Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1230 Additional Compensation

"The emperor has just arrived in the southern capital of Char." Sherlock looked at Li Cha and replied aloud.

Sherlock continued: "You should have heard that the Soma Alliance has a huge area. In order to facilitate the rule, there are five capitals: Zhongdu, Beidu, Dongdu, Nandu and Xibao. Except when the situation is tense, the alliance emperor generally does not go. During the rest of the year, he takes turns sitting in the four capitals.

After leaving Nandu Char for the last time, within a few months, the Alliance Emperor returned with his mobile court, obviously attaching great importance to Nandu Xia. There are rumors that the alliance intends to make Nandu the only real capital.

In this regard, the entire city near Nandu held celebrations. After all, it benefited them a lot. Faro is so close, so naturally it cannot be exempted. It is the most grand celebration in these cities. Starting today, a banquet will be held for three consecutive nights.

Of course, it is also said that the reason why Farrow celebrated so grandly was because of the presence of important figures from the court. The great men summoned the officials of the neighborhood of Faro to discuss a great matter, which was cleverly disguised by a banquet. But no matter what the truth is, the banquet will definitely be extraordinary, and I naturally want to attend and experience it. "

"Is that so?" Li Cha nodded with some understanding. To be honest, he devoted himself to research and really didn't understand this kind of thing.

"How about it, my dear friend, do you want me to take you to participate? I am a person with multiple invitations." Sherlock showed off, winking his eyes and said, "Ordinary nobles, but they don't even get one invitation." Not yet."

Li Cha smiled and waved his hands: "Forget it, you know me, you don't like excitement."

"Then you're finished." Sherlock sighed, "If you go on like this, you will definitely die alone at home. Although you are very powerful, equivalent to a fourth-level wizard, don't you feel depressed living like this?"

"do not think so."

"..." Sherlock choked, "Well, I won't persuade you anymore."

After saying that, Sherlock walked towards the carriageway on the street: "Since you are not going, then I will go to work first, and I am going to go to the master tailor in the city to try on my new dress. As for the books you want, I will I will find a way to collect it for you, but I have to wait until tomorrow anyway."


"Then go."

"Goodbye." Li Cha waved.

"Lulululu..." Sherlock waved his hand, got in the carriage and left quickly.


In the evening, dusk is coming to an end.

The last light was about to dissipate, "bang bang bang", there was a knock on the door of Li Cha's courtyard.

About half a minute later, Li Cha walked out, opened the door, and saw a servant standing outside. After saluting him politely, he quickly stepped aside, revealing a beautiful white carriage on the street.

Sherlock poked his head out of the carriage, took a few glances, jumped off, walked up to him, and handed out a piece of paper.

"Here, here you are." Sherlock said.

"What is this?" Li Cha took over and asked.

"What you want." Sherlock said, with a tone of begging for compliments, "I originally wanted to collect it for you in the spare time before the banquet tomorrow night after the banquet. But I, It’s really too kind to my friends, I have a friend’s request in my heart, and I have no interest in playing. So, I took advantage of the tailor’s free time to change my clothes, and I worked hard to collect them for you, and they are all here.”

"Just this piece of paper?" Li Cha was slightly surprised, "So little?"

Could it be that the affairs of the royal family are too secretive, and only the contents of a piece of paper have been circulated?

"What are you thinking, this is the directory." Sherlock rolled his eyes, pointed to the street, and said, "The real content is at the back."

As he spoke, the sound of "gululu" heavy wheels came, and a flatbed carriage approached and stopped.

Two tall guys unloaded a heavy wooden box from the car and put it into the yard of Richard's residence. When they opened it, they found that it was full of books, and the number was suffocating.

"See?" Sherlock waved his hand, "These are all. Don't think that there are few things about the royal family. In fact, there are so many things that are unimaginable. After all, people are most interested in the royal family. True rumors can be found in any tavern. The ones I collected for you are all of high authenticity, so take your time to read them. If you are not satisfied after reading them, I will give you the boxes with lower authenticity Bring it."

"All right……"

"Okay, look, I'm really going to attend the banquet now, and the joy in it is beyond your imagination." After speaking, Sherlock clicked his lips, got into the carriage and took people away.

After Sherlock left, Li Cha looked at a box full of books in the yard, couldn't help shaking his head, and entered the room with one hand to read.


Soon, two days passed.

At noon two days later,

In the courtyard room, Li Cha sat at the table and flipped through a book that was thick enough to kill someone. It closed with a "bang", thoughtfully, and said to himself:

" this the truth..."

A few minutes later.


The handkerchief on the corner of the table lit up and flashed several times. This is Jasmine's new message, requesting to meet as soon as possible, and giving the specific location.

Li Cha glanced at it, put away his handkerchief, pondered for a few seconds, and walked out the door.


Faro outside.

Li Cha fell from the sky, stopped outside a forest, looked around, and confirmed: "Well, it should be here."

Looking into the woods, the crippled witch Su came out after a while, nodded and said, "Our captain is waiting for you."

"Okay." Li Cha didn't hesitate, and followed Su into the depths of the woods, where he saw Jasmine and the others.

"Excuse me, I invite you to meet this time because I have something to ask for your help." After the meeting, Jasmine didn't have too much politeness, and stated the purpose straight to the point.

"What's the matter?" Li Cha was also so happy, and asked, "Is it the same as last time, exploring the ancient ruins?"

"It's almost the same, but the details have changed." Jasmine said, "We do need you to help us penetrate into an ancient ruin, to be precise, you only need to help us penetrate into the middle of the ruin, where we can get what we want .The rest, the second half of the ruins, is too dangerous to explore. After the exploration, we can’t share the profits from the ruins with you, but we can give you other compensation.”

"What?" Li Cha asked.

"How about this?" Jasmine stretched out her hand and took out a thin scroll. After unfolding it, she saw complicated magic patterns carved on it.

"This is a spell prop. It is made of extremely special materials. The combination of materials and magic patterns can produce very special effects." Jasmine said, "The specific performance is that once activated, the user's energy can be instantly restored. Package, get extremely powerful repair ability. Basically, except for the injury of instant death, whether it is excessive bleeding or mutilated limbs, it can be repaired. From a certain point of view, this is an extra life."

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