Bibi took out five copper coins from her pocket, threw them on the table, picked up the beer glass and drank it all, and said to the bartender softly, "Quickly~~"

"Okay." The bartender said energetically, "Five days ago, I saw a lot of people. It was a mercenary group early in the morning. They..."

The bartender took more than 20 minutes to finish talking this time, and his mouth was dry. I secretly poured half a glass of beer in a small wooden cup, and took a sip to make sure that the taste of the beer did not change at all. Frowning, while drinking to quench his thirst, he asked Bibi: "Miss, do you want to continue listening?"

As a result, Bibi was silent and did not respond.

The bartender was puzzled, turned his head to look at Bibi, and saw that at some point, Bibi was already lying on the counter, with her head resting on her arms, and fell asleep. At this moment, Bibi's cheeks were so red that she was about to drip, a slight snoring sound came from her small nose, and the saliva trickled out slowly from the corner of her mouth, she was sleeping extremely sweetly.

The bartender was stunned, opened his mouth, thought for a while, put down his glass, and stretched out a finger. Carefully touched Bibi with his finger, tried to poke it, and woke up: "Miss, miss?"

It didn't matter the touch, Bibi slid down the counter with a "crash", and fell heavily on the ground.


Hearing the muffled sound, imagining that Bibi's face was in contact with the ground, the bartender couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment. Just as she was thinking about stepping out of the counter to give her a hand, she didn't expect Bibi to stand up by herself.

Shaking her head vigorously, Bibi opened her sleepy eyes and looked at the bartender with some confusion.

After watching for a while, he raised his hand and patted his head vigorously, and asked seriously, "Hey, what am I doing here?"

The bartender froze and replied in a low voice, "Didn't you say that you are here to find someone?"

"Looking for someone?" Bibi's eyes flickered, then she nodded, "Yes, I'm here to find someone..."

"No!" Bibi suddenly changed her words in the middle of her sentence, "No, I'm not here to find someone."

"Then... what are you doing here?" The bartender was a little confused.

"I'm here to drink." Bibi said with certainty, "I remembered that someone had been telling me before that I should not touch alcohol. If I really wanted to drink, I could only take a sip. Therefore, I always wanted to Try it, what will happen if you drink too much wine. I walked in here today just to try it."

"This..." The bartender had a complicated expression, and he had already determined that Bibi's alcohol was weak and she was definitely drunk. As a normal person, facing this situation, he should definitely persuade Bibi not to drink.

But as a bartender with unsalable beer...

The next moment, the bartender smiled brightly, quickly poured three full glasses of beer, put them in front of Bibi, and waved: "Then you try?"

"Of course I have to try."

"By the way, don't forget to pay." The bartender reminded.

"I can't forget it, don't worry!" Bibi said bluntly, patted her pockets, and said, "The money on my body can buy all the wine here, and there is still leftover. When I have had enough, I will talk to you slowly." It’s not too late for you to count the money.”

After finishing speaking, Bibi slapped off the bartender's arm trying to stop her, picked up the beer glass and started drinking.

"Gudong Gudong!"

Drink a glass of wine quickly,

Bibi's eyes enlarged unnaturally.

"Gudong Gudong!"

After drinking the two glasses of wine quickly, the muscles on Bibi's face began to twist weirdly.

"Gudong Gudong!"

The three glasses of wine were quickly drunk, and Bibi's eyes were fixed, as if she had touched some limit, her whole body shook.

During the shock, a large amount of white mist spewed out from Bibi's ears, and her neck turned irregularly. A few seconds later, his neck turned horribly one hundred and eighty degrees, and he turned his back to look at the rest of the tavern, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

The people in the tavern originally watched Bibi's actions with the mentality of watching a joke. When Bibi made this horrible act, she stood up in fright, dumbfounded. The next moment, a group of people ran out of the tavern in a panic at the same time.

The bartender behind the counter was also very frightened, his legs gave way, and he collapsed directly inside the counter with a "plop".

Bibi frowned, a little unhappy, turned her neck back, leaned out, and reached out to pick up the bartender.

"Give, me, pour, wine!" Bibi made a sound word by word.

The bartender didn't dare to disobey, trembling all over, biting the bullet, and poured three more glasses of wine for Bibi.

Bibi picked it up and drank it, she drank it up in a short time, pushed the empty glass towards the bartender, and said word for word again: "Continue, continue, pour, drink!"

The bartender was pale, but unable to resist, he had to pour the wine again.

Just like that, Bibi drank for most of the day, until she almost drank the whole barrel of beer before giving up. Then, under the gaze of the bartender, he fell straight to the ground, fell to the ground, and remained motionless.

The bartender saw it, and his first thought was to run away.

But suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at Bibi's body, and swallowed his saliva. He stepped out of the counter, squatted down next to Bibi, and reached out to touch Bibi's clothes.

Unexpectedly, when her hand was still 20 centimeters away from Bibi's clothes, Bibi suddenly opened her eyes and grabbed the bartender's arm with great force, causing the bartender's expression to twist.

There was a strange red light in Bibi's eyes, she stared at the bartender, and asked sharply, "You... want... to do... what...?"

"I just want to get back the money for the drink." The bartender was about to cry, "You drank so much and haven't paid the money yet. The boss knows, and he must beat me to death."

"Is... is it... I... don't... believe it!" Bibi stood up while speaking.

"Ah?!" The bartender looked at Bibi who stood up again in a panic, and asked, "You...what do you want to do?"

"" Bibi was stunned for a while, and then replied, ""

As he spoke, he suddenly picked up the bartender and flung him away.

Then he kicked over the counter next to him and strode towards the bartender who was on the ground.

The bartender kept backing away, and Bibi kept approaching.

Halfway through, Bibi suddenly saw a black smudge on the ground, and she stopped unconsciously.

The smudge was the size of a palm, and looked a bit like a mouse. Bibi's long eyelashes moved, and she tentatively stepped on it with one foot, and then stepped on it with the other.

Step, step, step.

"Stomp you, trample you, trample you..." Bibi said, jumping up and down on the stain.

The bartender watched all this dully, watching Bibi stepping on non-stop, watching Bibi slip and fall to the ground with a "plop" after stepping on it for a long time without warning, motionless, as if falling asleep again.

Even so, he didn't dare to act rashly, and he didn't dare to go forward to get the money for the wine. He just rubbed his painful shoulder, looked at Bibi with a broken mind, and murmured: "I... I will never sell alcohol again, yes, I will never sell alcohol again..."



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