
With a muffled sound, the hunchbacked "camel" built a three-meter-thick earth wall from the ground to block the giant mouse's footsteps.

Then the rest cast spells from different directions, distracting the giant mouse's attention, making it difficult for the angry giant mouse to choose the real target to attack.

At a distance of more than ten meters behind the earthen wall built by the "camels", Xizhe turned his back to the giant mouse, lightly supported the mask, bent down, and bowed deeply in a direction where nothing existed.

Bow, bow again, bow three times.

He seemed to be praying for something, very solemn.

After three bows, Xi Zhe turned around and looked at the giant mouse through the hole in the black iron mask. His breath changed completely, becoming deep and deep.

There was a strong wind blowing around him, Xizhe's gray hair fluttered with the wind, and the clothes on his body were tightly pressed against the surface of his skin by the airflow.

The right hand protruded from the sleeve, and the skin on the back of the hand was a little loose, showing a waxy yellow color, covered with tan age spots. After that, the hand was lifted suddenly, and a purple-black wooden stick more than 30 centimeters long popped out of the sleeve, and it was grabbed with force with a "snap".


A hoarse voice came from the throat, and the mantra was chanted, and the wind around Xi Zhe's body suddenly increased, almost forming a tornado.

When the wind was strong enough to a certain limit, Xi Zhe raised the wooden stick in his hand, pointed it at the giant mouse, and yelled.

"Int... Pooshente!"

After the words fell, a thick gray awn was released from the end of the stick and flew towards the giant mouse.

The speed of Huimang is not fast, but the giant mouse is huge and moves relatively slowly, so it was able to hit it accurately, and then penetrated into its body.

The giant rat, which was constantly turning and attacking everyone, was unharmed and could not see any wounds.

But the giant mouse had an obvious reaction. It quickly turned its head and looked at Xizhe. It seemed that it knew immediately who was its biggest enemy here.


The giant mouse stepped forward and approached Xizhe.

Jasmine saw it,

Shout out: "Stop it!"


The "camel" reacted extremely quickly, and slammed its hands on the ground. The ground that the giant mouse stepped on suddenly swelled, forcing the giant mouse to tilt its body and hinder its progress.

Then everyone focused their fire on the giant mouse, bombarding the giant mouse with various spells, and finally turned the attention of the giant mouse back.

The fight continues.

Xi Zhe held the wooden stick and chanted the incantation again.



Another gray light flew out and hit the giant mouse.

The reaction of the giant mouse was stronger than the first time. With red eyes, it was ready to attack Xizhe, but with the joint efforts of everyone, they forcibly stopped it and trapped the giant mouse in place.

The ensuing battle was like a tug-of-war.

Xi Zhe frequently released curses, attracting the giant mouse's attention time and time again, and everyone tried everything again and again to grab the giant mouse's attention back.


"Coret... Volote... Pooshent!"

three times, four times...

In a blink of an eye, it has reached nine times.

After releasing the curse nine times in a row, Xi Zhe was exhausted, he was out of breath, and there was a sound of a broken bellows deep in his throat.


Drops of sweat trickled down from behind the mask, wet the clothes, and Xi Zhe stood there staggeringly, as if he had reached his limit.

But it didn't reach the limit.

He's just old, too old to be able to do what he wants.

Taking a deep breath, Xi Zhe tried his best to stand still, so as to refresh his tired spirit, he held the wooden stick and prepared to cast spells for the last time.

"Korit... Wanhan... Zhuorit... Pooshente!

The voice shouted, and Xi Zhe aimed at the giant mouse, releasing gray light from the end of the stick, and kept approaching.

At this time, the giant mouse was surrounded by everyone and bombarded by many spells.

Obviously, such an attack only caused some skin trauma to the giant mouse, and it could not seriously injure it. But it can disturb the sight of the giant mouse, saving the giant mouse that was already mad enough to rush out of the encirclement and attack the weak Xi Zhe, resulting in the failure of such a long-term effort.

It seems that the giant mouse is completely under everyone's control at this time, and the gray light released by Xizhe is getting closer and closer, and the plan to cast the curse is about to succeed.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

Surrounded by the crowd, the giant mouse's blood-red eyes suddenly narrowed, and it tilted its head slightly to look in the direction of the flying gray light, as if it felt a kind of fear from the soul, and all the hair on its body stood on end. The electric arc flickering on the skin, which was originally no more than the thickness of a finger, suddenly increased to the size of a baby's arm.


The giant mouse screamed like a needle in its butt. Its relatively slow speed changed dramatically, and its attack power skyrocketed.


The giant mouse slammed into the side with lightning flashing all over its body, knocking "One-Eyed", "Camel" and Hulk away, broke through the crowd's encirclement, lowered its head and ran to the distance, letting everyone attack from behind, I don't care.

In this way, the cursed gray light released by Xizhe at the end hit the ground without accident and dissipated.

All the efforts fell short in an instant.


Xi Zhe, who was holding a wooden stick, stared at the giant mouse running farther and farther, his body swayed, obviously a little unacceptable.

Like a deflated balloon, his state became sluggish, his feet were weak, and he almost fell down.

Jasmine saw it, and quickly flew towards Xizhe, supported Xizhe, and asked aloud, "Mr. Xizhe, what should we do?"


Xi Zhe opened his mouth, but did not give an answer, just stared at the giant fleeing mouse, as if thinking. The next moment, he pushed Jasmine violently, stood up straight, and pointed at it with the wooden stick.

"Korit... er... Lawu... Foevo..."

Xi Zhe quickly uttered a spell that was completely different from before, and then the wooden stick trembled, and a pink light flew out, chasing the fleeing giant mouse and hitting it at a speed far faster than the cursed gray light.


The giant mouse screamed, but without any intention of stopping, it continued to run wildly, and disappeared from everyone's sight within a few seconds.

Seeing that the spell had no effect, Xi Zhe squinted his eyes and said nothing, standing there as if meditating on something.

"What should we do next?" Li Cha also flew over to Xi Zhe, looked at Jasmine and asked, "The big rat that swallowed the energy furnace has escaped. You value the energy furnace so much, how do you plan to remedy it?"

"Follow the trail and catch up?" The rest of the people came over and thought about it, and "One Eye" made a suggestion.

"No!" After hearing what "One Eyed" said, Jasmine flatly refused.

"What, Captain?" "One-eyed" was a little puzzled, he thought that it would be Li Cha who refused.


Jasmine took a deep breath and reminded: "Have you forgotten what this place is? This is an ancient ruin! Except for the area where we have information, it is considered safe. Once you wander around in other places, you may encounter something." .If you really chased that big mouse and entered the dangerous area, it is very likely that..."

In the middle of speaking, Jasmine suddenly stopped and looked in the direction where the giant mouse was escaping.

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