Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 121 Do you have 1 oxide and 2 hydrogen?

As a factory manager of a glass factory, Vince was a little wary when he saw Groo appear with Richard, lest Richard coax Prince Groo to succeed and come to steal the glass craftsmanship. But later Richard's series of performances made him discover that this was not the case at all. Not only is it not, it should be on the contrary, according to Li Cha's familiar performance of everything, it can be speculated that Li Cha may have mastered a higher glass-making process. The production of cobalt blue glass illustrates this point.

So when Richard first explained the production of cobalt blue glass with color, Vicester deliberately experimented in advance to check the effect of cobalt blue glass. It turned out that cobalt blue glass is indeed very beautiful, but because of the cold tone, it is not very useful. Except for the decoration of colored windows in churches, other nobles basically do not like this kind of glass. Aristocrats prefer larger, more transparent glass.

So, Vicce didn't think much about it, and obediently made the cobalt blue glass, ready to hand it over to Richard and that's it. Who knows, Li Cha seems to be dissatisfied, and has put forward new requirements and given a new kind of material.

Out of curiosity, Wei Si still experimented in advance. This test was incredible. Wei Si found that the powder given by Richard was put into the glass according to the concentration required by Richard. It became clear and transparent, like the purest snow water condensed.

Weis was shocked, and then he called the most famous master craftsman in the factory and asked what the gray-white powder given by Richard was. As long as you figure out what the powder is given by Richard, and add it to all the glass in the future, then the glass manufacturing process of the entire Emerald Kingdom will take a big step forward.

But after studying the gray-white powder carefully for a long time, the master craftsman expressed frankly that he didn't know it. It might be something that does not exist in the world at all.

Vicks didn't believe the master craftsman's answer at all. If it didn't exist in the world, how could it be in Richard's hands? It must be that the master craftsman does not have enough knowledge and does not know it.

So the question is, how can he get the preparation method of the off-white powder from Richard? If he can get it, then he is developed.

While thinking about this question with great excitement, Vince asked someone to make the glass that Richard asked for.

When he walked towards Richard with the glass he made for the second time, Vicce continued to think about the solution to this problem, but he didn't come up with it. Apart from excitement, he didn't have any feasible solution.

"Li... Your Excellency Richard, you... your glass." Vichy shook his hands, handed the made cobalt blue glass to Richard, and swallowed.

Richard glanced at the factory manager Weisi a little strangely, took the cobalt blue glass, and set his eyes on the glass. After examining it carefully, he nodded in satisfaction. After adding manganese powder,

The cobalt blue glass is indeed qualified.

This is as it should be.

After all, adding manganese powder is already an advanced technology on the modern earth. Manganese alone will not be isolated until the 18th century on the modern earth. If it hadn't been in stock when I was in the Blue Lion Kingdom before, I could quickly take out some of it and use it, otherwise it would take a lot of effort.

Wei Si didn't know what was in Li Cha's heart, but his eyes flashed, and he continued to think about the method of obtaining new craftsmanship from Li Cha, and said tentatively: "Lord Richard, that..."

Who knew that Li Cha didn't cooperate at all, and said, "It's your job, Director of the factory of Vichys."

"Uh, no trouble, no trouble, just..." Vichy said.

"I'll see you again when I have a chance." Richard looked at Vicce as if he didn't want to waste time, put away the cobalt blue glass, turned around and walked out of the glass factory. Gro, who was about to fall asleep, "Gero, go."

"Huh? Go? Is it over yet?" Gero got up from the chair next to him in a daze, and followed Li Cha out.

Seeing that there was no chance on Richard's side, the factory Vicci immediately took a step forward, gently pulled Gero's sleeve, and whispered, "His Royal Highness Prince Gero, His Royal Highness Prince Gero..."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Gro yawned, tears flowing uncontrollably, and frowned as he looked at Vince.

"Uh, that...that's it... Your Excellency Richard...No, Master Richard seems to have a craftsmanship that can make the glass extremely transparent, which is very important to our glass factory in the Emerald Kingdom." He started, and said a little embarrassedly, "His Royal Highness, you seem to have a good relationship with Master Richard. Do you think of a way to get Master Richard to teach us craftsmanship? In this case, the glass factory in our Emerald Kingdom must... "

Rubbing his eyes and wiping away his tears, Gero woke up and glanced at Vicce a little strangely. The next moment he interrupted the other party unceremoniously and asked directly, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Uh, this, look at His Royal Highness, that craftsmanship is really important for the glass of the Emerald Kingdom..."

"But is it any good for me? I'm just a prince, not a king. The territory has not yet been determined. You should go to my elder brother about this, right?"

"Uh, this seems to be..." Vichy was speechless.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Richard's place is about fair trade. If you want to get anything from him, you have to give him what he needs in exchange." Groo said, educating, "You know why I am Is it because of his request to accompany Your Excellency Richard on the day Pharmacy - Dihydrogen monoxide.

Do you know about dihydrogen monoxide? Well, you don't have to answer, you don't know from your appearance, you just need to understand that this is a very magical and useful medicine for me. I did the Lord Richard's favor to get the three doses. If I ask for any craftsmanship, Your Excellency Richard will halve the medicine for me. What should I do? Do you pay me for the missing dihydrogen monoxide? do you have? ! "

"Uh, this..." Vichy's face was a little sweaty, and when he wiped it lightly, his palms were full of water. He had no dihydrogen monoxide, only sweat on his face.

"So, what kind of craftsmanship, find a way to solve it yourself." Grow angrily faced Vicci Road, flicked his arms and threw off his tugged sleeves, turned around and strode out of the glass factory, quickly catching up with Li Cha .

Vichy in the glass factory wiped off his sweat again and sighed helplessly.


Outside the glass factory, Gero and Richard were walking side by side, and Gero couldn't help but said, "Lord Richard, you should be done with your business, look... Can I go back to the palace? Go and test the magic potion of dihydrogen monoxide you gave? After all, you also said that this potion is only valid for three days, if it expires, wouldn’t it…”

Li Cha was very aware of Gero's mood at this time, nodded and said, "Of course you can."

Groo was about to take his guards and prepare to return quickly.

Li Cha suddenly thought of something, waved his hand to Ge Luo "kindly reminded" and said: "By the way, the potion I gave you, it is best to use it about two hours before the night."

"Ah." Gro was taken aback, "Why is this?"

"In that case, there will be a mysterious connection with the stars outside, and a better meditation effect will be obtained." Li Cha said. Of course, the real reason was that he didn't want to wait for Gero to meditate all night. He just wanted to get out of the body at a fixed time to help the other party. After all, he still had things to do in the rest of the time.

"Oh, is that so?" Gero didn't know what Li Cha was thinking, he nodded, and then responded earnestly, "In that case, Mr. Richard, I will definitely pay attention to the time, no mistake."

"That's good."

"I'm leaving?"

"OK, bye."


Gero mounted his horse with many guards and quickly disappeared into the distance.

Li Cha's eyes flickered, he withdrew his gaze, turned and walked to the side.

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