Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1265 Continue to clean up

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Somewhere in the Southern Freedom.

In the depths of the dense darkness, slight footsteps appeared, which sounded faint and quite distant.

After a while, footsteps approached and became clear. A few seconds later, there was a "crash", like a piece of black cloth being tossed away, and a group of dozens of wizards came out of the darkness.

They walked towards a center from all directions, stopped after walking a certain distance, and unanimously took out a cone engraved with cumbersome magic patterns from their hands, activated it with the magic power in their bodies, and threw it to the ground.


The cone fell to the ground, like a stone falling into a pool, easily penetrated the soil and sank into the depths and disappeared.

Dozens of wizards obviously expected this long ago, and they were not surprised. They looked at each other, and they all rose up into the sky in unison. After that, they rose higher and higher, and merged into the night after more than ten seconds.

Not long after the wizard disappeared, new footsteps sounded.

Compared with the wizard's footsteps, this time the footsteps were much heavier, denser, and much more orderly, like thousands of drumsticks hitting the drum surface according to the rhythm.

"Da da da!"

Soldiers in blood-red armor broke out from the darkness. There were thousands of them, and they walked towards a predetermined location in silence.


They cross the stream.


They crush stones.


They walked through the grass.

Finally, they arrived at the outside of an ancient castle that had been abandoned for many years, and surrounded the ancient castle. The soldiers in the front row had breastplates that could almost touch the bricks of the ancient castle wall.

However, they were not blocked just yet. A low shout sounded from nowhere, followed by many soldiers, and a dazzling light shone on the armor.

together! Two ways! Three ways!

Three completely different lights illuminated a large area of ​​the ground, and the front row of soldiers raised their arms and slammed their elbows heavily on the thick castle wall.


Hundreds of elbows slammed on the castle wall, causing the wall to shake uncontrollably.

Before the wall stabilized, the soldiers raised their arms a second time and smashed them down with their elbows.


The wall shook more violently, and the stone chips "rusted" down.

And this was just the beginning, the soldiers didn't have any rest, and then continued to smash with their elbows.




one two three……

After an unknown number of blows, there was a "bang", and the castle wall was pushed down inward. The soldiers at the front led the companions behind and strode out of the castle.

After that, all the buildings in the castle suffered the same fate as the city wall.

Abandoned stables, servants' rooms, kitchens, and attics were all torn down.

"Boom, boom!"

After a sound, everything was in ruins.

The soldiers stepped forward on the broken bricks and rubble in the ruins, and finally stopped in front of a square stone building.

This square stone building is not tall, only five or six meters high. It is not qualified as an arrow tower for defense, and it is too narrow for living rooms. It makes people a little confused about the real purpose, as if it was the creation of an architect who was drunk, which makes people laugh.

But when the soldiers saw it, they didn't seem to be laughing at all. On the contrary, they were very serious. They didn't rush to push it down, but were waiting for something on guard.

After more than ten seconds, a person walked out of the team, who seemed to be a leader or something. The other party stepped towards the stone building and said: "It seems that the people inside are a little timid. We have all reached the door, and they dare not come out. That's fine, if they don't come out, we will go in."

After speaking, the man stepped into the stone building and disappeared, while the rest of the soldiers quickly followed and filed in.

After a while, there was a violent vibration under the ground.

At first, the vibration was relatively weak, but gradually, it increased to a limit. After passing the limit, the vibration weakened a little bit. After several fluctuations,

Finally, after more than an hour, it became quiet.

After more than an hour.

Soldiers cleared an open space on the ground of the ruined castle, and one after another corpses were carried out from the underground of the square stone building and lined up here.

The wizards who took off to hide and block the airspace reappeared at this moment. They walked up to the corpse and checked whether the corpse was completely dead. Because this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing, they are very efficient, but they checked to the end in a short while.

A skinny male wizard with a face as pale as thin paper, with slender fingers and thick knuckles. He stretched out two fingers, like tweezers, and opened the eyes of the last corpse. After looking, he didn't find any brilliance, and he was sure that the other person was probably dead.

But he didn't jump to conclusions. The next moment his fingers left the eyelids, the middle finger and index finger were held together, and a wind blade of more than ten centimeters emerged from the fingertips, stabbing towards the dead man's eye socket. He wanted to poke directly into the deepest part of the eye socket and smash the opponent's brain, so that no matter what the opponent did, he would definitely die.

But just when the wind blade almost touched the half-opened and half-closed eyeballs, the male wizard felt a huge resistance coming from the end of his fingers.


With a sound, the wind blade condensed by the male wizard suddenly shattered, along with his two fingers.

The dead man lying on the ground opened his eyes suddenly, gave the male wizard a contemptuous and angry look, and bounced from the ground like lightning.

The male wizard came to his senses, held back the pain, and tried to cast a spell, but the dead man who pretended to be a corpse reacted faster, and almost as soon as he raised his hand, a black light condensed and blasted on the male wizard.


The male wizard flew upside down, let out a cry of pain, and fell to the ground recklessly.

The dead man had no interest or time to pay attention to him, so he snorted coldly, stepped on his foot, turned quickly and rushed outside, preparing to escape.

But just about ten meters away, the dead man stopped suddenly, because the three wizards had blocked his way forward. The energy fluctuations in the bodies of the three wizards were extremely astonishing. Obviously, the spells were ready and would be released at any time.

The dead man didn't want to resist the three unknown powerful spells, so he made a decisive decision, turned around and flew in another direction, and as a result, five more wizards appeared in front of that direction.

But after such a delay, almost all wizards gathered from four directions... no, from five directions, including the sky to surround the dead, and some wizards even cast spells to harden the ground to prevent the dead from escaping from the ground.

Around the periphery, nearly a hundred red-armored soldiers glowed with energy pouring into the spears they held, ready to go. Even if the dead could break through the wizard's siege, they couldn't resist the throwing attacks of nearly a hundred activated magic-weave spears.

On the periphery, the remaining soldiers also became vigilant.


The dead man sank in his heart, determined that it would be difficult for him to escape, his expression became ferocious, his fingers creaked, and his eyes were venomous.

At this time, a cold female voice sounded and asked, "What's wrong?"

With a sound of "crash", the team surrounding the dead parted, and a woman in red armor walked out. It was the one who led the way into the stone building before.

Her figure does not appear to be tall, on the contrary, compared with ordinary soldiers, she seems to be a bit petite, but the evil spirit that is almost full of substance makes people dare not underestimate her at all.

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