Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1179: Indispensable

Ten seconds later, Li Cha lifted the square pillar made of transparent liquid, and saw that the surface was not stained with any powder, and it was as bright as new. Comparing the square pillar with the bloody seal, it is found that they are exactly the same in both shape and size, except that some lines on the bottom are not the same.

His eyebrows moved, and Li Cha took out the dye from the space iron ring, painted it on the surface of the transparent square column, and printed the pattern on the white paper.

After printing, I saw that the square column was "cloned" by indirect means, not the original version. So the graphics are not very clear, only a line of words can be vaguely seen, which should be a new clue: blue is water, red is fire, water and fire are combined, and both are indispensable—Thangka.

Li Cha scanned the text and thought about it.

Blue is water, red is fire, it should refer to the bloody seal in his hand, and another... blue seal.

The combination of water and fire is indispensable. It should be said that the two seals cooperate with each other to achieve a certain purpose. Not surprisingly, it should be the opening condition for the ancient ruins that Soros and Thangka once explored together.

If this is the case, then it means that the guessed blue seal should be placed here, otherwise there is no need to leave traces?

Now there are traces left, but the blue seal is not there. There is only one possibility, and that is that someone took it away.

The person who took it was not Thangka, but the tomb explorer.

But if this is the case, there is one thing to be clear. That is, on the way he broke in, there were no traces of battle that other people broke in, and not even a trap was triggered.

Could it be that the one who took the seal was a ghost?


Thinking of this, Li Cha suddenly raised his head and looked at a wall of the stone room. The weak prophecy came into play at this moment, giving the answer almost at the same time as his brain.

"Or, there are other passages here." Li Cha said.

After the words fell, his eyes sharpened, without hesitation, with a wave of his hand, the surrounding air was suddenly compressed, and he slammed into the wall heavily.


There was a muffled sound, and the wall shook slightly.

As if some switch had been triggered, the next moment, with a "crash", several pieces of marble on the wall slid open, revealing a small door about two meters high and one meter wide.

"Really..." Li Cha looked at it, his eyebrows twitched, he stretched out his hand to put away the only thing in the tomb - the stone box, and walked into the small door.

Inside the small door is a corridor.

He kept walking along the corridor, and after a long while, he appeared in front of a red and blue metal gate without any danger.

The metal gate looks very thick, with magic patterns engraved on the surface, and some magic patterns even spread to the walls of the surrounding corridors, forming a whole, which seems to be difficult to destroy with ordinary magic.

This is a bit like the door in the basement where Aaron Pangpo hid in St. Louis City... Richard frowned slightly as he thought about it.

The door of the Pangbo family had to be verified by the blood of the direct line of the Pangbo family before, so what kind of verification can be used to pass the door now?

Is he going to turn around and walk back?

Just as he was thinking, Li Cha noticed with his eyes that there were two small holes in the middle of the metal gate, one red and one blue.

It's a bit like a mini nostril, which seems to be just right for inserting a seal.

After pondering for a while, Li Cha took out the blood-colored seal, reached out and inserted it into the small red hole on the left, tried to twist it, and then retracted it.


With a sound, the metal door suddenly opened from the middle, revealing the world behind the door.

Without hesitation, Li Cha stepped out the door.

With a "bang", the metal door closed automatically behind him, blocking him out.

Li Cha was not surprised. He stood behind the door and looked around. After looking around, he found that he was in the middle of Baigu Mountain, on the side of a mountain.

Taking a closer look, he was sure that the mountain he was on was the same as the mountain he entered from the top of the mountain.

Everything can be explained clearly.

Thangka's tomb is obviously in the belly of the mountain where he is located. Unlike other tombs, the tomb has two entrances.

The first passage was the one he explored initially, and it was rather troublesome and dangerous. If it was a weak person, it would be difficult to successfully explore it. The second passage is the one he just walked through. It is very smooth without any trouble, but one problem is that you need to find a way to open the metal gate at the entrance to enter.

Thinking of this, Li Cha turned around and looked at the metal gate that came out.

It can be seen that on this side, the appearance of the metal gate is a stone wall, which is very ordinary.

However, there are dense footprints all over the ground, which is very eye-catching.

Li Cha turned his attention to the footprints on the ground, and found that most of the footprints were very clear. According to the shape and depth of the feet, it could be judged that they were a large group of men and women, and the number definitely exceeded five. The most important thing is that it can be calculated that the time when this group of people appeared must not exceed 24 hours, and it may be within the last 12 hours.


Richard integrated all the information:

It can now be confirmed that the person who left his footsteps arrived here not long ago. After arriving, the other party should have used some special methods to open the stone gate, directly entered the tomb, and got the blue seal. After getting it, the other party returned the same way, opened the stone gate in the same way or with the blue seal, walked out, and left here.

He took a step slower. Compared with the other group of people, he was a step slower, and as a result, he missed the blue seal.

If he could come one day earlier, he would have been able to get the blue seal in advance, without such annoyance happening.

However, having said that, it's not like he didn't gain anything—from the other party's actions, he can see some important things.

For example, the other party did not enter from the passage on the top of the mountain, but chose to enter from the passage here on the mountainside, which shows that the other party has a certain understanding of Thangka's tomb and knows some inside information.

It is further speculated that the other party should know about the ancient ruins. After all, the blue seal in Thangka's tomb is taken, and it is not of much use other than opening the ancient ruins.

If so, maybe he should work with the other side.

After all, the blood seal is with him, and the blue seal is with the other party, and the other party still has a lot of inside information. According to the information left in Thangka's tomb, the entrance of the ancient ruins is likely to be an enhanced version of the metal gate of the current tomb. Only one of the two seals can't be opened, and only two of them can work together—one is missing. No.

This is a matter of mutual benefit.

But here comes the question, who is the one who got the blue seal? How to find each other?

Looking up, squinting at the bloody sun in the west, Li Cha suddenly recalled what the bartender in the tavern said before.

"...Speaking of which, there was a large group of people trying to find the tomb of the Thangka wizard last night, and they rested in my tavern... They... have a very tough attitude, so I have a deep impression of them..."

last night? A large group of people?

If the person who takes away the blue seal is a large group of people in the bartender's mouth. Last night, the other party was resting in the tavern, there was no accident, he would have left the tavern this morning, came to this place to open the tomb, and took away the blue seal... Then everything can be matched... Li Cha's eyes are a little bit light up.

The next moment, he didn't hesitate, stepped on his foot, and his body flew towards the tavern at high speed, ready to "talk" to the bartender again.


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