Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1180: Visitors from the North

The hour of twilight.

Li Cha walked into the only tavern in Huimu Town.

With a "twisting", Li Cha pushed the door open and walked straight to the counter. The bartender behind the counter looked over.

Discovering that it was Li Cha, an "acquaintance", who came again, the bartender raised his eyebrows, smiled on his face, picked up an empty wooden cup and shook it, and said, "Why, this guest, are you lucky enough to have found it? The tomb of the Thangka wizard, and the treasure in the tomb? So, do you want to buy a glass of beer as a thank you for the information I provided earlier?"

The bartender smiled brightly, but Li Cha's face was calm.

Looking at each other for two seconds, the bartender realized that things were not what he thought. He put down his glass in embarrassment, scratched his head and said, "Could it didn't find the tomb of the Thangka wizard? doesn't matter, after all, the rest of the people are the same. I didn't find it, it's normal. You seem to be in a bad mood, why don't you have a glass of beer to relieve yourself?"

While talking, the bartender picked up the wooden cup again.

Li Cha glanced at the bartender, frowned and said, "It's not that the tomb has not been found, in fact, it has already been found, but someone went there one step earlier and took away the things in the tomb."

"Ah?" The bartender was taken aback after hearing this, but he wasn't too surprised. To him, the tomb of the Thangka wizard was in two worlds with him, and it had no other meaning except that it might help him sell beer.

In addition, he doubted very much whether Li Cha was telling the truth. After all, Li Cha had only been away for half an afternoon, so no matter how he looked at it, he shouldn't have found the tomb of the Thangka wizard so easily, maybe he was looking for a reason for his failure.

"Really—" the bartender yawned thinking about this, thinking that today's beer might not be sold, put down the wooden cup, and said to Richard with a bad attitude, "It turns out that the tomb of the wizard Thangka has been Someone has been there, so what do you want to do when you come back now?"

Speaking of this, the bartender thought of something, and his expression was a little vigilant: " don't want to get back the silver coin you gave me before, right? I admit that you gave a little too much, but I have already helped you with the wine. Drink it, the money has already been given to the boss, and it is impossible to return it to you."

"Don't worry, I don't want you to pay back the money." Li Cha said to the bartender, "But I want you to tell me another thing."


"I remember, you told me before that before me, there was a group of people who searched for the tomb of the Thangka wizard like me last night and rested in this tavern?"

"Yes." The bartender nodded.

"So, can you tell me where they went after they left the tavern? And, did they come back again, and from what direction did they leave the town?"

"This—" the bartender hesitated a bit in his elongated tone, rolled his eyes several times in his sockets, finally picked up the empty wooden cup, filled it with beer and pushed it in front of Li Cha, saying, "You buy a beer, and I'll tell you."


With a sound, Li Cha slapped a silver coin on the table and said, "It's the same as last time. I'll pay the money, and you can deal with the wine. Just tell me the answer."


The bartender said, put away the silver coins bluntly, picked up the beer, and brought it to his mouth,

He raised his neck and swallowed quickly with a "gudong gudong".

Ten seconds later, he drank the beer with a distorted expression. The bartender wiped his tongue with a rag and looked at Li Cha.

Li Cha looked at the bartender, waiting for an answer.

After a few seconds of weird silence, Li Cha spoke out with some doubts: "Huh?"

"I don't know." The bartender spread his hands and said sincerely.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean when you say you don't know, doesn't it mean literally?"

The bartender continued to spread his hands: "Yes, it means literally - I don't know. To tell you the truth, I was not in the store when the team left today during the day, so I don't know where they went, and I don't know what happened to them later. Have you come back, let alone where you left the town. I don’t know, that’s my answer.”

Li Cha raised his eyebrows slightly.

The bartender looked at it, and quickly said: "Hey, don't be angry, I really don't know, or I will tell you. But then again, although I don't know how they left, I know how they left. They are here. Let me tell you the direction they came from, so it should be helpful for you to understand them, right?"

There is indeed a reference value... Li Cha thought for a while, and agreed: "Okay, tell me, which direction did they come from?"

"Hey, don't worry." The bartender showed a black-hearted businessman's smile at this time, and poured another glass of beer, "This is a new problem. If you buy another glass of beer, I will tell you."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the bartender. He didn't get angry, but just felt a little funny: "You're trying so hard just to get me to buy an extra glass of beer?"

"if not?"

"If you use your intelligence in the right place, you will definitely get more than selling beer."

"Maybe, but I'm just a liquor salesman now, and my intelligence can only be used in this area." The bartender shrugged, and while talking, he shook the wine barrel next to him, and heard a "crackling" sound inside.

"After our boss brewed this wine, he asked me to sell at least one whole barrel every day. If I can't sell it all, I won't be given dinner or salary. What can I do about this, I can only try my best to sell it. up.

Good man, if you take pity on me, buy another cup. You don't need to give me silver coins, I can't get any more, so I can only give them to the boss, so I only need three copper coins. Give me three copper coins, and I'll tell you everything you want to know. You won't lose out on this deal, how about it? "

"Okay." Li Cha said, and put three copper coins on the counter, preventing the bartender from lifting the glass to drink, and said, "Tell me the answer first, and then help me drink the beer."

"Okay." The bartender said helplessly, "Since you want to know where those people came from, I'll tell you: they came from the north along the path in the forest, passing by Blacknail Town, Sandstone Town, Baron Knox's castle and the Green River—this is what I heard when I helped them carry their luggage and feed their horses, and I heard them talking, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, you can rest assured."

"To the north, the path in the forest, Blacknail Town, Sandstone Town, Baron Knox's Castle, Green Water River..." Li Cha read it in a low voice, and a route automatically came to mind.

"North." Li Cha said, nodded, without saying anything, turned around and walked out of the tavern.

The bartender looked at Li Cha's back, shook his head, picked up the wooden cup full of beer and began to drink.

At this time, Li Cha, who was walking, slowed down slightly, turned his head to the bartender and reminded: "I think you'd better change your way of selling wine in the future. Otherwise, if you meet someone with a bad temper, your kind Conditional sales, you may be beaten."

After finishing speaking, Li Cha turned his head and walked out the door.

A few seconds later, the bartender drank the wine in one go, put down his glass, and looked towards the door where Li Cha left. Because it was too bad to drink, the muscles on his face twitched a little, and he sighed, "Do you think I don't want to? But, I'm just a bartender, and the boss's wine is still so bad, what can I do? What should I do?"



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