Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1220 Watching off

It took a while at the scene.

Looking at the location where the crystal man was blown up in the air, Jasmine shook her long eyelashes, said slowly, and asked Li Cha: "Remember what I said before, when you pass by the devil's magic-eating vine grass, you can't fly over it?" , Can you only walk through the ground, or you will be attacked from the depths of the ruins?"

"I remember." Li Cha nodded. He didn't say these words for a long time, and his memory was far from that bad. After thinking about it, he said, "Actually, I didn't really believe what you said back then."

"I don't really believe it either." Jasmine said, "But out of caution, I chose to believe it. Looking at it now, fortunately I made the choice to believe it."

"Ahem... There are too many secrets in this ancient ruins, which are far from what we can fully explore now." Xizhe said hoarsely, "The one in front of you is just an example. It is right to be careful, and we have not continued to explore before. The decision was also wise."

After a pause, Xi Zhe continued: "I think it's best not to stay here for a long time, the sooner you leave, the better, so as to avoid other troubles."

Li Cha nodded his head lightly to express his agreement. He looked at the calming Devil-eating Vine Grass in front of him, and then turned his head to look at Jasmine.

Jasmine understood what Richard wanted to say, and said bluntly: "You go first, we will follow after."

"Okay." Li Cha was not polite, and walked towards the devil's magic-eating vine, stepped on it, and walked towards the edge on the other side.

After walking more than 200 meters steadily, one foot fell and felt a little hard under the foot. Reaching out to push away the Devil's Devouring Vine, a large piece of crooked and broken crystal appeared in front of his eyes.

Li Cha immediately guessed that this was the wreckage that the crystal man had blown up before, and there should be quite a few of them on the grass of the devil-eating magic vine.

Because he couldn't perform the magic test for the time being, he couldn't determine some properties of the crystal, but based on some physical observations, he could tell that the material was very special. After thinking for a while, I reached out to pick it up, and moved forward again.

Behind Li Cha, on the edge of the grass, Jasmine and her party began to gather. Holding hands with each other, chanting a spell and getting angry, a little irritable and reluctant, they took Hulk and set foot on the grass.

Hulk followed carefully, his neck shrank almost like nothing, and he didn't dare to say a word.

But even so, before going far, there were roars from the rest of the people, and threats from gnashing teeth: "Hulk, you idiot, you are wrong again! You wait!"

Hulk: "I... I really didn't mean to..."

"Shut up!"



Nearly half an hour later.

Jasmine and her party walked across the 500-meter-wide grassland in a state of embarrassment. After their feet stepped on solid ground, the first thing almost everyone did was to surround Hulk and beat and kick him.

"One-eyed": "Don't stop me, I have to beat this idiot to death, whoever steps first can be wrong, just like a pig."

"Wood": "What am I stopping you for? I want to beat him to death. Also, don't insult the pig. At least the pig can still eat. What he can do is kill us."

Su: "Okay, just shut up, get out of the way, and let me punch him too!"

As he spoke, Su rushed forward wrapped in the wind, and kicked Hulk heavily in the face. Hulk screamed, and suddenly there was a deep footprint.

"That's enough!" Jasmine yelled unbearably from the side, and approached to try to control the scene, "Just hit it a few times casually, don't really kill me."

After finishing speaking, he kicked Hulk to the ground.

The rest of the people surrounded him, punching and kicking again.

After a while, Jasmine and her party finally relieved their anger, and then they looked at Li Cha.

Li Cha was standing at the edge of the grass, waiting for quite a while, holding a few transparent tile-like objects in his hand.

Jasmine and her group looked at each other with a slightly wary gaze.

"Are you waiting for us?"

"That's right." Richard said, "The other thing is to talk about these magic materials."

Li Cha showed what was in his hand, and said: "This should be a part of the crystal man. It may be useful. I collected some. If you want, I can give you some. After all, we agreed at the beginning, yes Fifty-five distribution."

Jasmine looked at it for a while, and was about to speak. At this time, "One Eye" made a sound, and couldn't help shouting: "What's the use of this?!"

"Not interested? Alright." Li Cha shrugged and put away his things.

Jasmine opened her mouth, but she didn't say much after all, she just said, "Let's go."

"Okay." Li Cha responded.

A group of people walked towards the exit of the ruins together.


After half an hour.

A group of people appeared on the bank of the small river on the ground.

Looking towards the sky, the sun has passed the midline and is heading westward—it is already the afternoon of a new day.

Counting it, it took almost a day and a night from entering the ruins to start exploring. This time is not too long, but it is not too short. After all, the area of ​​the ruins is very large, and it took a lot of time just to explore the periphery. Coupled with some delays caused by the outbreak of fighting, if it wasn't for Jasmine's intelligence support, it would have been even longer.

Leaving the ruins, Li Cha and Jasmine bid farewell to the group.

Jasmine looked at Li Cha and said, "If there is nothing else, let's separate here. If there is a chance in the future, we will cooperate again."

"Okay." Li Cha nodded, "Then goodbye."


After the farewell was over, Li Cha turned around and walked into the distance.

After walking more than ten meters, he noticed something, turned his head slightly, and saw Jasmine and her party standing in the same place, motionless as a mountain, and watched him leave.

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, then smiled politely at Jasmine and the others who were watching him off, and turned around.

After walking more than ten meters, he couldn't help but stop, and turned around again, and found that Jasmine and her party were still maintaining their original posture, and they were getting closer to each other, showing a little wariness.

This is……

Li Cha realized something, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you leaving?"

"I'll see you off first, and then we'll leave." Jasmine replied, "This is a courtesy."

"Etiquette? Actually, don't worry about it." Li Cha smiled and exposed, "You think that I will have schemes, and I will find a way to follow you, sneak attack, and seize that energy furnace, so be careful. ? From inside the ruins to outside the ruins, you have been on guard against me all the way."

After hearing this, Jasmine pursed her lips, without making any excuses, she said frankly, "If you say that, there is indeed a part of the reason for this. Because, I still can't figure out one thing, and that is why you can so easily Give up the ownership of the energy furnace."

"Because I said, I will distribute it 50-50. Of course I want it, but since your people have guessed the number of the dice, the energy furnace will belong to you." Richard said, "I pay attention to fairness, since it belongs to you , you won’t think about anything else.”

Jasmine stared at Li Cha for a long time, as if trying to see if Li Cha was lying, and finally took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's pretend you're telling the truth, then goodbye."

Jasmine waved her hands, but she and her companions still did not move, and continued to watch Li Cha leave.

Li Cha shook his head lightly, stopped being entangled with Jasmine, and walked into the distance, disappearing in the southeast.

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