Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1253 Strange, Strange

Hundreds of strange creatures stared at Annie, Nancy, and Gero with extremely dangerous eyes, as if they were looking at three pieces of meat.

Annie's expression was solemn, Nancy was not much better, and Gro was the most nervous, his teeth started to fight uncontrollably, making a "clicking" sound, which greatly affected morale.


Nancy slapped Gero's face abruptly, the effect was obvious, and her teeth stopped chattering immediately.

Gro was taken aback, blinked his eyes, swallowed his saliva and said to Nancy, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Nancy replied with a straight face, her eyes fixed on the hundreds of weird creatures surrounding them.

"What should we do now?" Gero stabilized his mood and asked.

"It's very simple." Nancy said.

"Huh?" Gro wondered, not knowing where the simplicity lies.

"Wait a while, they will charge up, we can kill as many as we can, and then we will be killed." Nancy said.

Gero: "..." I was a little speechless.

"You can be happy now. Didn't you feel that there was no chance for you to show your strength just now? Now there is such a chance." Nancy glanced at Grodao, her tongue as usual.

Gero felt like crying: happy? Which eye saw him happy? Are you happy to come out?

Just about to speak out, he refuted a few words, after all, he was going to die, so he probably wouldn't be beaten again.

As a result, the weird creatures didn't give him this chance. With a low growl, they approached him, preparing to launch a coordinated collective attack, trying to get rid of the three of them in one face-to-face.

Seeing Annie, she took a deep breath, the mana fluctuations appeared in her body, and she began to silently chant the incantation of the burst fireball spell.

Nancy held the long sword with both hands, lowered her body's center of gravity, and charged up a little bit.

Gro gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart: Die, die. Anyway, his life is not much better now. He is bullied by this girl or that girl every day. He has no face at all. It is better to die. !

After cursing in his heart, he bent his body and pressed his hands on the ground. The dirt quickly climbed up his arms and upper body, condensing into a somewhat crude half-body stone armor.


The strange creatures made noises in unison, approached to a distance of more than 20 meters from the three of them, and rushed towards them in unison.



Annie and Nancy, one shouted, the other remained silent, and they went up to meet each other from left to right.

Not to be outdone, Gero strode forward, clenched his fist wrapped in rocks, and slapped a strange hound creature hard on the neck.

Unexpectedly, the sensitivity of the other party was beyond his expectation, so he twisted his body to dodge his attack flexibly, and then aimed at his face to bite.

Ge Luo saw a bloody mouth rapidly enlarged in his eyes, and his brain went blank for a moment. After reacting, he was about to fight back desperately, when he suddenly saw the "Bloody Mouth" froze slightly, and then with a "pop", it exploded, spattering blood all over his body.


Gro froze, wiped his face, and looked around. I saw a tall golden treant suddenly rushing out of the forest and appearing in the field. It was the opponent who killed the strange hound creature that was rushing towards him with one arm.

After finishing this trivial matter, the tree man glanced at him, didn't pay much attention, and retracted his arms to massacre the rest of the strange creatures.

"Puff puff!"

The hundreds of weird creatures that made Annie, Nancy, and Gero feel hopeless were not enough in Ximu's eyes. After all, this was only one-twelfth of the power of a wave attacking him.

Ximu waved his hands again and again, and with the assistance of Annie and Nancy, he killed all the weird creatures in a short while.

At this time, Annie, Nancy, and Gero couldn't help standing together, looking at Ximu nervously.

Anne was a little better. After all, Nancy and Gero were more vigilant after seeing Tin Wood. In their view, Tin Wood was not necessarily safer than weird creatures.

The scene was quiet for about three seconds. Ximu glanced at the three of them and said in a slightly displeased voice, "What are you doing here? A group of children, don't you know that this place is dangerous? Didn't your parents tell you, Don't go into strange places casually?"

"Uh, Mr. Ximu, it's like this." Annie tried her best to maintain her composure, and said to Ximu, "Today is the trading day, according to the contract made by Your Excellency Richard, I will bring them some refined ore powder to you. "

"Trading day?" Ximu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he realized, "Is it trading day... so it's been a month since the last time before I knew it, and it's... really fast .In this case, where is the ore powder you brought?"

"It's there." Nancy and Gero listened, and pointed to the not far away, and saw four huge lead boxes placed firmly on the flat ground. During the battle just now, they put it down decisively. During the battle, the strange creatures seemed to hate the lead box, and they kept going around without destroying it, so the lead box is still intact.

"Okay, I've seen it, so I'll accept it." Ximu said with a glance, and then looked at Annie and the other three, his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, with a look of intention.

Annie felt a little stressed by Ximu, and couldn't help but say: "Well, Mr. Ximu, can I ask, what is it that attacked us just now?"

"This..." Ximu replied after a moment of hesitation, "It's nothing, it's just a bunch of damn bugs, I'll get rid of them sooner or later."

"When?" Gero couldn't help interjecting and asked, seeing that Ximu had no tendency to attack, he became more courageous.

After hearing this, Ximu gave Ge Luo a hard look, telling Ge Luo to shut up obediently.

"These bugs, Mr. Ximu, have you talked to Your Excellency Richard?" Annie blinked and asked again, "I think this may affect the forest a little bit, Your Excellency Richard needs to know."

"I haven't had time to tell him yet." Ximu replied frankly.

"Then..." Annie asked, "Then after I leave the forest, can I tell His Excellency Richard instead?"

"Whatever." Ximu said indifferently, "but..."

After a pause, Ximu said, "However, I suspect that you may not be able to leave the forest now. Your way out of the forest should be surrounded by layers of weird creatures just now."

Annie's face changed when she heard this: "Then I should report this situation to His Excellency Richard directly. After all, this shows that the situation is already very serious."

"You can figure it out, don't ask me about such trivial matters." Ximu said indifferently, suddenly felt something and looked in one direction, sensing that there was a huge number of strange creatures approaching, the number was several thousand .

Ximu's expression froze, he took a deep breath, turned his head to Annie and added, and said slightly urging: "Well, if you are going to report, hurry up, those bugs are coming again. I'll go first Keep it in the way, tell that boy Li Cha in detail about the situation here, and ask him to come immediately. By the way, be careful during the report, and don't break the crystal ball."

After finishing speaking, Ximutou greeted the army of strange creatures approaching in the forest without turning back.

Seeing Ximu's appearance, Annie didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly took out the crystal ball to make contact. At the same time of contacting, she was slightly puzzled: Looking at Ximu's appearance, she should also realize that the situation was critical. If so, why didn't the other party Take the initiative to contact Li Cha, but let her contact? As far as she knew, the other party should also have a crystal ball, and it was more advanced than hers.

Strange, strange.

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