"It's indeed an adventure now, but the rewards are also great." Sauron glanced at the staff officer and said, "After all, the Kingdom of Sika has a deep foundation, and the entire country of the other party has not fully reacted yet, so there are only 150,000 troops near Kasha City. , if we can really win it, we will have a huge strategic advantage.

"If the delay continues, it will be safe to wait until the second coalition army is transferred, but the entire Sika Kingdom will be completely mobilized, and we will face more enemies. At that time, it will not be an attack, but mutual consumption. .

"Believe me, Mr. Kun, the war of attrition is the last thing the alliance wants. After all, we are fighting long distances, and the logistics pressure is great enough. If we can't quickly open up the situation, we will collapse when the logistics are crushed, and we don't have to wait until the army is defeated. .

"At that time, all the advantages will disappear, and it will be a problem how many of us withdraw from the alliance. The attack will also become a passive defense. I hope the reef fortress will still be so strong by then."

The white-robed staff officer opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. He actually understood what Sauron said, but after all, he was somewhat against such a high-risk action.

After thinking about it, the staff officer said: "If your lord really insists on this plan, then I can only support it. However, I suggest that you must do a good job of keeping it secret. Before the combat mission is officially issued, the less people know about the combat plan, the better." .

"After all, the enemy's endless infiltration has never stopped. Once the battle plan is leaked and the opponent understands the powerlessness of our central army, then even a victory will be a miserable victory. If possible, it is best to attack the entire staff in the command room and all civilians. Personnel review it again to prevent the enemy from lurking under our noses without noticing it."

Sauron listened, thought for a moment, nodded after a few seconds and said, "Okay, I will think about it."


no sooner said than done.

Speaking of consideration, Sauron really considered the opinion of the white-robed staff, and the decision he made afterwards was to be implemented.

The entire command room, staff department and civilian staff were strictly inspected, but no major crimes of treason and collaborating with the enemy were found, only a few guys who were corrupt, dereliction of duty, messy private life, and messing with colleagues were found, and the matter was simply dealt with.

This also makes people panic, everyone is doing things carefully, lest they become the next unlucky ghost.

In a somewhat depressing atmosphere, the command room began to shift.



A heavily guarded convoy, escorted by many soldiers, left Greystone City and headed towards Kasha City.

This convoy has a large number of people and a large scale, stretching for hundreds of meters in front and back, and the escorting soldiers spread to the left and right sides for several miles to prevent the enemy from infiltrating and attacking.

However, there are still brave people who risk their lives.

He saw a black shadow quietly approaching the convoy under the cover of night. He approached all the way to the outermost edge of the guarded soldiers before stopping, leaning over behind a rock, squinting at the convoy, not knowing what to plan.


There was an abnormal sound behind him, and the black figure was slightly startled. He turned his head abruptly, and saw a man with his face hidden in a gray robe rushing toward him.

Heiying leaned his body and quickly dodged the attack. Knowing that his figure was exposed, he didn't dare to stay longer for fear of being surrounded by large troops, so he fled quickly.

However, he was conspired before taking a few steps, and an invisible resistance appeared under his feet, and he stumbled and fell to the ground. At the same time, an inexplicable numbness developed from the soles of his feet, and quickly climbed up his legs, torso, and finally his whole body All became paralyzed and unable to move.

The black shadow was a little desperate, ready to be killed in the next moment, but after a few seconds, he was a little surprised to find that the man in the gray robe hadn't made a move for a long time.


"Okay, don't lie on the ground anymore, get up." At this moment, the voice sounded, and the black shadow felt light all over his body, and the numbness dissipated instantly, and he regained his freedom. He got up quickly, and saw the man under the gray robe take off his cap, and looked at him, revealing a familiar face.

"It's you!" Soi Ying was first surprised, then overjoyed, and heaved a sigh of relief.

After reacting, Soi Ying became a little more annoyed, and asked, "What the hell are you doing? Why are your own people doing anything? Aren't you afraid that the sound of the battle will be discovered?"

The man under the gray robe glanced over, pouted and said, "Oh, I don't think you are my own, at best, you are just a collaborator. Now all personnel are being reviewed in the command room. I must be careful and avoid It is a trap, you must be subdued to make sure you have no other intentions before I can give you the information."

"Okay, okay." Soi Ying said, too lazy to pursue it, after all, he couldn't fight, and said bluntly, "Now that you are sure that I have no other thoughts, can you give me the information?"

"Okay." The person under the gray robe simply handed out a piece of paper without any fuss.

The black shadow quickly took over, a faint orange light flashed in his eyes, and after a glance, he saw only a few simple words on the paper: Attack the Chinese army.

"Attack the Chinese army, what do you mean?" Heipao frowned and looked at the shadow, asking.

"Why, don't you understand?" Gray Robe said, "Isn't it very simple? After a few days of battle, you can just attack the central army. The central army is the opponent's weakness, and it only needs a full attack to defeat it.

"However, there are two points to remember. The first is that the attack must start 20 minutes after the battle. If it is too early, the two wings will have the opportunity to rush to help.

"Secondly, the Chinese army will have a more powerful wizard in charge, so the attacking team should not be too concentrated, but scattered, so as not to suffer heavy casualties after being attacked by magic."

"Isn't this too elliptical?" Soi Ying was a little dissatisfied and wanted to know more, "What is the specific deployment of the opponent's troops? How weak is the Chinese army? Who is the wizard in charge, and what is his strength? And the two Is it too late to start attacking after ten minutes? And it’s an all-out attack, so what if the opponent is on guard?”

"You talk too much." Gray Robe made a cold voice, "You think that the entire command post here is yours, and it would be good to have this information. Do you want to go into every detail? Then do you want me to guide you?" Go to Sauron, the commander of the alliance, and ask him in person what the plan is?"


"Okay, shut up! As I said, the headquarters is reviewing all personnel recently, and you should be lucky to get this information." The gray-robed man snapped, "You already know what you need to know, no If you need to know, don't ask too much - do you think that information is easy to get, that requires risk.

"I'm not your subordinate, I'm just a collaborator. I did what I should do, and that's fine, you don't need to question it. Get out, disappear in front of me in three seconds, and leave my words intact Take it back and repeat it to your master, don't worry about my falling out if it's too late."

The black shadow glanced at the gray-robed man in shock and fear, bit his lip, and quickly flew towards the direction he came from, disappearing without a trace after a while.

The gray-robed man glanced at the direction in which the black shadow was leaving, snorted coldly, turned around and left as well.


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