Li Cha controlled his consciousness and floated out of the house.

Seeing the short and fat man turning into an alley in the distance, he thought about it: According to what the old man in the house said, there is more than one tunnel dug in the Kingdom of Sika, which means that there is obviously a second tunnel. He had better find out the second passage, otherwise he would just inform Sauron of the first passage, so that the people of the alliance would feel that there would be no future troubles, and they would concentrate on fighting the frontal enemy. At the most critical moment, the Sika army used the first passage. The two secret passages attacked from behind, causing even greater losses.

So, where is the second passage?

Since the entire village was infiltrated and built by the Kingdom of Sika, and the head of the village is the old man in the house, and even some baron lurking, it stands to reason that the second passage should be near the village, so that it can be convenient The elderly monitor, and the people in the village respond and cover up their traces.

Thinking of this, Li Cha glanced at the ground under the consciousness body, without any hesitation, he plunged into it.

Like an extremely good soil jumper, he easily broke into the soil without splashing any soil flowers, went deep into the soil, and began to search around.

East, South, West, North...

front, back, left, right...

He kept searching, and thanks to the relatively small area, he found it after ten minutes and found the hidden second passage.

This passage is obviously much narrower than the first passage, only about three meters wide, and less than one and a half meters high, requiring people to bend over to pass through. The ground of the passage is covered with dust, and some parts are slightly subsidence, which greatly affects the passage. It seems to be quite old. But in any case, this is still a channel that can quickly transport the soldiers of the Sika Kingdom.

Li Cha moved along the passage to the exit, and found that it was in a half-collapsed barn in the spy village, and confirmed that his guess was correct.

It seems that the out-of-body this time was relatively successful. Not only did he confirm his identity as a command consultant, he was not a puppet, but he also helped find two passages... When he returned, he found a way to tell Sauron the location of the passages , to prove that this command consultant is not useless, even if it is perfect.

Thinking about it, Li Cha was about to let the conscious body return to the physical body, but just before returning, he suddenly had an inexplicable idea.

By the way... since there are two passages, will there be a third... After all, the head of the spy village didn't specify the number of passages at the time, only that there was more than one.

After thinking for a moment, Li Cha looked around, sneaked into the ground again, and searched again with the idea of ​​doing things to the end.

About twenty minutes later, he appeared in an abandoned dry well in the village. Looking at the thin layer of soil under his feet, he couldn't help thinking: Is there really a third one? !

Since there is the third article, the fourth article is not impossible, right?

He dived underground again.

More than ten minutes later, he appeared in the grove outside the village.

There is really a fourth rule, then the fifth rule...

After diving into the ground again, after more than half an hour, he appeared on a stone pressed against the ground.

Article 6...

After more than an hour...

When it was almost dawn, Li Cha searched the entire spy village inside and out, and was a little surprised to find that there were as many as six passages in the Kingdom of Sika.

Yes, six!

The years of excavation of these six passages are different. The oldest one, nearly half of the interior of the passage has collapsed and is completely unusable. Three can be used normally.

However, it can still be seen that the madness of the Sika Kingdom has been able to dig out six passages in such an area. It is obviously preparing to fight a protracted war with the Soma Alliance and continue to infiltrate.

It's a pity that this plan can't be carried out now, and he packed it up and discovered it directly that night.


Thinking in Li Cha's mind, in the state of the conscious body, he glanced at the faint light of the eastern sky,

Did not continue to stay. With a thought, a strong pulling force came from the transparent belt on the back of the neck, and the entire field of vision was darkened. He seemed to have entered a tunnel, and quickly backed up. After a few seconds, the light came back to life, and he had already returned to the bed in the bedroom of the reef castle's temporary residence.


His whole body was shaken, his consciousness returned to his place, and Li Cha opened his eyes.

He sat up slowly, rubbed his cheeks, and heard a slight movement outside, it was the servant who got up early and was working.

Occasionally, there was a faint sound of horseshoes, and they went away quickly. It was the cavalry who entered the city to report military information or went out to convey military orders. Obviously, the military city of Reef Fortress, as a command hub and defense center, was running around the clock.

Walking to the door, pushing the door and walking out, the servants outside seemed a little surprised that Mr. Li Cha got up so early. He obviously didn't expect that Li Cha stayed up all night in some sense.

"My you want to eat?" the servant asked cautiously.

Li Cha thought for a while, then nodded.

"Wait a minute, I'll let the kitchen prepare."

"Okay." Li Cha nodded again.


About half an hour later, Li Cha walked around the residence and returned to the bedroom.

Because he didn't rest all night, he was a little tired mentally, but it didn't matter, after all, he was used to staying up late and working for days without rest.

At this time, the servant brought the food cooked in the kitchen to a table in the bedroom, and then stepped back, letting Li Cha enjoy a sumptuous breakfast alone—in fact, he couldn’t say that he enjoyed it alone, before Li Cha When I checked my hands, a sound was coming from a wooden box on the table.

"Hey, hey! Let me out, I already smell it, I know you're eating, don't try to lie to me!" Bibi shouted in the wooden box.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand to open the wooden box, revealing Bibi's head, and stared at Bibi with big eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Li Cha asked.

"I've said it all, I want to eat." Bibi said, "Also, hasn't the information I gave you been confirmed, then according to the agreement, you should give me freedom and let me play happily. right."

"It's fine to eat, but I'll give you freedom later." Richard said, without any disguise, "I've been too busy recently. Although you proved that you didn't lie before, I still don't trust you, so I have to I will give you your freedom when you have more time, and I can prevent you from doing bad things at that time."

"Cut!" Bibi rolled her big eyes, she was very disdainful, but she accepted it quickly, and said, "Since this is the case... well, if you don't give me freedom, then give me something to eat first. The smell of fried fish and grilled chicken is coming, give me the meat of the fried fish maw and the chicken wings of the grilled chicken, I want to eat. Don't look at me like this, my conditions are so low, can't you agree?"


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