Bibi blinked, took a step back, put the bone on the ground lightly, and said to the Lich old man and the eight-armed skeleton: "I put the things here for you, whoever wants to take it, don't look for me. "

She's so smart... Bibi thought with some complacency, took a small step, and gloated at the sounds of the Lich Old Man and the Eight-armed Skeleton fighting behind her, while walking to the side.


As a result, he didn't walk a few meters, but he encountered inexplicable resistance under his feet and stumbled uncontrollably. Bibi turned her head in doubt, and saw that the fight between the old Lich and the eight-armed skeleton had stopped, and the small bone she placed on the ground was broken, and the two held a piece in their hands. Something is not quite right.

"This..." Bibi's complexion changed slightly, and she said a little wronged, "Don't look at me like that, it has nothing to do with me, I just put it on the ground, I really didn't mean it... ah!"


Before Bibi finished speaking, she exclaimed in surprise, followed by a muffled sound.


After a while, Bibi, who was reprimanded and lying on the ground, patted the dust off her body, stood up while covering her red and swollen forehead, and sneered at the direction in which the old Lich and the eight-armed skeleton left. a grimace.

Hmph, two old guys, what kind of skill is it to bully her, if you have the skills to bully a golden retriever dog, don't you think her status is not as good as a dog?

Uh... Well, her status is really not as good as a dog.

Now she has gradually realized the reality. In the Garden of Eden, the status ranking is almost like this: Pandora, the Lich old man, the eight-armed skeleton, the dog, and her.

Pandora is naturally the well-deserved No. 1, after all, it came the earliest and has the oldest qualifications. The Lich Old Man and the Eight-Armed Skeleton tied for second because of their powerful support. The Golden Retriever and Rhubarb ranked third because of the support of Pandora. She is weak, weak and helpless. As a defector, she ranks fourth behind the dogs.

She didn't have much complaints about this. After all, although she was fourth, she was not the last one—she could still bully a large group of magic puppets in the Garden of Eden. If she was careful not to be discovered by Pandora, the third dog would be her Can also be bullied.

Thinking about it, this kind of life is still very good: not as lonely as before in the underground secret room, she met several people and a dog here, and bullied when she wanted to, and was bullied when she wanted to be bullied. You can also help the eight-armed skeleton to steal the bones of the old lich, or help the old lich to steal the bones back. It is thrilling and exciting, so exciting!

When you don't want to do it, you can pester Pandora to play those strange symbols on the paper, just like playing chess.

At first, Pandora disliked that she didn't understand anything, even complex arithmetic, and was unwilling to teach her, but she learned it in a short time, which made Pandora's attitude somewhat relaxed.

In the past few days, Pandora said that she wanted to teach her about triangles, the law of a hundred bulls, and the law of dog bones, but she didn't know what it was.

Hundred bulls? Need a hundred cows? It sounds interesting.

Dog bone? Need to take a dog's bone apart alive? Sounds like fun.

Could it be that Pandora has been protecting the dog from being bullied by her, because she is afraid that she will beat him to death in advance, so that she can't break the bones alive when teaching her?

Very possible!

How about going to see it now?

Bibi blinked her eyes, made up her mind, and trotted towards Pandora's study.

She feels very happy now, and this is the life she wants.


In the study, Pandora was thinking about a piece of paper full of numbers, and the golden retriever dog lay quietly at her feet.

In the warehouse not far away, the old Lich carefully installed a new spell puppet. Compared with ordinary spell puppets, this spell puppet seemed to be a bit special, with faint light shining on the bones.

The eight-armed skeleton was wandering outside the warehouse door, looking eager to try, but the old Lich didn't give him a chance to steal the bones at all. In the end, he had no choice but to return to his room, huddled in a corner with a pile of bones he had stolen in advance. bones put together,

Not sure what exactly to make.

On the ground, in the command room of Greystone City, Sauron was still busy.

Anyway...everything is in its place.



In this way, time continued to pass day by day, and it was two weeks later in a blink of an eye.

Two weeks later in the morning, Li Cha was in the garden of the temporary residence, continuing to test the improved spell according to his recent thinking, when suddenly his subordinates ran into the report, led Sauron to visit, and was waiting in the reception room.

This was something unexpected, and Li Cha couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

After he officially let go, except for occasionally going to the command room to meet and talk with Sauron, the other party never took the initiative to find him.

what is it today?

Could it be that he didn't go to the command room for too long, making the other party a little dissatisfied? Impossible, he just went there the day before yesterday.


Thinking about it, Li Cha walked out of the external spell testing field in the garden, entered the reception room, saw Sauron, and also saw Kun Darcy, the white-robed chief adviser who accompanied Sauron.

After some exchanges, Richard finally understood Sauron's intentions. It turned out that the other party came to inform him that he was going to follow the command room again.

"Where are you going to transfer?" Li Cha asked aloud, subconsciously feeling that this transfer was different from the past, after all, Sauron hadn't visited the house a few times before and made it so solemn.

"Before transferring to Kasha City." Sauron said.

"Kasha City?"

Kasha City, the card of the Kingdom of Sika, you can know the specialness of this city just from the name.

Because Li Cha had cooperated with Sauron in commanding wars before, he was not completely unfamiliar with this city. He knew that the other party was the second largest city in the Kingdom of Sika, second only to the capital.

"Then..." Li Cha blinked, and asked in confirmation, "The next step is to punch in Shacheng?"

"Yes." Sauron nodded.

Although he had guessed something, Li Cha was still surprised after hearing Sauron's answer.

After all, this is Kasha City, which is located in the center of the entire Sika Kingdom. Taking down the opponent basically means that the Sika Kingdom has lost half of its country. It is not unimportant to be able to divide the Sika Kingdom into two.

He knew very well that Sauron had been planning to take this city for a long time, but he never expected that it would be so fast - counting it, from the beginning of the war to the present, it was only two months.

It seems that during the days when he let go, under Sauron's command, the army of the Soma Alliance advanced at a frighteningly fast speed, basically encountering no obstacles.

If it continues at this pace, in a few months, the entire Kingdom of Sika may cease to exist.

"Then what do I need to do?" Li Cha thought about asking, he was very clear that Sauron's visit was definitely not a simple notification, there must be something for him.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Sauron said straight to the point: "I hope that His Excellency Richard will play a part in the next battle against Kasha City."

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