Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1235: The Site of the Ruins

Sherlock was taken aback for a moment, seeing someone jumping in line, shrugged his shoulders, not intending to be angry.

Who knew that the person who jumped in line turned around and took the initiative to look at him. A pair of amber eyes sized him up a few times, and said with a smile, "Sherlock, right?"

Sherlock's body froze slightly, and he took a half step back calmly, a little vigilant in his heart. As far as he knew, almost no one at this banquet knew him.

"Are you..." Sherlock asked cautiously.

"You don't need to know who I am, as long as you know that I know who you are." The other party whispered.

After hearing this, Sherlock's eyes flickered, and he said, "Your words are a bit of a mouthful. My name is indeed Sherlock, but I really don't know you. Are you mistaken?"

"I'm not mistaken. Not only do I know your name is Sherlock, I also know that your full name is Sherlock Melrose, and you come from the Southern Freedom Federation." The other party whispered.

Sherlock clenched his hands and became highly nervous. Looking at the other party, he almost jumped up, guessing: " are sent by the family to arrest me?"

"That's not true." The other party smiled, "Don't worry, looking for you today has nothing to do with your family's affairs. People from your family are looking for you in several capitals of the Soma Alliance, and they can't find you here for the time being. It's safe."

"Then you?" Sherlock was slightly puzzled, "Why are you looking for me?"

"I'm looking for you, I want you to do me a favor, please send a letter to your friend."


"Sorcerer Richard."


The other party handed a letter to Sherlock, sipped the wine in his mouth lightly, and said, "Please tell Wizard Richard that our lord wants to meet him. If Wizard Richard asks who we are, Just tell him that we are spider webs.

If Wizard Li Cha asks why we need to meet, just say that our adult thinks that some things are not easy to accomplish just by talking with words. That's it, have a nice dinner party! "

After the other party finished speaking, he took another sip of the wine and floated away with the glass in his hand.

Seeing the figure of the other party walking into the crowd, Sherlock put away the letter and cursed at the same time: Isn't it just sending a letter, what are you doing so scary. Believe it or not, there will be retribution,

Maybe you will walk and wrestle...


Sherlock hadn't finished thinking, when he saw the other party who had walked more than ten meters, tripped and fell to the ground firmly, attracting the attention of many people around.

However, the other party was also very responsive. He didn't let the wine in his hand drop in a daze, grabbed a woman's earring studded with diamonds on the ground expressionlessly, and said, "I don't know which lady lost it, she should be very sad." Well, it should be returned to the original owner as soon as possible. Waiter!"

The other party gave a low cry, smiled apologetically at the surroundings, and strode away into the distance. During the process, with a bit of doubt and suspicion, he glanced at Sherlock.

Sherlock lowered his head with some guilt, picked up two glasses of wine, and walked away quickly.

Walking up to the little maid Lucia, she handed out the wine glass with some concern.

Lucia answered, glanced at Sherlock, and asked in surprise, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Um, it's nothing, I just thought of something." Sherlock said vaguely, "Forget it, it's nothing important, let's watch the fireworks."

"Oh." The little maid replied, looking up at the sky.

"Boom! Crack! Boom! Crack!"

At this time, several streaks of colorful lights lifted into the sky, exploded, and turned into gorgeous fireworks.



In the afternoon two days later.

Li Cha followed Jasmine and her party and appeared on the shore of a large lake in the middle of the Soma Alliance.

Looking towards the center of the lake, Li Cha saw a vast expanse of blue, without seeing the edge at all. Obviously, the area of ​​this lake is huge.

"This is Moro Lake, the second largest lake in the Soma Alliance, and the third largest lake in the entire continent." Jasmine said.

After hearing this, Li Cha nodded and asked, "The ruins are in the lake?"

"It is, it is not." Jasmine pretended to be mysterious and said, "When we arrive, you will understand."

After speaking, he jumped up and flew towards the center of the lake with a group of subordinates. Li Cha spread his hands to follow.

This flying over covered more than ten kilometers. Looking around, it was all lake water, no different from being in the sea. At this time, a large island appeared in front of it, with an area of ​​about a hundred square kilometers, and its shape was somewhat long and narrow. Viewed from the side, it looked like a plump woman lying on the water.

Jasmine took the lead in descending and landed on the forehead of "Women's Island".

"This is one of the dozens of islands in Moro Lake. It doesn't have an official name, but some fishermen think it's the incarnation of a mysterious goddess, so it's called 'God Island'." Jasmine said, "For this reason, out of awe , very few people set foot on the island, resulting in a lot of animals."

While talking, a large group of fox-like animals appeared on the nearby branch. But they are all standing upright, their eye sockets are black, as if they have stayed up all night for three days and three nights, and their crescent-shaped ears are constantly swinging, a little cute and silly. Looking curiously at Li Cha and his party, they kept bouncing up and down.

"Don't pay attention to them." Jasmine said to Richard, "The creatures on this island all look strange, but they are hardly aggressive. Let's continue to go deeper into the island."

"So, the ruins are in the center of the island?" Richard asked.

"When we get there, you'll know." Jasmine said, she flew up without saying anything, and walked to the depths of the island, while the rest followed.


After a while, a group of people reached the depths of the island. Li Cha estimated that it was the position of the "woman"'s lower abdomen, and a lake appeared in front of him.

This lake is naturally incomparable with Moro Lake, but it is not too small, covering more than ten square kilometers.

After seeing the lake, Li Cha wisely didn't ask if the ruins were in the lake, because he noticed that there was a bulge in the middle of the lake, which was obviously another small island.

Sure enough, after a while Jasmine took the lead on the island in the middle of the lake.

On the island in the middle of the lake, there is a pond of thousands of square meters, and there is an earthen platform on the pond.

Remove a huge stone on the earthen platform, lift up the stone slab, and reveal a dark well.

Jasmine pointed and said seriously, "This is where the ruins are."

Li Cha: "..." I don't know what to say anymore. After careful calculation, the entrance of this relic is in a well on an earthen platform in a pond on an island on an island in a lake on the mainland.

This is even more twisted than a tongue twister. No wonder Jasmine didn’t explain the address all at once before. I’m afraid she felt that she couldn’t explain it clearly. If others guessed it, they would never be able to guess it for the rest of their lives.

This can also reflect the value of Jasmine.

One person can grasp the addresses of so many ancient ruins and a large amount of internal information. On the surface, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but if you develop it with great concentration, it may develop to an astonishing level.

This should also be Jasmine's confidence in her restoration.

It's just that the other party seemed a little too anxious and didn't have enough patience.

Li Cha thought silently.


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