"Hiss - hiss!"

The golden beetle was severely injured and made an extremely miserable sound, but soon, the sound stopped abruptly.

I saw that Li Cha's hands were wrapped in energy, and he grabbed the sides of the golden beetle's head fiercely, and with a sudden force, with a "stab", he tore off the opponent's entire head.

After losing its head, the golden beetle did not die. On the contrary, a pair of new eyes emerged from the wound on its neck—in fact, these are the real eyes, and behind these eyes is the real head—by Richard The shattered eyes and the torn head are just a disguise, just a substitute.

Li Cha was not surprised by this, he had already learned this by observing for a long time with his staring eyes just now.

Stretching out his hand, he grabbed the eyes exposed by the wound on his neck, but the golden beetle was very alert, and quickly retracted the real eyes and real head back into the body, closing the wound, and did not let Li Cha succeed.

At this moment, after losing the camouflaged head, the entire golden beetle was almost integrated, like an egg without gaps, making people want to attack, but they didn't know where to attack.

But Li Cha knew.

He doesn't have Jasmine's mysterious eyes that can see through the enemy's weak points, but through perspective, he has determined several plans to break through the golden beetle's abnormal defense.

Without hesitation in the next moment, energy exploded with both hands, and slammed into a part of the side of the golden beetle. With the release of energy, that place immediately sank, and cracks appeared in the surrounding carapace.

This is just the beginning, the four energy furnaces in the body are in full operation, blasting out energy one after another, blasting out countless depressions on the side carapace of the golden beetle, covered with dense cracks.

In the end, Li Cha used all his energy to continuously blast the energy toward the center of the golden beetle's side carapace. After more than ten seconds, the crumbling carapace finally couldn't support it, and it burst open with a "crash", exposing the internal structure.

Almost at the same time, a shadow rushed out of it and flew into the air like lightning.

Looking at it, I can see that it is a huge white moth, extremely clean, and it is the real super-born female insect.

It turns out that during the long years of evolution, this female worm has evolved an extremely special structure: a strong, super-defensive, bloated, clumsy shell is used as protection, and the real body is hidden inside.

Under normal circumstances, a simple shell can easily deal with many attacks, but if it really can't deal with it, it can also smash the disguised head and feign death to escape.

But when encountering Li Cha, this method won't work, so he can only venture out of the shell and escape.

Li Cha will not let the other party get what he wants, since he saw through the other party's structure, he has been waiting for this moment.

So almost as soon as the other party flew into the sky, he stepped on it and chased after him.


Li Cha stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent's wings, and the energy furnace exploded with energy, forcibly pulling the opponent down. After pulling it down, he dragged the opponent on the ground for more than ten meters, then swung it up and smashed it to the side, directly smashing the creeper.

Amidst the flying debris of the creeper, the female insect became extremely miserable, completely without the white cleanliness of her body just now, plus her frail body was broken in many places, and her wings were also torn to shreds. She looked worse than a stray dog .

But the other party didn't give up, struggled to get up, gave Li Cha a vicious look, and then screamed strangely.


This is to let the army of weird creatures come to protect the signal. Although it will not have much effect under the powerful strength of Li Cha, it is already no way.

At the same time as the strange cry, the moth's whole body turned red, and extremely unstable energy fluctuations appeared in its body, as if it would explode at any time.

Is this going to explode? Or is it going to scare him off, and then look for a chance to escape?

Li Cha raised his eyebrows, guessing.

The plan is good, but unfortunately, he is not afraid.

Does the energy explode? Is it powerful enough? Do you want him to help?

Li Cha looked at the moth slowly being wrapped in red light, his eyes narrowed slightly,

The four energy furnaces in his body were operating at 100% power, and a rich white light was produced, instantly turning him into a scorching sun, whose brightness directly overwhelmed the moths.

After that, the white light became more and more intense, turning into a ball of light several meters away, swallowing the moth whole.


Two explosions sounded in succession, the interval was extremely short, and it sounded like one sound to the human ear.

The next moment, a violent white light burst out first, then a scorching fireball, and a shock wave that swept everything spread to the surroundings.

Like a meteorite falling into the forest, the creeps on the entire open space were instantly burnt to ashes in pure whiteness and silence. The trees outside the open space were also ignited by the high temperature, but before they had time to burn, they hit the howling shock wave and broke off in large areas in an instant. The whole scene was as messy as a super typhoon passing through.

After a while, the released power dissipated, and Li Cha appeared in the center of the field unscathed.


Li Cha took a step in the field, walked a few meters, bent down to pick up a fist-sized dark golden stone from the ashes, and observed curiously.

The sound of "Shushasha" appeared, and the rescue team of strange creatures summoned by the golden beetle arrived a little late. Because of the death of the golden beetle, the order had gradually become chaotic, and it was barely arrived.

Holding the dark golden stone in his hand, Li Cha turned his head and glanced at the strange creature that appeared. In the end, before he could make any other moves, the other party screamed as if he saw the most terrifying natural enemy in the world, and fled desperately in all directions, forming a mess.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows, but he didn't care too much. He knew very well that after the super-species female worm was eliminated, the remaining weird creatures were water without a source and trees without roots, so there was nothing to worry about.

Thinking, he set his eyes on the dark golden stone in his hand.

Being able to survive the self-explosion of the super-species moth mother and the energy explosion of the four energy furnaces has not been destroyed, to a certain extent, it shows that this stone is not simple.

And this stone also made him subconsciously think of another thing, which was the heart of the tinwood tree.

Could it be that this is the tree heart of the mother moth... Uh no, insect heart? In short, it should be a relatively important structure in advanced life, and it should have some value.

Just as he was thinking, the sound of heavy footsteps sounded, Li Cha heard the sound and looked, and found that Ximu had pulled out his feet from the soil and came over belatedly.

Looking at the surrounding environment and the "worm heart" in Li Cha's hands, Ximu guessed what happened here, and said in surprise: "It's over? It's over so soon, you really killed the super-born species Mother bug?"

"Well, it's over." Li Cha nodded and said, "The female worm of the superborn species should have been killed. Although it is possible to kill a fake, the probability should be very low and can be ignored."

"Actually, I have a method that can 100% verify whether the killed female insect is real or not." Ximu said.

"Huh? What way?" Li Cha asked.

"It's very simple." Ximu explained, "All high-level life forms have some attributes of immortality. Of course, they can also be called divinity, or something else. In short, they can be used to distinguish high-level life forms from low-level life forms. And this type of property, Even if the high-level life is dead, there will be some remnants, which cannot be faked.

Therefore, if you can give me some important structures left by the other party, let me devour and digest... If I can get part of the other party's immortal attributes, it means that the other party is indeed dead. Not dead, you killed a fake. "

After hearing this, Li Cha raised his eyebrows, then suddenly laughed, and said bluntly: "Actually, this is all your rhetoric, right? Your real purpose should be this thing in my hand, right?"

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