It can be said that there are many soldiers in the Red Maple Cavalry Regiment, and there are complaints about this transfer, among which Mario is the worst.

Mario is an ordinary soldier. He is thirty-five years old this year. The reason for his complaints is that he is obviously three more heads away from the Sika Kingdom before he can be promoted to the rank, but now the plan has been disrupted.

You know, he was promoted to the military rank, but he was promoted from the first rank to the lower ten commander. This step was very important to him, almost a qualitative change. If he succeeds, he may not be able to see much in the Red Maple Cavalry Regiment, but once he retires, the treatment he gets will be very different from that of the big soldiers - after all, at that time, he was the commander of the ten men!

This can almost guarantee that he can live comfortably for the rest of his life.

And he is not young anymore, so he finally encountered the opportunity to gain military exploits in this war. If he let it go, who knows if he will be able to meet it again in the future? If he is unlucky and has no chance until he retires, then he will retire with the rank of upper private and must spend the rest of his life running around.


Mario became more and more angry.

He really hopes that the Kingdom of Sika will be stronger this time, and not sign a contract with the alliance without fighting a few battles like before.

He was also a little dissatisfied with his regiment leader, who was extremely serious on weekdays, and trained their small and large captains like sons, and they were even more like grandsons. But when it comes to the critical moment, why can't it be hardened?

It is said that the task of this transfer was conveyed to the head of the legion from above, and then the head of the legion assigned it to the head of the head of the head of the army, and the head of the army agreed.

Really, why did the leader agree so easily? Why can't the head of the regiment fight with the head of the legion?

As a result, now, the combat achievements they got immediately are gone, and they are still looking for a tunnel crossing all night in this place where birds don't shit.

What a ghost! If you can find it here, write his name upside down!

Mario sat on a buttocked rock in the camp, and the more he thought about it, the more irritable he became, but after a while, he adjusted his mentality and calmed down slowly.

Because... I ate.

Well, eating is always a pleasure.

The food was distributed, quite good, with bread and broth, and Mario soaked the bread in the broth and ate it. While eating, he caught a glimpse of the head of the regiment walking out of the tent of the camp, beckoning the small and large captains in the regiment to assemble, as if to convey some new order.


Mario swallowed the bread in his mouth, became a little excited, and guessed: Could it be that a new order from above has arrived, and they are going to send them back to the front line to kill Sika?

If it's really like this, if you go faster, you may be able to catch up with the final annihilation battle against the Sikas, and if you can make a fortune in battle, then his inferior commander will be available.

Thinking of this, Mario happily handed out the bowl to the side, and said, "One more!"

When Mario was about to finish the food for the third person, he saw the team leader of his team, who had a temporary meeting with the team leader, come back, with a slightly unhappy expression on his face.

How is this going?

Mario stuffed the soaked bread into his mouth, wondering at the same time, after receiving the transfer order, shouldn't the team leader be happy, right? Could it be that the head of the group handed over the work of cleaning up the camp to their team and told them to pack up the camp before leaving? That's a bit tiring, but acceptable...

Thinking, Mario saw the captain approaching.

The team leader's cheeks were hard and bulging, like two raised bumps. He glanced at the team soldiers, including Mario, who were grilling rice, and announced in a deep voice, "Eat quickly, eat!" Come on, we're going to continue searching for the tunnel entrance."


Mario was stunned and panicked, "gudong" swallowed the half-fist-sized piece of bread in his mouth in one gulp—without chewing.

"That's wrong, captain!" Mario shouted, putting down the bowl, "We've been searching all night, and we haven't found anything. What's the use of continuing to search?"

"What are you in a hurry for!" The captain glared over,

The bulging flesh on his face was about to bounce off, and he yelled as if he was going to eat someone, "I'm not in a hurry! You think I'm willing to do this, but what can we do when the order comes down from above? implement!

Don't complain, the Black Rock Cavalry and the Stemos Cavalry will come and search with us later. The range is that of yesterday, and a further ten miles to the north. As mentioned above, whoever finds the entrance of the tunnel first among our three regiments will receive a great merit for the whole regiment, and the first person to find the entrance of the tunnel will be directly promoted to three ranks. "

Upgrade to three ranks? It's useless to upgrade to tenth level, he doesn't believe there is anything authentic in this place.

Mario curled his lips and thought, very dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to say it in front of the squad leader. After all, the appearance of the squad leader wanting to eat people is too scary, and the squad leader really didn't eat breakfast when he was called to a meeting. He was really afraid that the squad leader would open his mouth and bite him.

Hey, really.

A little bit aggrieved, Mario picked up the bowl on the ground again and started to eat.

After eating food for about five people, Mario felt that his stomach was somewhat full, and was about to eat another five pads, but he didn't have the chance—the breakfast was over, and the search operation began.

Really! He eats so slowly!

Mario was half hungry, and with a bit of annoyance, he started working with his companions, muttering to himself while searching.

"Really, what do the higher-ups think? Isn't it enough to use the second-line army to search? Why did you call us here? I don't know if this is a waste of troops. Are they all pig heads?"

"Don't talk nonsense." A companion next to him said, showing half of his missing teeth, "The commander-in-chief of this war is General Sauron Bonaparte. Do you think General Bonaparte is a pig's head? Don't be afraid of sudden 10,000 fanatics of generals appear to beat you up?"

Mario shrank his neck when he heard this, and quickly explained: "I didn't say that General Bonaparte is a pig's head. I don't think General Bonaparte would do anything to let us search here. The reason why there is a transfer order is probably because A certain idiot sent from the palace, who thinks highly of himself, clearly knows nothing but commands randomly, and finally transferred us here. He is a pig."

"Don't talk so deadly." A soldier with a crooked mouth approached and said, "What if there is really some authenticity here?"

Mario looked around, glanced at the village not far away, stepped forward, and walked to a flat ground with nothing. He stomped his feet hard, stabbed down with the long sword in his hand, stirred it, and said to his companions: "Do you think there is a tunnel here? Is it me or you?

Do you dare to bet, if I lose the bet, I will only eat three...four servings for each meal from now on. Let me tell you, there is absolutely no tunnel crossing here, and the person who gave the order must be a pig... Hey! "

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