distilling flask was heated, the reactants vaporized, and then turned back into a liquid under the cooling of the blue condensing agent, and fell down the horn tube into a 100ml Erlenmeyer flask.

"tick, tick, tick"

One drop, two drops, three drops

The preparation experiment went on for several hours, and in the end, almost half of the pink liquid was filled in the Erlenmeyer flask, which was close to fifty milliliters.


With a sound, a hand appeared and pressed the button there, and the whole set of reaction equipment stopped, and then this hand took away the finished product in the Erlenmeyer flask.

Squinting his eyes, Li Cha looked at the perfect repairing liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask after a month of research, painstakingly collecting raw materials, and difficultly preparing it.

For a month, he devoted almost all his energy to the research of the blood spells in the Blood Code. Through research, he successfully pushed the resolution of the blood energy extraordinary factor to over 50.

For this reason, a repairing elixir with an effect far exceeding that of the past has been prepared.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that the spiritual liquid is repaired. The results of the "God's Blood" previously developed based on the "Blood Seed" have been added to it.

With the help of some properties of "God's Blood", this potion can fully mobilize the effects of all the "healing liquid" that I drank before, allowing the body to obtain an unprecedented and essential permanent strengthening.

From this point of view, it would be more appropriate to call the repairing fluid in his hand "the blood of a high-level god".

Looking at the pink potion, Li Cha took a deep breath, without much hesitation, brought the conical flask to his mouth and drank it, and began to seriously experience the effect of this "high-level god's blood".

Some cool liquid, like the ink put into iron nails, has a fishy smell and a rusty smell, with an almost unbearable taste, passing through the throat and sliding into the depths of the body.

Afterwards, the liquid seemed to suddenly come to life, and quickly entered the blood circulation through the digestive system, spread throughout the body, and played a role.


Li Cha heard a roaring sound in his ears, and his whole body began to feel hot.

"bang bang bang"

The heart beats extremely fast, pumping blood powerfully into the arteries during each contraction.

"hush huh"

The blood is constantly rushing in the blood vessels, putting the blood vessel walls under far greater pressure than before.

The large blood vessels are elastic and can still be maintained. Some small capillaries on the surface of the skin burst because they are too fragile, allowing a lot of blood to ooze out.

The blood that oozes out is not cherry red or dark red as imagined, but a strange purple-black color, like the juice of rotten fruit. In fact, this is caused by a large amount of void energy pollution.

It can be seen that the blood fell to the ground, and under the action of the contained void erosion energy, a strange suction force was produced, causing the liquid in the nearby container to continuously ripple.

As the contaminated blood on the ground gathered more and more, the surrounding containers had already started to vibrate.

Li Cha was not too surprised when he saw it, he had already expected this. With a wave of his hand, he wrapped the blood with the erosive energy of the void with a cloud of air, and threw himself into the pool filled with light blue liquid next to him.


With a sound, the pool was quickly blackened, and a large amount of polluted blood left the body, being continuously diluted by the liquid in the pool.

Slowly, Li Cha could clearly feel that the damage caused by the energy eroded by the void in his body was rapidly relieving.

one minute, two minutes, three minutes

Half an hour later, Li Cha walked out of the pool that was almost completely blackened. He felt relaxed all over his body, and he no longer felt the discomfort caused by the energy eroded by the void.

Of course, the injuries caused by the erosive energy of the void are not so easy to fully recover. He felt it carefully and was able to confirm that about 40% of the recovery has been made, and the remaining 60% are stubborn and hidden deep in the body. "Advanced God's Blood" dealt with it slowly.

However, although it was not completely successful, it could be regarded as having no hidden dangers. The damage caused by the erosion energy of the void was no longer a problem.

In addition to this, the "Advanced God's Blood" also brings other benefits.

for example

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