Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1212: The Wrath of the Giant Rat

"Hiss - roar!"

The giant mouse that appeared screamed, almost tearing everyone's eardrums.


The giant mouse flicked its tail as if venting, and slapped the nearby stone pillar hard.


The stone pillar swayed, a large number of stone chips flew out, almost collapsed, and a pile of things fell out from the inside—it was not clear what it was.

Everyone looked at the giant mouse with a little wrinkle. They could see the appearance of the giant mouse, which was much worse than when they left before. It should be caused by triggering the mechanism deep in the ruins. On the surface of the opponent's body, less than half of the hair was burnt, and there were sticky blood oozing from several parts, which looked a little hideous.


A large stream of hot white steam spewed from the opponent's nostrils, his limbs stepped on the ground, and his whole body lay down, accumulating strength like a spring, waiting for the moment when he jumped up and exploded.


"One-eyed" swallowed, quickly turned his head to look at Xi Zhe who was resting, and shouted: "Mr. Xi Zhe, the big guy is here, it's your turn to act."

Xizhe: "..."

I saw Xi Zhe sitting cross-legged on the ground quietly, the same as before - motionless, as if he had fallen asleep, or as if he had fallen asleep, without any response.

The expression of the group including "One Eye" changed slightly, but before they could continue calling, the giant mouse had already trampled a large area of ​​the ground with a "bang", and rushed forward frantically.


Jasmine made a sound.

Everyone rushed forward one after another, casting spells to attack the giant mouse, preparing to stop it forcibly.

"Boom boom boom!"

With a few bangs, a strong explosion was born in front of the giant mouse. It was so powerful that cracks were directly shaken out of several nearby stone pillars.

The speed of the giant mouse slowed down, and a group of people who seized the opportunity quickly surrounded them, trying to drag the giant mouse by diverting attention as before.

But at this time, the giant mouse under extreme anger did not accept this trick,

He lowered his head and slammed forward, directly knocking out the "One-eyed", "Camel" and Hulk who were blocking the way.


The three fell to the ground and suffered injuries of varying degrees.

Among them, "Camel" and Hulk are good at defense and have high physical strength, so there is no serious problem.

In contrast, "One Eyed", as a wizard who is good at fire spells, is weak in defense. I saw him fall to the ground, the protective energy membrane was broken, and he spat out a big mouthful of blood.


Coughing a few times, spitting out the remaining blood in his mouth, "One Eye" stood up shaking, turned his head to look at Xi Zhe again, and said a little angry: "Mr. Xi Zhe, hurry up, don't sleep! If you sleep again, We are all going to die here! At that time, no one will joke with you!"


Xi Zhe suddenly opened his eyes, and responded to "One-eyed" aloud.

The next moment, Xizhe stood upright slowly, glanced at the enraged giant mouse, took out the wooden stick and held it in his hand, and the deep and mysterious aura that had disappeared quickly returned to him.

Turning around, facing a direction where nothing existed, and bowing three times, Xi Zhe said to the crowd solemnly: "I'm going to cast a spell, I hope you can stop this beast before I finish casting the spell.

By the way, let me tell you, the curse I want to cast, because of the failure last time, the time interval is too long, so this time to take effect, I must cast it from the beginning. And because the last time it failed, the beast did not die and had a certain resistance, so this time it had to cast the curse a total of twelve times to succeed.

So...good luck! "


After hearing Xizhe's words, "One Eyed" and his group opened their mouths to curse.

But at this time, the giant mouse let out an extremely uncooperative roar, and rushed up again.

The group had no choice but to give Xi Zhe a hard look, giving Xi Zhe a look of "you are cruel", and then gritted their teeth to meet the giant mouse.

Xi Zhe calmly accepted everyone's gaze, did not make any movements, stood still and began to chant the mantra.


At this time, "Camel" and his group had already arrived in front of the giant mouse. They saw "Camel" slapped the ground with both hands, and the ground with a radius of several meters was broken. A large amount of soil and gravel adhered to the surface of his body, forming a stone armor.


"Camel" roared, stretched out his hands, and with a "snap", it caught a front leg stepped out by the giant mouse.

The huge impact force was transmitted to the "camel" along the front legs of the giant mouse, and then to the ground around the "camel".


The camel's body was more than ten meters away, and the ground collapsed.


The camel's feet sank deep into the ground, and it was pushed back by the giant mouse, plowing a deep groove.

Obviously, his strength alone cannot fight against the giant mouse at all.

Fortunately, at this time, the rest of the people quickly gave support.

"Look at me!"

Hulk roared, his round eyes slammed into the other front leg of the giant mouse, and he grabbed it tightly.

"Give me... freeze it for me!"

"Ice Cube" also trembled, and waved his hand to release a large puff of white steam, trying to freeze the two hind legs of the giant mouse.


"Wood" shook his arms, and two silver vines protruded from the left and right sleeves, and quickly wrapped around the two hind legs of the giant mouse to cooperate with "Ice Cube".

The giant mouse felt restrained, and wanted to roar angrily.

The female wizard Su looked at it, pressed and pushed her hands in the air, and a huge wall of air slapped the giant mouse's face, forcing the giant mouse to tilt its head to one side, and made the giant mouse's half-open mouth close tightly.

On the other side, Jasmine controlled her third eye, and had locked onto a blood-stained part of the giant mouse's waist. Frowning his eyebrows, he squeezed his right hand, and squeezed the air in his palm hard.

With a "snap", with the sound of air explosion, the hair on the giant mouse's waist was forcibly torn apart by an invisible force, revealing a bleeding wound.

"That's a weakness!"

Jasmine said loudly.


"One-eyed" responded immediately, waving his hand, and the continuous bursting flame ball blasted towards the position marked by Jasmine. Followed by Li Cha's blood spears, all pierced deep into the wound and exploded.

"Boom boom boom!"


The giant mouse stopped in pain, looked at everyone with red eyes, and prepared to fight and kill everyone.

At this time, with a sound of "咻", Xi Zhe released the cursed gray light, which successfully hit the giant mouse.

This time, it was like waking up a giant mouse.

The giant mouse turned its head abruptly, realizing that Xi Zhe was the most threatening existence, the enemy who killed its paper lover, and the target of its revenge.


The giant mouse screamed loudly, broke out with all its strength, broke through the crowd at all costs, and approached Xizhe.


The vines grown from the "wood" were torn off by the giant mouse.


The air wall Su Ning created was shattered by the giant mouse with brute force.


The "Camel" and the Hulk were knocked into the air by the giant mouse again, and flew onto a pillar tens of meters away.


The pillar broke from the place where it was hit, and a lot of things fell out, including colored powder like magic materials, and small objects with strange shapes, magic patterns on the surface, and suspected magic props.

But this is obviously not the time to study carefully, "Camel" and Hulk just glanced at it, then stood up and yelled to meet the giant mouse again, and cooperated with the rest of the people who recovered their fighting power to control the giant mouse in place again.

Then there was a sound of "swoosh", the first curse Xi Zhe sent out, the gray light hit the giant mouse.

The giant rat ran amok.

Everyone was blown away without any surprise.

But soon, everyone returned to normal, and met the giant mouse trying to get out of control for the second time.


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