Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1255: The Pride of the Tree

Bibi's mood was extremely complicated, and she stayed where she was for a while, not knowing what to do, she was really hit too hard.

You know, in order to find the goal, she has been working very hard - except for the first few months of crazy play, and the most recent period, she drank some wine from time to time, and slept for a few days, she worked hard.

She has worked so hard, but she fails every time. Isn't this world too unfriendly?

What else can she do?

Bibi stood there for a while, when a white dove flew over and let out a "coo coo coo" sound, waking her up.

Bibi looked at the pigeon, listened to the call for a while, as if she had received some information, her eyes flickered, and she reacted: "Yes, it doesn't matter if the target ran away. I saw which direction he ran this time, and Smelling the latest breath, I can follow him all the time, making him unable to shake off. So this time, as long as I persevere to the end, I will definitely catch up to him. Definitely!"

Bibi's gaze became resolute, she no longer hesitated, she just did what she said, and turned around to act.

At this moment, the wheels of the "Gululu" carriage sounded, and a gorgeous carriage drove into the street and stopped beside it.

Sherlock raised the curtain of the carriage, glanced at the tightly locked courtyard door, raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled and a little angry: "What's the matter, haven't come back yet? Or, just came back, and left again Alright, that one in the sky just now?

In this case, it is very difficult for me to do it. When can I deliver the letter entrusted to me by others? If I don't hand it over to you, I have something in my heart, and I can't even play well. well. "

Sighing softly, Sherlock was about to tell the groom to leave, and just about to open his mouth, he saw Bibi standing in front of the door, blinked his eyes and asked curiously: "Who are you? Are you here just like me?" , looking for someone?"

"Hmph!" Bibi snorted, not bothering to waste time paying attention, and said arrogantly, "None of your business!" After finishing speaking, she turned around and left.

Sherlock was taken aback, touched his nose shamelessly, concealed his embarrassment, and muttered: "You are so rude, be careful and there will be retribution."

"Tch, I don't believe it." Bibi rolled her eyes and responded, walked out of the street quickly, and left with the white pigeon.

Seeing Bibi's disappearing figure, Sherlock couldn't help shrugging, then looked at the gate of Li Cha's courtyard, shook his head, and reluctantly ordered the driver to drive away.


time flies,

Soon it was night in the forest.

Under the dense darkness all around, Ximu led Annie, Nancy, and Gero, and kept shifting their positions so as to avoid the increasingly powerful attacking team of strange creatures.

After a day's development, the power of the weird creatures has been strengthened again. Each time the attacking team sent has reached 20, the number of creatures has reached 5,000, and the intervals are getting smaller and smaller, which makes Ximu feel a little powerless.

With some information provided by the trees in the forest, Ximu took Annie and the three of them to a new safe area with great difficulty, and seized the time to recover their strength.

At this time, Kazuki and the three of them didn't look very good.

Not much to say about the tin wood tree. During this period of time, the continuous fighting has caused the extremely solid golden trunk to become pitted and lose its luster. The original power that had been consolidated for a long time now showed signs of instability again, which made Ximu very worried and annoyed.

As for Annie, Nancy, and Gero, they were in better condition, but not much better. Ever since they met Tinmu, the three of them have been under the protection of Tinmu. After all, this forest war is not something they can participate in at this level. of weird creatures to kill.

But even so, after running for a long time and under constant pressure, he was exhausted. In addition, from time to time, he had to face some fish that slipped through the net from Ximu, and there were many injuries on his body. At this time, the magic power in their bodies had long been exhausted, and their legs were as heavy as lead. They finally moved to a safe place, and hurriedly seized every second to rest.

Anne sat down leaning against a tree and quickly rubbed her legs, which was a method she had learned to relieve fatigue.

Nancy glanced at it, and instead of rubbing her legs, she moved her neck, wrists, ankles and other joints to ensure that there would be no problems with these parts during the next escape.

Only Gero was more straightforward, as tired as a dead dog, he sat down on the ground, and then lay down with a "big" character. His chest rose and fell, and he gasped violently for a long time before he regained some strength. He looked up at Ximu and asked, "That... that Mr. Ximu, right? This time we... can we rest for a while, I I feel like I can’t run anymore.”

"Whatever you want, kid!" Ximu replied unceremoniously, "I'll leave in a while, if you want to stay here, just stay, I won't force you."

Ge Luo: "..." His expression froze, and he didn't say anything.

At this time, Annie finished rubbing her legs, stood up and looked at Ximu, and asked, "Mr. Ximu, when are we leaving?"

"Rest for another minute at most." Ximu said solemnly, "The worms are chasing more and more closely, we must not hesitate, or we will be in a very bad situation if we are entangled by them."

"Then..." Nancy opened her mouth after hearing this, and was about to ask a question when she was suddenly interrupted by Ximu.

"No!" Ximu turned his head to look in one direction, sensed something, and said seriously, "It's not just another minute of rest, we're leaving now, hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether the three of them reacted or not, they took the lead and quickly walked in the opposite direction.

But... only took two steps, then stopped abruptly, Ximu looked back at the three people who were following in doubt, and said with a bitter smile: "Okay, we don't have to leave."


Ximu looked at Ge Luo and said, "Little devil, you can rest as long as you want this time, because...we can't run anymore, we are surrounded!"

As soon as Xi Mu's words fell, the sound of "rustling" sounded from all directions, and countless strange creatures appeared densely, surrounding the crowd airtightly.

In the sky, the sound of "buzzing" appeared, and more than forty black beetles and nearly ten red beetles were directing.

This time, there were sixty attacking teams surrounding Ximu, and the number of creatures was more than 15,000, far exceeding any other time. If it was the heyday, Ximu felt that he still had the strength to fight, but now he is seriously weak, and he really feels a little hopeless.

But he didn't show it. After all, the three of Anne were here, and he didn't want to be looked down upon by the three brats.

It's okay to be looked down upon by Li Cha, but if he is looked down upon by the three brats, he would rather die. After all, he is the wise man of the tree, the source of the forest, and the guardian of the immortal-Yuktrashiel Alhaydon Tinmu!

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