Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1224: Unique Energy Furnace

Day, day, day after day.

As time passed, Hulk drank countless cans of strange liquids, and suffered for a week.

In a remote castle, Jasmine stood in front of Hulk solemnly, and asked Hulk, "Are you ready?"

"Ready!" Hulk replied loudly, knowing exactly what to do next. Although he wasn't too confident, he had to say this because he... really didn't want to continue drinking the strengthening potion anymore.

"That's good." Jasmine nodded after hearing this, looked at Su and the others, and said, "Start the second fusion attempt."

"Yes." Su and the others nodded, walked to the fixed position beside Hulk, and whispered the spell, energy fluctuations were born in the body, and the spell was prepared.

Jasmine looked at Hulk again, took a deep breath, and took out a stone box from her bosom. After opening, it was the energy furnace obtained from the ruins.

Jasmine's hands were covered with energy, and she carefully took out the energy furnace. At this moment, Hulk had already taken off his shirt, exposing his chest. Jasmine unceremoniously pressed the energy furnace in her hand towards Hulk's chest.


The moment the energy furnace touched Hulk's skin, the energy furnace lit up slightly, as if a branding iron was imprinted on the pig's skin, and a burnt smell came out.

Hulk frowned slightly, but he didn't cry out, because it was far from the pain he suffered from drinking the strengthening potion these days.

"Hold on." Jasmine said.

"Yeah." Hulk responded.

Jasmine pursed her lips tightly, held the energy furnace and pressed down on Hulk's flesh, and saw that the front of the energy furnace became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into light almost completely, penetrating into Hulk's body.

One millimeter, one millimeter, another millimeter...

After a few minutes, the entire energy furnace turned into light and entered Hulk's chest.

I saw that bright light came out from under Hulk's skin, illuminating Hulk's entire body. At this time, Hulk seems to have a super searchlight in his body. Through this searchlight, he can even see the faint projection of Hulk's internal organs on the surface of the skin.

At this moment, Hulk seemed to be suffering from a very strong side effect, his body trembled a little, and then the intensity continued to intensify, if it wasn't for Jasmine holding his shoulders,

almost jumped up.

"Help him!" Jasmine shouted.


Surrounded by Hulk, Su and his party waved their hands without any hesitation, and shot streaks of dark red ability light at Hulk.

Hulk's whole body was heavy, and he knelt down on the ground with a "bang", his knees smashed into the ground. The trembling amplitude has slowed down, but the brightness in the body continues to increase.



It's getting brighter and brighter!

Hulk seemed to have turned into the sun, releasing a dazzling white light, which made everyone turn their faces away. Only Jasmine, with her third eye between her brows, looked directly at Hulk.

This lasted for more than ten seconds, and the light gradually dimmed, revealing Hulk's figure.

Hulk was kneeling on the ground, his clothes were in tatters, his hair, eyebrows, beard, and any other hair on his body were all burnt. Looking at the whole head, it looks like an egg, but looking at the whole person, it looks like a white striped chicken.

But whether it is an egg or a white striped chicken, it is not an ordinary existence. Hulk's skin reveals a kind of white fluorescence, giving people a thick feeling like a mountain. Occasionally, condensed energy clusters appear on the bare scalp, like a light bulb, which lasts for a long time before dissipating, which makes people laugh and palpitate... The funny scene is the funny scene, and the palpitation is the energy in the cluster. Powerful.

Everyone stared at Hulk with wide eyes.

Jasmine's eyes sparkled, and she concluded aloud, "It seems to be a success."

"Successful?" Hulk heard this, and stood up excitedly, "Captain, it really succeeded!"

He couldn't help being upset. After all, he succeeded, so he finally didn't need to drink that damned strengthening potion.

"En." Jasmine gave a confirmed answer, then made a calm gesture to Hulk, and said seriously, "You have to control your emotions now, because you are only initially fused with the energy furnace, and then you can fuse with the energy furnace." To what extent, we have to look at it to know.

In addition, you have to learn how to control the power furnace, learn to adapt to it, and try to use its potential. I don't ask you to perform at 100%, that's too difficult, but you must at least reach more than 50%. "

"Yes." Hulk nodded.

The rest of the people looked at Hulk with a little excitement and envy. They knew very well that the energy furnace was extremely precious, and there might be only one such in the whole world. Although Hulk has a bad temper and poor learning ability, after successfully merging with the energy furnace, there will be a qualitative change. In other words, it will be a new Hulk.

Most importantly, they can finally do the one thing they have been waiting for for a long time.


the other side.

In the Garden of Eden, the dangerous goods function sector, in the highest specification underground research room, Richard is still busy cracking the design of the energy furnace.

It has to be said that the progress of the entire cracking project is much faster than he expected. So far, most of the work has been completed.

Seriously speaking, this is not the result of his sudden explosion and cheating, but thanks to his previous accumulation of knowledge and technology.

Speaking of which, although it was his first contact with the energy furnace, the technology involved in it was no stranger to him. For example, the energy absorbed by the energy furnace is similar to the energy absorbed by the void that he studied before, and he has studied the void spell for a long time, so he can learn from it from many angles.

Another example is that after the energy furnace absorbs energy, it stores the energy, transmits it, and converts it to the human body for use by the user. This is very similar to the short staff of energy storage and the mask of the Black Spirit King.

For a long time, he has done a lot of research on the short energy storage staff and the mask of the Black Spirit King, but due to some problems such as materials, he has never been able to get started, and only produced a few samples that cannot be put into use.

Now, after obtaining the design drawing of the energy furnace and some materials in the ruins, the situation has been greatly improved. Many breakthroughs have been made, and many conjectures that could not be carried out before have been tested in the laboratory.

In this way, the entire cracking project was speeded up again and again, and it was close to success before the expected date.

Good thing.

Because the cracking project went smoothly, Li Cha was in a great mood, and even after working hard for more than ten days, he didn't show fatigue. At this time, he was preparing for an extremely important test, and his eyes showed excitement.


In a large room, Li Cha took a deep breath to balance his emotions. After making sure that his own state would not be affected by this, he pulled down the operating lever of an assembly line next to him with a "click", and said in his mouth, "Let's start."

The machine roared, mixing and crushing various materials loaded in advance, immersing in acid solution to dissolve, using organic solvent to extract, followed by a series of operations such as neutralization, centrifugation, filtration, and drying.

Finally, at the end of the line, an extremely fine leaden gray powder emerges.

Li Cha walked over, collected all the lead-gray powder into a container, then opened a furnace next to it, put it in, and heated it to melt it.

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