Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1262: Give away the head

"Stab! Stab!"

Like the sound of a blade slicing through aged leather, Li Cha's palm was wrapped in rich energy, and he slowly cut off from one side of the oval object.

During the cutting process, Li Cha fully realized the toughness of the oval object - even if the defense power was not as good as the carapace of the super-born female worm before, it was not much worse, no wonder the people trapped inside couldn't get out.

It's just that I don't know who is trapped.


With a sound, Li Cha finally cut the oval object to the bottom with all his strength, cut one side completely, and pulled along the cut to both sides, and the next moment a young girl's figure fell out of it.


With a sound, Bibi lost her strength because she had been struggling inside for too long, and after breaking away from the spider web, she knelt down directly on the ground. "Cough, cough, cough" kept coughing, panting heavily, and it took a long time to return to normal.

Looking up, he met Li Cha's scrutinizing gaze.

"Who are you?" Li Cha asked aloud, "How did you get here, trapped?"

"Uh, my name is Bibi." Bibi introduced herself, showing a little gratitude, "I was chasing someone into this forest, accidentally ran into a big annoying bug. I want to leave , it didn't allow me, so I had to fight with it. At the end of the fight, I was trapped without a fight. This is thanks to you. If you didn't rescue me, I don't know how long I would be trapped. .Don’t talk about playing, it’s not enough to track the target and complete the task.”

After hearing this, Li Cha raised his eyebrows lightly: "Are you following someone? Who?"

Bibi's expression became serious, and she replied: "I'm chasing a bastard who has dumped me many times. Every time I almost catch him, but he always escapes. But this time it's impossible, I've already I have firmly remembered his breath, knowing that he has come to the forest, as long as I follow the breath to catch up, I will definitely catch up. Well, time is precious, I will not delay, thank you for saving me, I am chasing him. "

After speaking, Bibi walked away. He took a few steps, sniffed his nose, sniffed the smell in the surrounding air, and looked for the way forward.

Suddenly, her face froze for a moment, and she turned back with a dull gaze, looking at Li Cha, blinking and blinking three times. Afterwards, he scratched the head portrait, feeling a little puzzled, and murmured, "What a coincidence?"


"Yeah, what a coincidence!" Bibi sighed to Li Cha, "The aura of the target I'm looking for is the same as yours, it seems... as if you are the target I'm looking for."

"I seem to be the target you are looking for?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows and asked, "I don't know you, do I? What do you want me for?"

"Actually, I don't know what to do. Because it's not me looking for you, but someone asking me to look for you." Bibi said.


"This..." Bibi hesitated for a moment, looking at Li Cha for a while, not knowing how to deal with the current situation.

According to her logic, if Li Cha was the target she was looking for, she would naturally arrest him immediately after encountering him—as for hitting him, that's another story.

But on the other hand, Li Cha saved her. According to her recent experience in life, she should be thankful for being saved, and she cannot repay her kindness with revenge.

So, is she going to do it, or is she going to thank her?

After hesitating for a while, Bibi decided to wait and see Li Cha's reaction before speaking.

Through Li Cha's reaction, she will most likely know what she should and shouldn't do—that's what she did when she was just released.

For example, she knew that money was something, but she didn't know how to use it, so she took things in some places and left, and when she found someone chasing her out and yelling at her, she knew it was time to give money.

Another example, once she tried to eat and almost ate up the entire bread in the tavern. When she noticed the monster-like expressions of the people around her, she knew she shouldn't eat so much, so she spit out half of the bread in her stomach Come.

Thinking of this, Bibi opened her mouth and asked Li Cha seriously: "Do you know that there is an organization called 'Truth Society'?"

"'Truth Society'?" Li Cha narrowed his eyes when he heard that.

I squeezed my hands.

"Yes, the 'Truth Society', I was sent by them." Bibi said seriously, "To be precise, I was sent by the adults of the 'Truth Society', others are not qualified to order me. They sent me here Your name is 'Dead Sea', if you meet him, you may recognize him, he wears a very beautiful ring with seven colors, he..."


Bibi didn't say anything and continued, and stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking.

A white light flashed across her neck, and Bibi's whole head was separated from her body in an instant, and flew out under the influence of strength. The body that stayed in place swayed, and fell down with a "crash", and the flying head hit the ground with a "bang", rolled several times, and hit a tree to stop.

At the same place, Li Cha's whole body has turned into the sun again. After the four energy furnaces in his body are turned on, they are directly increased to the maximum power without buffering.

This is a relatively heavy burden on the body, but it is Li Cha's most authentic reaction - when he heard Bibi say "Truth Society", he was extremely vigilant, ready to cast spells to resist the opponent's sudden attack at any time. As a result, the other party did not attack, but continued to talk, and named the person named "Dead Sea" and the colorful ring.

This made him immediately think that the chief executive of the Truth Society he met in Pompey back then let him detonate the last atomic bomb before he escaped.

What's weird is that the other party still didn't make a move after saying this.

Then I'm sorry.

If the other party didn't make a move, he made the move first.

After all, after confirming that the other party is the Truth Society, there is no need to hesitate.

He had too many grievances with the Truth Society. The silver ring was killed, the golden ring was killed, the color ring was injured, and the branch was destroyed. He also handed over the list of the remaining branches to the high-level Oscar of the Soma Alliance for the other party to clean up— — There is no room for peace between him and the Pravda.

He didn't believe the girl in front of him, just because he rescued her, he could let go of his hatred.

Then, he has only one choice.

And to make a move, you need to use all your strength. After all, he has stayed in the truth, and he knows that the truth will have many mysterious methods. Hesitating in his heart can only give the opponent a chance to come back. Therefore, let the four energy furnaces run at full power, and concentrate all the power on one point to explode. If you don't believe that the opponent can resist, even if the former colorful ring "Dead Sea" reappears, you are confident that you will hurt the opponent.

As a result, the reality was much simpler than he thought. Not only did the opponent not resist, but his head was cut off and he died.

it's over?

Seeing the surroundings suddenly quiet down, Li Cha was a little uncomfortable, but after a few seconds, he still accepted the ending.

Well, it should be over. It seems that the opponent doesn't have the strength of the colorful ring. Compared with the original golden ring Rommel, he can be killed in one blow.

To be honest, with such strength, if he secretly tracked him down, sent his information back to the Truth Society, and let the Truth Society dispatch a large army to encircle and suppress him, he would still have a headache. And like now, rushing up single-handedly is a bit "free".

That is to say, in the current world of wizards, if you play games on Earth, there will definitely be many people who will scold the other party for giving away their heads.

Well, give away the head.

Glancing at the back of a head in front of a tree trunk in the distance, Li Cha thought in his heart: It's a real gift.


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