Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1273: Knights Assemble

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In the night.

On a road, a large group of soldiers in gray armor were moving forward quickly. While walking, apart from the sound of "rustling" footsteps and the occasional slight sound of iron armor touching weapons, there were no other sounds, just like a group of ghosts.

Walking in front of the soldiers was a knight in gray armor on a horse. As he walked, he suddenly felt something. He raised his hand, and many soldiers behind him stopped quickly.

In the night sky ahead, a figure floated down, it was a wizard in black robe.


The wizard landed on both feet and looked towards the gray armored knight.


The many soldiers behind the gray armored knight showed a vigilant look, and the surface of the battle armor glowed. The spear is raised, charged with energy, ready to be thrown at any time.

After seeing this scene, the wizard who landed did not dare to move forward rashly. He quickly introduced himself to the gray armor knight with a slight bow: "My lord, I am a member of the spider web under Lord Oscar. I came here without any malice, just to inform you that this The destination of this operation has changed, please execute it immediately."

"Huh?" the gray armored knight said, his eyes slightly doubtful, and then he turned to look at his subordinates next to him.

A gray-armored soldier stepped forward quickly, holding a contact crystal ball in his hand, and showed it to the gray-armored knight. Red and blue lights were shining inside the crystal bead.

"Hmm..." The gray armored knight narrowed his eyes, and looked at the wizard after a while, "Tell me, where are you going this time?"


In the same night.

In the wilderness, outside a huge camp, a group of red-armored soldiers approached quickly, opened the camp gate, entered it, and prepared to take off their armor and rest.

The leader, after stepping into the camp, took off the helmet on his head, revealing the woman's face, and walked towards his tent.

After taking two steps, she stopped because she saw a stranger appearing inside the camp, on her way to her tent. It was a black-robed wizard.

The red-armoured woman raised her eyebrows, she was a little puzzled at first, then thought of something, covered her forehead, looked at the other party angrily, and said: "Don't tell me, there is a new action. I just solved a The target is about to be repaired."

"I'm sorry, my lord." The black-robed wizard said, "I understand your lord's feelings, but the situation is special, so I need you, my lord, to delay the team's repair and start again immediately."

"Understood a ghost!" The red-armoured woman whispered angrily, but after a while, she still led the team out of the camp.


A clearing in the forest.

It was silvery here, reflecting the moonlight that fell through the treetops, like a heavy snowfall.

But looking closer, you can see that there are no snowflakes in this summer night, and there are only silver armor soldiers standing densely.


A wizard in black robes fell from the sky and landed in front of the silver armored soldiers.

With a "wow", the silver-armored soldiers took the initiative to separate to the left and right, revealing a leading silver-armored man behind.

The black-robed wizard looked over and said, "My lord..."

"I already know." Whoever thought that, just as he said his address, he was interrupted, and the man in silver armor said, "I received the news before you came."

The black-robed wizard was stunned: "Then you?"

"Lead the team and set off immediately."

"Understood." The black-robed wizard heaved a sigh of relief.








"Leg guards."




In a tent, with a single command, various parts of a pair of black battle armor were placed on the body of a tall man, and the tall man was armed to the teeth, like a murder weapon.

Finally, the tall man made a voice: "Weapon."

Immediately, one of his subordinates presented a big black sword with serrated teeth,

It was caught in the hands of the tall man with a "snap".

The tall man waved his big sword casually, made a sound of breaking wind, then thrust it towards the ground under his feet, and asked the subordinates beside him, "How are the rest of you?"

"My lord, everything is ready."

"That's good, let's go."

"Not waiting for the herald?"

"There is no time, let the herald chase us."


Every now and then, a tide of black-armored soldiers poured out of the repaired camp, heading in one direction.

After a while, a black-robed wizard arrived at the camp belatedly, staring at the empty camp, he was stunned, and after realizing it, he hurriedly chased him in one direction.



When the night is darkest, inside the forest.


Footsteps sounded, and a black armored soldier appeared through the trees, and another, and another.

From the other direction, silver armored soldiers also appeared.

Then came the Gray Armored Soldiers.

Finally, the Red Armored Soldiers.

Four teams with completely different armor colors meet in the forest.

The red-armored woman, the leader of the red-armored team, took off her helmet, looked at the leaders of the other three teams, raised her eyebrows, and was a little surprised: "Why, they are all here? I thought it was just me, or at most There is an extra team. Now all gathered here, the scene is a bit big, it can't be the truth that there will be a new Golden Ring, and it needs to be resolved? But even so, two teams are enough, there is no need to dispatch all , I think an explanation is needed."

The leaders of the other three teams obviously also had this kind of doubt. They looked at each other, their eyes flickering slightly.

At this time, a man in brown clothes came out from among the trees. He has bushy eyebrows and big eyes, a wild and unrestrained expression, and the mana fluctuations in his body are extremely astonishing. He is a fourth-level wizard, and he is Zonghu's brother Nagarjuna.

At the beginning, he and Zong Hu went to Pompeii in person to try to help Li Cha fight against the Truth Society, but they went too late and couldn't help. Instead, they encountered the Dead Sea, which was half-destroyed by the atomic bomb inside the crater. Then he was taught a lesson by the Dead Sea, which was at the end of its strength, and left a commemorative injury on his body.

Nagarjuna came out, glanced at the leaders of the four teams, and said, "If you want an answer, I can tell the four of you. This time, Jinhuan is naturally not qualified to gather everyone here. Only the legendary Truth will be in charge of Caihuan, and the purpose this time is to hunt and kill the other party."

"Master Caihuan?" The red-armoured woman raised her eyebrows, "The other party really exists?"

"Of course." Nagarjuna nodded, "Otherwise, why did you call everyone here? This is an order from His Majesty himself."

"But, how did you find the other party?" The red-armored woman was puzzled, "The other party hasn't shown up for such a long time, why did you find him suddenly, there won't be any traps, right?"

"I'm not too sure about this." Nagarjuna shrugged, "But I heard that the information provided by Mr. Oscar should be trustworthy. And I heard that this time not only did we find the color ring director of the Truth Society, but also It can be confirmed that Caihuan Manager has serious injuries and is currently recovering from a deep sleep, so he is almost in an undefended state.

As long as we can avoid being discovered in advance, successfully approach the place where the other party is sleeping, and launch an attack suddenly, we can eliminate the other party at the lowest cost. Of course, the other party is after all the Chief Caihuan, an enemy we have never faced before, and no one knows if the other party has any special abilities, so I still hope that everyone will use all their energy to complete this task, so as to be prepared.

In fact, the time is too tight, otherwise it might not be just the four of you, but five of you, that would be safer. "

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