Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1276: When the Blood Moon Is in the Sky, Judgment Comes

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Amon waved his hand, and a group of craftsmen picked up the spell props made of crystal in the box and stepped forward, stabbing at certain parts of the square-faced man's body.

Strange to say, I saw the magic props light up one after another, without causing any wounds to penetrate the skin and embed into the square-faced man's body.

Every time the object was successfully inserted, the square-faced man would grunt, looking more painful, as if he had stuffed a hot iron ball into his throat.

After all the magic props were embedded in the body, the square-faced man knelt on one knee directly on the ground, his body trembling continuously, as if he was enduring great pain. After a long time like this, I got up, nodded to Amon who was showing worry, and said: "Master Amon, I can carry it, you can continue below."

"Okay, continue." Amon said.

Immediately, many craftsmen brought new boxes and opened them, and saw pieces of metal sheets inside.

Metal flakes, like special alloy materials, are very thin, almost transparent, but very tough. The most important thing is that the surface is the same as the previous crystal material spell props, and it is also engraved with dense magic patterns.

The craftsmen put the metal sheet on the square-faced man's body surface. The crystal spell props that were embedded in the square-faced man's body at this time emitted a milky white light through the skin, creating a special attraction, allowing the metal sheet to adhere tightly. , will not fall off.

The magic pattern on the surface of the metal sheet also lights up, echoing the crystal spell props in the body, generating powerful energy fluctuations.

One piece, one piece, another piece...

Hundreds of metal sheets were pasted on the square-faced man's body one after another, covering almost every part of the body. Countless shiny magic patterns generated terrifying energy fluctuations, and the surrounding reinforced ground and walls began to twist gradually. influence of energy.

The craftsman who helped the square-faced man install the metal sheet, as well as Amon himself, had to retreat ten meters away to avoid being hurt.

The square-faced man obviously also realized that this state was abnormal. He let out a low sigh, and saw that the energy fluctuations began to weaken, and he quickly calmed down and returned to normal.

"Can you control it?" Amon, who was more than ten meters away, asked cautiously.

"Yes, I can maintain this stable state." The square-faced man said.

"That's very good, it seems to be successful." Amon's serious face rarely showed a bit of relief, but he was not overly happy, and said, "Then carry out the final procedure and bring the armor. "

"Yes." The craftsman nodded, and took out a new box again. After opening it, he saw that it was the assembly parts of a pair of armor—breastplate, shoulder armor, armguards, and leggings—without exception, all of which were engraved on the surface. Enchanted patterns, and all of them are golden.

Without Amon's further instructions, the craftsmen picked up the armor parts and assembled them on the square-faced man. After a while, they almost assembled a complete set of combat armor.

I say almost because...

"Huh? Where's the helmet? Where's the helmet?" Amon glanced at it and frowned.

After a "swipe", almost everyone in the audience looked at a young craftsman holding a golden helmet.

I saw that the craftsman was only twenty-four or five years old, with a handsome appearance and a head of red hair. He was usually full of energy, but for some reason, he curled up into a ball.

The other party held the golden helmet and didn't step forward at all, squatting on the spot trembling.

An older craftsman couldn't stand it anymore. Before Amon could say anything, he called out his name and scolded: "Ander, what's the matter with you! Didn't you see that everyone has been waiting for you? Why are you dawdling?" Bring up the helmet quickly."

" can't be done." The young craftsman named Ander shook his head vigorously.

The elder craftsman frowned, and said in a deep voice, "You're crazy! If you continue like this, aren't you afraid of being fired?"

"Expulsion?" Hearing these words, Ender seemed to be touched, suddenly raised his head and smiled strangely, his eyes were wide and bloody, and he looked up at the roof. As if he could see through the roof and see something in the night sky.

"It's meaningless, it's meaningless! We're all going to die, we're all going to die! The crimson moon is in the sky, the judgment is coming, no one can live here!"

At the end of Ender's words, the blood-red moonlight shone in through the window on one side of the wall.

This seemed to irritate Ander even more, making Ander laugh nervously: "Hahaha, hahaha, everyone will die, everyone will die!"

During the process of laughing, Ander's lower abdomen swelled rapidly, and there was a strong energy reaction, which was about to explode.

Including Amon, all the craftsmen couldn't help but change their colors. Speaking of which, a group of them are all wizards, and their level is not too low, but because they are addicted to research, they have not participated in battles for several years or decades.

Faced with this situation, their first reaction was to turn around and run away. After all, they were not Richard.

But before taking the escape run, the square-faced man in golden armor made a move.

Although his entire set of armor is not complete and lacks a helmet, the helmet is necessary, but not necessary, and this does not affect the display of strength to a large extent.

The square-faced man stepped on his feet, and his whole body turned into a golden light, which slammed into Ander's body, and a cloud of blood burst out, knocking Ander away.


When Ender landed on the ground and the blood mist dissipated, he saw that Ender's lower body disappeared directly, only the upper body remained, and he was already dying.

The square-faced man stood aside, turned his head slightly to look at Amon, and apologized: "Master Amon, I was the one who was abrupt, and I should have asked you before making a move. But the situation was critical just now, so I had to shoot first and hurt your subordinates." , and then explain.”

"It's okay." Amon, who had reacted, waved his hand generously. Obviously, he was not unreasonable. He glanced at Ander, who was only half of his body, and said coldly, "It seems that this person It should be a spy, now that he is exposed, he deserves to be killed. You were right to take action, and you saved us."

"Help?" Ender, who was still breathing, spoke weakly, full of madness, "Wrong, you are wrong. Killing me, it is impossible to change anything. Blood... the blood moon is in the sky, judgment is coming, Everyone dies, really, everyone, dies... bang!"

Ender's words, in the end, did not finish, only halfway through, his whole head exploded - was crushed by Amon.


Amon made a nasal cavity, took back the blood-stained shoes, and said coldly: "It's all nonsense, it's really not a pity to die."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked towards the top of his head with awareness.

The square-faced man raised his head and looked at the same.

After a second of delay, the rest of the craftsmen also raised their heads.

Outside, everyone in the complex raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Outside the building complex, the entire building complex was quiet for a few seconds, and suddenly there was a loud explosion in the center.


In an instant, a huge fireball soared into the sky, quickly devouring everything that existed.


The shock wave mixed with the flame, spread in all directions, and under the action of heat, it rose upwards and turned into a continuously rolling and fluctuating pillar of fire.

The pillar of fire rose to a few hundred meters, and it began to be blocked by the cold air at night, spreading to the outside, forming a small mushroom cloud.

In the end, the mushroom cloud dissipated, and the scene was completely destroyed, not even a single corpse was left.

It was dead quiet all around.



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