Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1296 Fast Forward

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Li Cha blinked and continued to think.

Could it be that Oscar and the Emperor of the Alliance thought that after they got their rights, they would be forced to fulfill their obligations desperately due to moral pressure or face, so they tried every means to help the Soma Alliance win?

In other words, is the other party trying to squeeze his value?

Speaking of which, this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, from Oscar's point of view, he was the one who wiped out an entire branch of the Society of Truth. Regardless of its specific means, Pompey was indeed destroyed in his hands, and his value was really squeezed out. It is not a loss for the Alliance to give the Royal Library books.

It's just... If the other party really thinks so, I'm afraid it's a bit of a miscalculation.

My own moral values ​​have never been strong, so it's okay to want to do a short-term job for the other party once in a while, but it's impossible to get a long-term job.

To be honest, if he didn't want to look too ugly, he would have the urge to leave the command room halfway through the command battle. However, considering that after all, he has put in so much effort, if he left, it would be a loss to him, so he persisted until now.

But this is also the limit, this is the limit of his duty.

Now that he knew his powers were real, there was absolutely no need to continue testing them. After all, power can be used as it wants, and it can be used if it is not wanted. Only when there is a choice is real power. If you can’t choose and are forced to use it, it is an obligation, and it is a part-time job.

Just like on Earth, if you can inspect a building at will, it means you are the leader. But if you have to be forced to patrol the building every day, then sorry, you are a security guard.

Now, he doesn't want to do the latter at all, he only wants to do the former.

To put it simply: it is impossible to work part-time. His time is precious, and he cannot think too much about others, and he has to live for himself.

He has helped the Soma Alliance so much, it took him a week to do his best, and it is impossible for him to command any battles. He has to do his own research—the books he got from the Royal Library have not been fully studied. However, the deciphering of the Balta text has not been seriously carried out, which requires time investment.

From now on, he, the command consultant, will have a vacation for himself, so let Sauron be busy with everything. After all, Sauron also said that even without him, this war will be won, but it will be a little more difficult.

And whether it is difficult or not, what does it have to do with him?

You must know that the Soma Alliance does not even count as his homeland, and he is not even from the main mainland. He was born in the Blue Lion Kingdom of Smans Island, which is overseas from the main mainland.

If we go one step further, what was born in the Blue Lion Kingdom is only his current body, his soul and his original memory are from another world, and he has no sense of belonging at all.

It is precisely because he does not have a sense of belonging that he wants to decipher the truth of the world, how he got here, and how to get back.

He has no sense of belonging to the whole world, so what sense of belonging can he have to the Soma Alliance? At best, the Soma Alliance is just a partner of his. If it weren't for Oscar's relationship, he might have tried to cooperate with the Sika Kingdom.

Therefore, he really didn't care at all whether Sauron and the Soma alliance would be very difficult without him.

Anyway, this is what Oscar said at the beginning - he can completely let it go, only power has no obligation, so he should earnestly fulfill this contract.

Exhaling slowly, Li Cha made a decision in his heart, and walked back to the mansion with strides.

Then one day, two days, three days.

For three whole days, he rested in the mansion, hardly leaving the bedroom.

Three days later, Sauron sent a messenger from the command room to invite him to participate in the Supreme Military Intelligence Conference again. The purpose was to discuss how to carry out the next attack, how to advance the front line step by step, and force the Kingdom of Sika to surrender.

He tactfully refused, telling him that he felt unwell, and that Sauron could decide everything by himself, and he would not interfere.

One day later, Sauron sent someone again, changing his identity to a staff officer,

Still ask him to attend the military intelligence conference.

He refused again, and told him very sorry that he was still unwell, and Sauron could decide on his own.

On the third day, Sauron sent Kun Darcy, the former white-robed staff officer, to invite him sincerely.

He refused for the third time.

Then Sauron understood, and didn't send anyone to continue to disturb him, but just sent a message to express his opinion, when His Excellency Richard's health improves, you are welcome to go to the command room at any time, and simply exchange ideas.

Richard didn't completely refute Sauron's face. After that, every other day or two, he would occasionally go to the command room to have a look, and he would leave in about half an hour without staying. Talk to Sauron for some words, never involving any military mobilization.

In this way, the two reached a consensus with a tacit understanding - Sauron was alone in command, and Richard was alone in research.


To be honest, after being busy for so many days, he suddenly let go of the matter of the national war, and Li Cha was still a little uncomfortable.

On the first day after getting rid of the national war, it took him nearly a second to overcome his discomfort before he devoted himself to the busyness of his career.

Day one, research.

The next day, research.

Day three, research.

day four...

Time passed quickly, and Li Cha was almost obsessed with the research and couldn't extricate himself. During this period, he also discovered some conveniences that he hadn't thought of before, that is, using power for personal gain.

After all, he is still a command consultant and the second in command of the entire army. Although he is no longer willing to contribute and continue to command, he can still issue military orders to let the logistics mobilize some needed materials for him.

This is to activate the state machinery and serve him with the power of the whole country, and most of the requirements can be satisfied very quickly.

Speaking of it, it can be regarded as occupying war resources. But the amount of resources he needs alone is not as good as that of a regiment, and no one dares to question it. After all, he still has some privileges as a command consultant.

In this way, except for meeting with Sauron every few days, most of the rest of the time he was doing his own business, and he didn't care about the progress of the war.

However, from the few words of other people, he still learned that under Sauron's sole command, the Soma Alliance's second offensive went smoothly, and the striker advanced rapidly, and it could even be said to be overwhelming. The five lines of defense of the Kingdom of Sika were broken through, suffered a defeat, and suffered serious damage. The main force fled to the depths of the country. The remaining second-line troops could not compete with the Soma Alliance army. They retreated steadily and lost their land.

Because of this, the former front line of the Soma Alliance has become the rear. For the convenience of command, the command room located in the reef fortress has moved forward many times in the direction of the Sika Kingdom.

As a command consultant, although Li Cha does not carry out command work, it is impossible to be too far away from the center, so he moved forward with the command room.

First, I arrived at a military city of the Sika Kingdom called Fengshabao, then I arrived at a city of the Sika Kingdom called Kukoc, and then I went to a place called Silver Sand City.

This didn't affect Richard's research work to a great extent. After all, he carried Eden and Balta with him, and he could easily pack and take away everything. Moving residence was just a small adjustment and a short break in the research work.

In this way, it was already more than a month later when he moved to a place called Greystone City with the command room again.



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